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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { defineComponent, inject, isVNode, onBeforeUnmount, VNode } from "vue";import { ssrRenderComponent } from "vue/server-renderer";import util from "../../lib/util.ts";
export const Head = defineComponent({ name: "Head", setup(_props, ctx) { const ssrHeadCollection: string[] | undefined = inject("ssrHeadCollection"); if (ctx.slots.default && ssrHeadCollection) { const children = ctx.slots.default(); children.forEach((vnode) => { const { props } = vnode; // add srr attr vnode.props = { ...props, ssr: "" }; const s = ssrRenderComponent({ render: () => vnode }) as string[]; ssrHeadCollection.push(...s); }); } }, beforeMount() { // remove ssr head elements const { head } = window.document; Array.from(head.children).forEach((el: Element) => { if (el.hasAttribute("ssr")) { head.removeChild(el); } });
if (this.$slots.default) { const { document } = window; const insertedEls: Array<HTMLElement> = []; const children = parseSlots(this.$slots.default()); children.forEach((vnode) => { const { type, props, children } = vnode; const el = document.createElement(type); if (children) el.innerText = children; if (props) { Object.keys(props).forEach((key) => { const value = props[key]; el.setAttribute(key, String(value || "")); }); } document.head.appendChild(el); insertedEls.push(el); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { insertedEls.forEach((el) => document.head.removeChild(el)); }); } }, render() { return []; },});
type ParseSlots = { type: string; props?: Record<string, unknown> | null; children?: string | null;};
function parseSlots(vnodes: VNode[]): ParseSlots[] { const els: ParseSlots[] = []; const walk = (vnode: VNode) => { if (!isVNode(vnode)) { return; }
const { type, props, children } = vnode;
switch (type) { // ingore `script` and `no-script` tag // ingore `style` tag case "base": case "meta": case "link": // remove the children of base/meta/link elements els.push({ type, props }); break; case "title": if (util.isFilledString(children)) { els.push({ type, props, children }); } else if (util.isFilledArray(children)) { els.push({ type, props, children: children.join("") }); } else { els.push({ type, props }); } break; } };
vnodes.forEach((vnode) => walk(vnode));
return els;}