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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { Untar } from "";import { Buffer } from "";import { copy, readAll } from "";import { blue, cyan, dim, green, red } from "";import { ensureDir } from "";import { basename, dirname, join } from "";import { gunzip } from "";import { existsDir } from "../lib/fs.ts";import log from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { isCanary, VERSION } from "../version.ts";
const templates = [ "react", "vue", // todo: // "preact", // "svelte", // "lit", // "vanilla", // "api",];const versions = { react: "18.1.0", vue: "3.2.33",};
export const helpMessage = `Usage: deno run -A init <name> [...options]
<name> represents the name of new app.
Options: -t, --template [${templates.join(",")}] Specify a template for the created project -h, --help ${" ".repeat(templates.join(",").length)} Prints help message`;
export default async function (nameArg: string | undefined, template = "react") { if (!templates.includes(template)) { log.fatal(`Invalid template name ${red(template)}, must be one of [${blue(templates.join(","))}]`); }
const name = nameArg || (prompt("Project Name:") || "").trim(); if (name === "") { return; }
if (!/^(@[a-z0-9-~][a-z0-9-._~]*\/)?[a-z0-9-~][a-z0-9-._~]*$/.test(name)) { log.fatal(`Invalid project name: ${red(name)}`); }
// check dir is clean if (!await isFolderEmpty(Deno.cwd(), name)) { if (!confirm("Continue?")) { Deno.exit(1); } }
// download template console.log("Downloading template, this might take a moment..."); const repo = isCanary ? "ije/aleph-canary" : "alephjs/aleph.js"; const resp = await fetch(`${repo}/tar.gz/refs/tags/${VERSION}`); const gzData = await readAll(new Buffer(await resp.arrayBuffer())); const tarData = gunzip(gzData); const entryList = new Untar(new Buffer(tarData)); const workingDir = join(Deno.cwd(), name);
for await (const entry of entryList) { const prefix = `${basename(repo)}-${VERSION}/examples/${template}-app/`; if (entry.fileName.startsWith(prefix)) { const fp = join(workingDir, util.trimPrefix(entry.fileName, prefix)); if (entry.type === "directory") { await ensureDir(fp); continue; } const file = await, { write: true, create: true }); await copy(entry, file); } }
const pkgName = isCanary ? "aleph_canary" : "aleph"; const alephPkgUri = `${pkgName}@${VERSION}`; const importMap = { imports: { "~/": "./", "@unocss/": `${alephPkgUri}/lib/@unocss/`, "aleph/": `${alephPkgUri}/`, "aleph/server": `${alephPkgUri}/server/mod.ts`, }, scopes: {}, }; const denoConfig = { "compilerOptions": { "lib": [ "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable", "dom.extras", "deno.ns", ], "types": [ `${alephPkgUri}/types.d.ts`, ], }, "importMap": "import_map.json", "tasks": { "dev": `deno run -A ${alephPkgUri}/cli.ts dev`, "start": `deno run -A ${alephPkgUri}/cli.ts start`, "build": `deno run -A ${alephPkgUri}/cli.ts build`, }, "fmt": {}, "lint": {}, }; const gitignore = [ ".DS_Store", "Thumbs.db", "dist/", ]; switch (template) { case "react": { Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/react": `${alephPkgUri}/framework/react/mod.ts`, "react": `${versions.react}`, "react-dom": `${versions.react}`, "react-dom/": `${versions.react}/`, }); Object.assign(denoConfig.compilerOptions, { "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": `${versions.react}`, }); break; } case "vue": { Object.assign(importMap.imports, { "aleph/vue": `${alephPkgUri}/framework/vue/mod.ts`, "vue": `${versions.vue}`, "vue/server-renderer": `${versions.vue}`, "*.vue": `${alephPkgUri}/loaders/vue.ts!loader`, }); break; } } await ensureDir(workingDir); await Promise.all([ Deno.writeTextFile(join(workingDir, ".gitignore"), gitignore.join("\n")), Deno.writeTextFile(join(workingDir, "deno.json"), JSON.stringify(denoConfig, undefined, 2)), Deno.writeTextFile(join(workingDir, "import_map.json"), JSON.stringify(importMap, undefined, 2)), ]);
if (confirm("Add Github Action script for Deno Deploy™️?")) { const ciFile = join(workingDir, ".github/workflows/deploy.yml"); await ensureDir(dirname(ciFile)); await Deno.writeTextFile( ciFile, `name: Deployon: [push]
jobs: deploy: name: Deploy runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: id-token: write # Needed for auth with Deno Deploy contents: read # Needed to clone the repository
steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Deno uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1
- name: Build App run: deno task build
- name: Deploy to Deno Deploy uses: denoland/deployctl@v1 with: project: PROJECT_NAME # todo: change this to your project name in entrypoint: dist/server.js`, ); console.log(`Please update ${blue(".github/workflows/deploy.yml")} with your project name.`); }
// todo: remove this step when deno-vsc support auto enable mode if (confirm("Using VS Code?")) { const extensions = { "recommendations": [ "denoland.vscode-deno", ], }; const settigns = { "deno.enable": true, "deno.lint": true, "deno.config": "./deno.json", "deno.suggest.imports.hosts": { "": true, "": false, }, }; await ensureDir(join(workingDir, ".vscode")); await Promise.all([ Deno.writeTextFile( join(workingDir, ".vscode", "extensions.json"), JSON.stringify(extensions, undefined, 2), ), Deno.writeTextFile( join(workingDir, ".vscode", "settings.json"), JSON.stringify(settigns, undefined, 2), ), ]); }
console.log([ "", green("Aleph.js is ready to go!"), `${dim("▲")} cd ${name}`, `${dim("▲")} deno task dev ${dim("# start the app in `development` mode")}`, `${dim("▲")} deno task start ${dim("# start the app in `production` mode")}`, `${dim("▲")} deno task build ${dim("# build the app into a worker for serverless platforms like Deno Deploy")}`, "", `Docs: ${cyan("")}`, `Bugs: ${cyan("")}`, "", ].join("\n")); Deno.exit(0);}
async function isFolderEmpty(root: string, name: string): Promise<boolean> { const validFiles = [ ".git", ".gitattributes", ".gitignore", ".gitlab-ci.yml", ".github", ".hg", ".hgcheck", ".hgignore", ".idea", ".travis.yml", "assets", "components", "docs", "lib", "pages", "public", "routes", "src", "style", "app.tsx", "deno.json", "deno.jsonc", "import_map.json", "import-map.json", "LICENSE", "main.js", "main.jsx", "main.ts", "main.tsx", "", "server.js", "server.jsx", "server.ts", "server.tsx", "tsconfig.json", ];
const conflictDirs = []; const conflictFiles = [];
if (await existsDir(join(root, name))) { for await (const { name: file, isDirectory } of Deno.readDir(join(root, name))) { // Support IntelliJ IDEA-based editors if (validFiles.includes(file) || /\.iml$/.test(file)) { if (isDirectory) { conflictDirs.push(blue(file) + "/"); } else { conflictFiles.push(file); } } } }
if (conflictFiles.length > 0 || conflictDirs.length > 0) { console.log([ `The directory ${green(name)} contains files that could conflict:`, "", ...conflictFiles.filter((name) => name.endsWith("/")).sort().map((name) => dim("- ") + name), ...conflictFiles.sort().map((name) => dim("- ") + name), "", ].join("\n")); return false; }
return true;}