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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { transformCSS } from "";import type { Targets } from "";import { readCode } from "../lib/fs.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { getAlephPkgUri, toLocalPath } from "./helpers.ts";
export type BundleCSSOptions = { targets?: Targets; minify?: boolean; cssModules?: boolean; asJsModule?: boolean; hmr?: boolean;};
export type BundleCSSResult = { code: string; cssModulesExports?: Record<string, string>; deps?: string[];};
/** * Bundle the css using `parcel-css` with `nesting` and `customMedia` draft support. * * */export async function bundleCSS( specifier: string, sourceCode: string, options: BundleCSSOptions, tracing = new Set<string>(),): Promise<BundleCSSResult> { let { code: css, dependencies, exports } = await transformCSS(specifier, sourceCode, { ...options, analyzeDependencies: true, drafts: { nesting: true, customMedia: true, }, }); const deps = dependencies?.filter((dep) => dep.type === "import" && ! => { let url = dep.url; if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(specifier)) { if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { url = new URL(url, specifier).toString(); } } else { url = "." + new URL(url, `file://${specifier.slice(1)}`).pathname; } return url; }); dependencies?.forEach((dep) => { if (dep.type === "url") { // todo: use magic-string css = css.replace(`url("${dep.placeholder}")`, `url("${dep.url}")`); } }); const eof = options.minify ? "" : "\n"; if (deps) { const imports = await Promise.all( (url) => { if (tracing.has(url)) { return ""; } tracing.add(url); const [css] = await readCode(url); const { code, deps: subDeps } = await bundleCSS( url, css, { targets: options.targets, minify: options.minify }, tracing, ); if (subDeps) { deps.push(...subDeps); } return code; })); css = imports.join(eof) + eof + css; } const cssModulesExports: Record<string, string> = {}; if (exports) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(exports)) { cssModulesExports[key] =; } } if (options.asJsModule) { const alephPkgPath = toLocalPath(getAlephPkgUri()); return { code: [ options.hmr && `import createHotContext from "${alephPkgPath}/framework/core/hmr.ts";`, options.hmr && ` = createHotContext(${JSON.stringify(specifier)});`, `import { applyCSS } from "${alephPkgPath}/framework/core/style.ts";`, `export const css = ${JSON.stringify(css)};`, `export default ${JSON.stringify(cssModulesExports)};`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(specifier)}, css);`, options.hmr && `;`, ].filter(Boolean).join(eof), deps, cssModulesExports, }; } return { code: css, cssModulesExports, deps };}