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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { basename, dirname, extname, join } from "";import { ensureDir } from "";import { build as esbuild, type Loader, stop } from "";import { parseExportNames } from "";import { existsDir, existsFile } from "../lib/fs.ts";import { parseHtmlLinks } from "./html.ts";import log from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import type { DependencyGraph } from "./graph.ts";import { builtinModuleExts, getAlephPkgUri, initModuleLoaders, loadImportMap, loadJSXConfig, restoreUrl, toLocalPath,} from "./helpers.ts";import { initRoutes } from "./routing.ts";import type { AlephConfig, BuildPlatform } from "./types.ts";
const supportedPlatforms: Record<BuildPlatform, string> = { "deno": "Deno", "cloudflare": "Cloudflare", "vercel": "Vercel",};
/** * Build the app into a worker for serverless platform. Functions include: * - import routes modules (since deno-deploy/cloudflare don't support dynamic import) * - apply module loaders * - pre-compile/bundle client modules * - resolve import maps * * after build, you need to bootstrap the server from `./dist/server.js` */export async function build(serverEntry?: string) { const workingDir = Deno.cwd(); const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); const importMap = await loadImportMap(); const jsxCofig = await loadJSXConfig(importMap); const moduleLoaders = await initModuleLoaders(importMap); const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG"); const platform = config?.build?.platform ?? "deno"; const target = config?.build?.target ?? "es2020"; const outputDir = join(workingDir, config?.build?.outputDir ?? "dist"); const modulesProxyPort = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_MODULES_PROXY_PORT");
if (platform === "cloudflare" || platform === "vercel") { log.fatal(`Deploy to ${supportedPlatforms[platform]} is not supported yet`); }
// clean previous build if (await existsDir(outputDir)) { for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(outputDir)) { await Deno.remove(join(outputDir,, { recursive: entry.isDirectory }); } } else { await Deno.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true }); }
// find route files by the `routes` config let routeFiles: [filename: string, exportNames: string[]][] = []; if (config?.routes) { const { routes } = await initRoutes(config?.routes); routeFiles = await Promise.all( ([_, { filename }]) => { let code: string; let lang: "ts" | "tsx" | "js" | "jsx" | undefined = undefined; const ext = extname(filename).slice(1); if (builtinModuleExts.includes(ext)) { code = await Deno.readTextFile(filename); } else if (modulesProxyPort) { const res = await fetch(`http://localhost:${modulesProxyPort}/${filename.slice(1)}`); const v = res.headers.get("X-Language"); code = await res.text(); lang = v === "ts" || v === "tsx" || v === "js" || v === "jsx" ? v : undefined; } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported module type: ${ext}`); } const exportNames = await parseExportNames(filename, code, { lang }); return [filename, exportNames]; })); }
const serverEntryCode = [ `import { DependencyGraph } from "${alephPkgUri}/server/graph.ts";`, `import graph from "./server_dependency_graph.js";`, `globalThis.__ALEPH_SERVER_DEP_GRAPH = new DependencyGraph(graph.modules);`, routeFiles.length > 0 && `import { revive } from "${alephPkgUri}/server/routing.ts";`, moduleLoaders.length > 0 && `import { globToRegExp } from "";const moduleLoaders = []; globalThis["__ALEPH_MODULE_LOADERS"] = moduleLoaders;`, moduleLoaders.length > 0 && => { const meta = Reflect.get(loader, "meta"); return ` { const reg = globToRegExp(${JSON.stringify(meta.glob)}); moduleLoaders.push({ meta: ${JSON.stringify(meta)}, test: (pathname) => reg.test(pathname), load: (pathname, env) => ({ code: '' }), }) } `; }).join("\n"),[filename, exportNames], idx) => { if (exportNames.length === 0) { return []; } const url = `http://localhost:${modulesProxyPort}${filename.slice(1)}`; return [ `import { ${, i) => `${name} as ${"$".repeat(i + 1)}${idx}`).join(", ")} } from ${ JSON.stringify(url) };`, `revive(${JSON.stringify(filename)}, { ${, i) => `${name}: ${"$".repeat(i + 1)}${idx}`).join(", ") } });`, ]; }), serverEntry && `import "http://localhost:${modulesProxyPort}/${basename(serverEntry)}";`, !serverEntry && `import { serve } from "${alephPkgUri}/server/mode.ts";`, !serverEntry && `serve();`, ].flat().filter(Boolean).join("\n");
// since esbuild doesn't support jsx automic transform, we need to manually import jsx runtime let jsxShimFile: string | null = null; if (serverEntry && util.endsWithAny(serverEntry, ".jsx", ".tsx") && jsxCofig.jsxImportSource) { jsxShimFile = join(outputDir, "jsx-shim.js"); await Deno.writeTextFile( jsxShimFile, (jsxCofig.jsxRuntime === "preact" ? [ `import { h, Fragment } from ${JSON.stringify(jsxCofig.jsxImportSource)};`, `export { h, Fragment }`, ] : [ `import React from ${JSON.stringify(jsxCofig.jsxImportSource)};`, `export { React }`, ]).join("\n"), ); }
const shouldBundle = (importUrl: string) => { return ( // to bundle `server/transformer.ts`, need to bundle `server/mod.ts` first importUrl === alephPkgUri + "/server/mod.ts" || // bundle `server/transformer.ts` with `server/server_dist.ts` content importUrl === alephPkgUri + "/server/transformer.ts" || // since deno deploy doesn't support importMap, we need to bundle the framework and resolve the 'react' import importUrl.startsWith(alephPkgUri + "/framework/react/") || importUrl.startsWith(alephPkgUri + "/framework/vue/") || // bundle app modules importUrl.startsWith(`http://localhost:${modulesProxyPort}/`) ); };
// check if the url is package const isEsmPkg = (url: string) => { return url.startsWith("") && !url.endsWith(".js") && !url.endsWith(".css"); };
// build the server entry await esbuild({ stdin: { contents: serverEntryCode, sourcefile: "server.tsx", }, outfile: join(outputDir, "server.js"), platform: "browser", format: "esm", target: ["esnext"], bundle: true, minify: !Deno.env.get("ALEPH_BUILD_DEBUG"), treeShaking: true, sourcemap: true, jsxFactory: jsxCofig.jsxRuntime === "preact" ? "h" : "React.createElement", jsxFragment: jsxCofig.jsxRuntime === "preact" ? "Fragment" : "React.Fragment", inject: [jsxShimFile as string].filter(Boolean), plugins: [{ name: "aleph-esbuild-plugin", setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => { let importUrl = args.path; if (importUrl in importMap.imports) { // since deno deploy doesn't support importMap yet, we need to resolve the 'react' import importUrl = importMap.imports[importUrl]; }
const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(importUrl); const [path] = util.splitBy(isRemote ? importUrl : util.trimPrefix(importUrl, "file://"), "#");
if (args.kind === "dynamic-import") { return { path, external: true }; }
if (args.namespace === "http") { const { href } = new URL(path, args.importer); if (!shouldBundle(href)) { return { path: href, external: true }; } return { path: href, namespace: "http" }; }
if (isRemote && shouldBundle(path)) { return { path, namespace: "http" }; }
if (isRemote || path === "./server_dependency_graph.js") { return { path, external: true }; }
if (path.startsWith("./") || path.startsWith("../")) { return { path: join(dirname(args.importer), path), }; }
return { path }; }); build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: "http" }, async (args) => { const url = new URL(args.path); if (url.href === `${alephPkgUri}/server/transformer.ts`) { // bundle `server/transformer.ts` with `server/server_dist.ts` content url.pathname = util.trimSuffix(url.pathname, "transformer.ts") + "serve_dist.ts"; } const res = await fetch(url.href); const contents = await res.text(); let ext = extname(url.pathname).slice(1); if (ext === "mjs") { ext = "js"; } else if (ext === "mts") { ext = "ts"; } else if (!builtinModuleExts.includes(ext)) { const ctype = res.headers.get("Content-Type"); if (ctype?.startsWith("application/javascript")) { ext = "js"; } else if (ctype?.startsWith("application/typescript")) { ext = "ts"; } else if (ctype?.startsWith("text/jsx")) { ext = "jsx"; } else if (ctype?.startsWith("text/tsx")) { ext = "tsx"; } } return { contents, loader: ext as unknown as Loader, }; }); }, }], });
// get depndency graph const serverDependencyGraph: DependencyGraph | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_SERVER_DEP_GRAPH"); const clientDependencyGraph: DependencyGraph | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CLIENT_DEP_GRAPH");
// create server_dependency_graph.js if (serverDependencyGraph) { const { modules } = serverDependencyGraph; await Deno.writeTextFile( join(outputDir, "server_dependency_graph.js"), "export default " + JSON.stringify({ modules }), ); }
// look up client modules let tasks =[filename]) => filename); if (await existsFile(join(workingDir, "index.html"))) { const html = await Deno.readFile(join(workingDir, "index.html")); const links = await parseHtmlLinks(html); for (const src of links) { const url = new URL(src, "http://localhost/"); const ext = extname(url.pathname).slice(1); if (ext === "css" || builtinModuleExts.includes(ext)) { const specifier = util.isLikelyHttpURL(src) ? src : "." + util.cleanPath(src); tasks.push(specifier); } } } tasks.push(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/nomodule.ts`);
const entryModules = new Map( => [task, 0])); const allClientModules = new Set<string>();
// transform client modules const serverHandler: ((req: Request) => Promise<Response>) | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_SERVER") ?.handler; if (serverHandler) { while (tasks.length > 0) { const deps = new Set<string>(); await Promise.all( (specifier) => { const url = new URL(util.isLikelyHttpURL(specifier) ? toLocalPath(specifier) : specifier, "http://localhost"); const isCSS = url.pathname.endsWith(".css"); const req = new Request(url.toString()); let savePath = join(outputDir, url.pathname); if (isEsmPkg(specifier)) { savePath += ".js"; } else if (isCSS && url.searchParams.has("module")) { savePath += ".js"; } await ensureDir(dirname(savePath)); const [res, file] = await Promise.all([ serverHandler(req),, { write: true, create: true }), ]); if (res.headers.has("X-Transform-Error")) { throw new Error("Transform Error"); } await res.body?.pipeTo(file.writable); if (!isCSS) { clientDependencyGraph?.get(specifier)?.deps?.forEach(({ specifier, dynamic }) => { if (dynamic) { entryModules.set(specifier, 1); } if (specifier.endsWith(".css")) { deps.add(specifier + "?module"); } else { deps.add(specifier); } }); } else if (url.searchParams.has("module")) { deps.add(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/style.ts`); } allClientModules.add(specifier); })); tasks = Array.from(deps).filter((specifier) => !allClientModules.has(specifier)); } }
const clientModules = new Map(entryModules); const refs = new Map<string, Set<string>>();
// count client module refs for (const [name] of entryModules) { clientDependencyGraph?.walk(name, ({ specifier }, importer) => { if (importer) { let set = refs.get(specifier); if (!set) { set = new Set<string>(); refs.set(specifier, set); } set.add(importer.specifier); } }); }
// find shared modules for (const [specifier, counter] of refs) { if (counter.size > 1) { clientModules.set(specifier, 2); } }
// hygiene check, make sure all shared modules are not only referenced by other shared modules for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const toHygiene = new Set<string>(); for (const [specifier, type] of clientModules) { if (type === 2) { const sharedBy = new Set<string>(); clientDependencyGraph?.lookup(specifier, (specifier) => { if (clientModules.has(specifier)) { sharedBy.add(specifier); return false; } }); if (sharedBy.size === 1) { toHygiene.add(specifier); } } } // break the loop when there are no more modules to hygiene if (toHygiene.size === 0) { break; } toHygiene.forEach((specifier) => clientModules.delete(specifier)); log.debug(`hygiene#${i + 1}`, toHygiene); }
// bundle client modules await Promise.all( Array.from(clientModules.keys()).map(async (entryPoint) => { const url = new URL(util.isLikelyHttpURL(entryPoint) ? toLocalPath(entryPoint) : entryPoint, "http://localhost"); if (url.pathname.endsWith(".css")) { return; } let jsFile = join(outputDir, url.pathname); if (isEsmPkg(entryPoint)) { jsFile += ".js"; } await esbuild({ entryPoints: [jsFile], outfile: jsFile, allowOverwrite: true, platform: "browser", format: "esm", target: [target], bundle: true, minify: !Deno.env.get("ALEPH_BUILD_DEBUG"), treeShaking: true, sourcemap: false, loader: { ".vue": "js", }, plugins: [{ name: "aleph-esbuild-plugin", setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => { let argsPath = args.path; if (argsPath.startsWith("./") || argsPath.startsWith("../")) { argsPath = join(args.resolveDir, argsPath); } const [fp, q] = util.splitBy(argsPath, "?"); const path = util.trimPrefix(fp, outputDir); let specifier = "." + path; if (args.path.startsWith("/-/")) { specifier = restoreUrl(path); } if (clientModules.has(specifier) && specifier !== entryPoint) { return { path: [path, q].filter(Boolean).join("?"), external: true, }; } let jsFile = join(outputDir, path); if (isEsmPkg(specifier)) { jsFile += ".js"; } else if (specifier.endsWith(".css") && new URLSearchParams(q).has("module")) { jsFile += ".js"; } return { path: jsFile }; }); }, }], }); }), );
// clean up then exit // todo: remove dead client modules if (jsxShimFile) { await Deno.remove(jsxShimFile); } stop();
return { clientModules, routeFiles };}