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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join, relative } from "";import mitt, { Emitter } from "";import { getFiles } from "./helpers.ts";import type { DependencyGraph } from "./graph.ts";
type FsEvents = { [key in "create" | "remove" | `modify:${string}` | `hotUpdate:${string}`]: { specifier: string };};
export const emitters = new Set<Emitter<FsEvents>>();
export function createFsEmitter() { const e = mitt<FsEvents>(); emitters.add(e); return e;}
export function removeFsEmitter(e: Emitter<FsEvents>) { e.all.clear(); emitters.delete(e);}
/* watch the directory and its subdirectories */export async function watchFs(appDir?: string) { const dir = appDir ? join(Deno.cwd(), appDir) : Deno.cwd(); const timers = new Map(); const debounce = (id: string, callback: () => void, delay: number) => { if (timers.has(id)) { clearTimeout(timers.get(id)!); } timers.set( id, setTimeout(() => { timers.delete(id); callback(); }, delay), ); }; const listener = (kind: "create" | "remove" | "modify", path: string) => { const specifier = "./" + relative(Deno.cwd(), path).replaceAll("\\", "/"); const clientDependencyGraph: DependencyGraph | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CLIENT_DEP_GRAPH"); const serverDependencyGraph: DependencyGraph | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_SERVER_DEP_GRAPH"); if (kind === "remove") { clientDependencyGraph?.unmark(specifier); serverDependencyGraph?.unmark(specifier); } else { clientDependencyGraph?.update(specifier); serverDependencyGraph?.update(specifier); } // delete global cached index html if (specifier === "./index.html") { Reflect.deleteProperty(globalThis, "__ALEPH_INDEX_HTML"); } if (kind === "modify") { emitters.forEach((e) => { e.emit(`modify:${specifier}`, { specifier }); if (e.all.has(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`)) { e.emit(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, { specifier }); } else if (specifier !== "./routes.gen.ts") { clientDependencyGraph?.lookup(specifier, (specifier) => { if (e.all.has(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`)) { e.emit(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, { specifier }); return false; } }); serverDependencyGraph?.lookup(specifier, (specifier) => { if (e.all.has(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`)) { e.emit(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, { specifier }); return false; } }); } }); } }; const reIgnore = /[\/\\](\.git(hub)?|\.vscode|vendor|node_modules|dist|out(put)?|target)[\/\\]/; const ignore = (path: string) => reIgnore.test(path) || path.endsWith(".DS_Store"); const allFiles = new Set<string>( (await getFiles(dir)).map((name) => join(dir, name)).filter((path) => !ignore(path)), ); for await (const { kind, paths } of Deno.watchFs(dir, { recursive: true })) { if (kind !== "create" && kind !== "remove" && kind !== "modify") { continue; } for (const path of paths) { if (ignore(path)) { continue; } debounce(kind + path, async () => { try { await Deno.lstat(path); if (!allFiles.has(path)) { allFiles.add(path); listener("create", path); } else { listener("modify", path); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { allFiles.delete(path); listener("remove", path); } else { console.warn("watchFs:", error); } } }, 100); } }}