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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { SEP } from "std/path/separator.ts";import { assert, assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";import { existsDir, existsFile, restoreUrl, toLocalPath } from "../server/helpers.ts";
Deno.test("server/helper.ts", async (t) => { await t.step(`lib/fs.ts: existsDir`, async () => { // true test cases const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); assert(await existsDir(dir)); assert(await existsDir(await Deno.realPath(getStandardFolder()))); // false test cases const file = await Deno.makeTempFile(); assertEquals(await existsDir(file), false); assertEquals(await existsDir(`${dir}${SEP}foo${SEP}bar`), false); });
await t.step(`lib/fs.ts: existsFile`, async () => { // true test cases const file = await Deno.makeTempFile(); assert(await existsFile(file)); // false test cases const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); assert(!await existsFile(`${dir}`)); assert(!await existsFile(`${dir}${SEP}foo${SEP}bar`)); });
await t.step("toLocalPath", () => { assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath(""), "/-/http_foo.com_8080/bar"); assertEquals(toLocalPath("file://foo/bar/"), "file://foo/bar/"); assertEquals(toLocalPath("/foo/bar/"), "/foo/bar/"); });
await t.step("restoreUrl", () => { assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/"), ""); assertEquals(restoreUrl("/-/http_foo.com_8080/bar"), ""); });});
/** * Returns an operating system-specific * example folder. * @returns 'C:\Windows' for Windows or * '/tmp' for unix-based operating systems */const getStandardFolder = () => { return === "windows" ? "C:\\Windows" : "/tmp";};