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import log from "../lib/log.ts";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { green, join } from "./deps.ts";import { existsDir, existsFile } from "./helpers.ts";
type CacheMeta = { url: string; headers: Record<string, string>; now: { secs_since_epoch: number; nanos_since_epoch: number; };};
const memoryCache = new Map<string, [content: Uint8Array, meta: CacheMeta]>();const reloaded = new Set<string>();
if (typeof === "function") { const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "info", "--json"], stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); const output = util.utf8TextDecoder.decode(await p.output()); const { modulesCache } = JSON.parse(output); if (util.isFilledString(modulesCache)) { Deno.env.set("MODULES_CACHE_DIR", modulesCache); } p.close();}
/** fetch and cache remote contents */export async function cacheFetch( url: string, options?: { forceRefresh?: boolean; retryTimes?: number; userAgent?: string },): Promise<Response> { const urlObj = new URL(url); const { protocol, hostname, port, pathname, searchParams } = urlObj; const isLocalhost = ["localhost", "", ""].includes(hostname); const modulesCacheDir = Deno.env.get("MODULES_CACHE_DIR");
let cacheKey = ""; let cacheDir = ""; let metaFilepath = ""; let contentFilepath = ""; if (!isLocalhost) { searchParams.delete("v"); searchParams.sort(); url = urlObj.toString(); cacheKey = await util.computeHash("sha-256", pathname + searchParams.toString() + (options?.userAgent || "")); } if (modulesCacheDir) { cacheDir = join(modulesCacheDir, util.trimSuffix(protocol, ":"), hostname + (port ? "_PORT" + port : "")); contentFilepath = join(cacheDir, cacheKey); metaFilepath = join(cacheDir, cacheKey + ".metadata.json"); }
if (!options?.forceRefresh && !isLocalhost) { if (modulesCacheDir) { if (await existsFile(contentFilepath) && await existsFile(metaFilepath)) { const shouldReload = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_RELOAD_FLAG"); if (!shouldReload || reloaded.has(url)) { const [content, metaJSON] = await Promise.all([ Deno.readFile(contentFilepath), Deno.readTextFile(metaFilepath), ]); try { const meta = JSON.parse(metaJSON); if (!isExpired(meta)) { return new Response(content, { headers: { ...meta.headers, "cache-hit": "true" } }); } } catch (_e) { log.debug(`skip cache of ${url}: invalid cache metadata file`); } } else { reloaded.add(url); } } } else if (memoryCache.has(cacheKey)) { const [content, meta] = memoryCache.get(cacheKey)!; if (!isExpired(meta)) { return new Response(content, { headers: { ...meta.headers, "cache-hit": "true" } }); } } }
const retryTimes = options?.retryTimes ?? 3; let finalRes = new Response("Server Error", { status: 500 }); for (let i = 0; i < retryTimes; i++) { if (i === 0) { if (!isLocalhost) { log.debug(green("Download"), url); } } else { log.warn(`Download ${url} failed, retrying...`); }
const res = await fetch(url, { headers: options?.userAgent ? { "User-Agent": options?.userAgent } : undefined }); if (res.status >= 500) { finalRes = res; continue; }
if (res.ok && !isLocalhost) { const buffer = await res.arrayBuffer(); const content = new Uint8Array(buffer); const meta: CacheMeta = { url, headers: {}, now: { secs_since_epoch: Math.round( / 1000), nanos_since_epoch: 0, }, }; res.headers.forEach((val, key) => { meta.headers[key] = val; }); if (modulesCacheDir) { if (!(await existsDir(cacheDir))) { await Deno.mkdir(cacheDir, { recursive: true }); } await Promise.all([ Deno.writeFile(contentFilepath, content), Deno.writeTextFile(metaFilepath, JSON.stringify(meta, undefined, 2)), ]); } else { memoryCache.set(cacheKey, [content, meta]); } return new Response(content, { headers: res.headers }); }
return res; }
return finalRes;}
function isExpired(meta: CacheMeta) { const cc = meta.headers["cache-control"]; const dataCacheTtl = cc && cc.includes("max-age=") ? parseInt(cc.split("max-age=")[1]) : undefined; if (dataCacheTtl) { const now =; const expireTime = ( + dataCacheTtl) * 1000; if (now > expireTime) { return true; } } return false;}