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import { assert, assertEquals, assertStringIncludes } from "std/testing/asserts.ts";import VueLoader from "../loaders/vue.ts";
Deno.test("[unit] loaders/vue.ts", async (t) => { await t.step("VueLoader", async () => { const testVue = ` <script setup> import { ref } from ""
const msg = ref("Hello World!") </script>
<template> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <input v-model="msg"> </template>
<style scoped> h1 { font-size: 30px; } </style> `; const loader = new VueLoader(); const { lang, code, inlineCSS } = await loader.load("./test.vue", testVue, { isDev: false }); assert(loader.test("test.vue")); assertEquals(lang, "js"); assertStringIncludes(code, `createElementBlock as _createElementBlock } from ""`); assertStringIncludes(code, `setup(__props)`); assertStringIncludes(code, `const msg = ref("Hello World!")`); assertStringIncludes(code, `_createElementBlock(_Fragment`); assertStringIncludes(code, `_createElementVNode("h1"`); assertStringIncludes(code, `_withDirectives(_createElementVNode("input"`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.__file = "./test.vue"`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.__scopeId = "data-v-`); assert(inlineCSS?.includes("h1[data-v-")); assert(inlineCSS?.includes("font-size: 30px;")); });
await t.step("VueLoader(ts)", async () => { const testVue = ` <script setup lang="ts"> let x: string | number = 1 </script>
<template> <p>{{ (x as number).toFixed(2) }}</p> </template> `; const loader = new VueLoader(); const { lang, code } = await loader.load("./test.vue", testVue, { isDev: false }); assertEquals(lang, "ts"); assertStringIncludes(code, `createElementBlock as _createElementBlock } from ""`); assertStringIncludes(code, `setup(__props)`); assertStringIncludes(code, `let x: string | number = 1`); assertStringIncludes(code, `_createElementBlock("p"`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.__file = "./test.vue"`); });
await t.step("VueLoader(hmr)", async () => { const testVue = ` <script setup> import { ref } from ""
const msg = ref("Hello World!") </script>
<template> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <input v-model="msg"> </template>
<style scoped> h1 { font-size: 30px; } </style> `; const loader = new VueLoader(); const { code } = await loader.load("./test.vue", testVue, { isDev: true }); assertStringIncludes(code, `createElementBlock as _createElementBlock } from ""`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.__hmrId = "`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.__scriptHash = "`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__sfc__.render = function render(`); });
await t.step("VueLoader(ssr)", async () => { const testVue = ` <script setup> import { ref } from ""
const msg = ref("Hello World!") </script>
<template> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <input v-model="msg"> </template>
<style scoped> h1 { font-size: 30px; } </style> `; const loader = new VueLoader(); const { code, inlineCSS } = await loader.load("./test.vue", testVue, { ssr: true }); assertStringIncludes(code, `ssrInterpolate as _ssrInterpolate } from ""`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__ssrInlineRender: true,`); assertStringIncludes(code, `setup(__props)`); assertStringIncludes(code, `const msg = ref("Hello World!")`); assertStringIncludes(code, `<h1`); assertStringIncludes(code, `<input`); assertStringIncludes(code, ` data-v-`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__file = "./test.vue"`); assertStringIncludes(code, `__scopeId = "data-v-`); assert(inlineCSS?.includes("h1[data-v-")); assert(inlineCSS?.includes("font-size: 30px;")); });});