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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { CompilerOptions, SFCAsyncStyleCompileOptions, SFCScriptCompileOptions, SFCTemplateCompileOptions,} from "";import { compileScript, compileStyleAsync, compileTemplate, parse, rewriteDefault,} from "";import util from "../../shared/util.ts";import type { ModuleLoader, ModuleLoaderEnv, ModuleLoaderOutput } from "../../server/types.ts";import log from "../../server/log.ts";
export type Options = { script?: Omit<SFCScriptCompileOptions, "id">; template?: Partial<SFCTemplateCompileOptions>; style?: Partial<SFCAsyncStyleCompileOptions>;};
export default class VueSFCLoader implements ModuleLoader { #options: Options;
constructor(options?: Options) { this.#options = { ...options }; }
test(path: string): boolean { return path.endsWith(".vue"); }
async load(specifier: string, content: string, env: ModuleLoaderEnv): Promise<ModuleLoaderOutput> { const id = (await util.computeHash("SHA-256", specifier)).slice(0, 8); const { descriptor } = parse(content, { filename: specifier, sourceMap: env.sourceMap }); const scriptLang = (descriptor.script && descriptor.script.lang) || (descriptor.scriptSetup && descriptor.scriptSetup.lang); const isTS = scriptLang === "ts"; if (scriptLang && !isTS) { throw new Error(`VueSFCLoader: Only lang="ts" is supported for <script> blocks.`); } if (descriptor.styles.some((style) => style.module)) { console.warn(`VueSFCLoader: <style module> is not supported yet.`); } const expressionPlugins: CompilerOptions["expressionPlugins"] = isTS ? ["typescript"] : undefined; const templateOptions: Omit<SFCTemplateCompileOptions, "source"> = { ...this.#options?.template, id, filename: descriptor.filename, scoped: descriptor.styles.some((s) => s.scoped), slotted: descriptor.slotted, isProd: !env.isDev, ssr: env.ssr, ssrCssVars: descriptor.cssVars, compilerOptions: { ...this.#options?.template?.compilerOptions, runtimeModuleName: this.#options?.template?.compilerOptions?.runtimeModuleName ?? env.importMap?.imports["vue"] ?? "", ssrRuntimeModuleName: this.#options?.template?.compilerOptions?.ssrRuntimeModuleName ?? env.importMap?.imports["@vue/server-renderer"] ?? "", expressionPlugins, }, }; const compiledScript = compileScript(descriptor, { inlineTemplate: !env.isDev || env.ssr, ...this.#options?.script, id, templateOptions, }); const mainScript = rewriteDefault(compiledScript.content, "__sfc__", expressionPlugins); const output = [mainScript]; if (env.isDev && !env.ssr && descriptor.template) { const templateResult = compileTemplate({ ...templateOptions, source: descriptor.template.content, }); if (templateResult.errors.length > 0) { output.push(`/* SSR compile error: ${templateResult.errors[0]} */`); } else { output.push(templateResult.code.replace("export function render(", "__sfc__.render = function render(")); } } output.push(`__sfc__.__file = ${JSON.stringify(specifier)};`); if (descriptor.styles.some((s) => s.scoped)) { output.push(`__sfc__.__scopeId = ${JSON.stringify(`data-v-${id}`)};`); } if (!env.ssr && env.isDev) { const mainScriptHash = (await util.computeHash("SHA-256", mainScript)).slice(0, 8); output.push(`__sfc__.__scriptHash = ${JSON.stringify(mainScriptHash)};`); output.push(`__sfc__.__hmrId = ${JSON.stringify(id)};`); output.push(`window.__VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__?.createRecord(__sfc__.__hmrId, __sfc__);`); output.push(`let __currentScriptHash = ${JSON.stringify(mainScriptHash)};`); output.push( `{ default: sfc }) => {`, ` const rerenderOnly = __currentScriptHash === sfc.__scriptHash;`, ` if (rerenderOnly) {`, ` __currentScriptHash = sfc.__scriptHash; // update '__currentScriptHash';`, ` __VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__.rerender(sfc.__hmrId, sfc.render);`, ` } else {`, ` __VUE_HMR_RUNTIME__.reload(sfc.__hmrId, sfc);`, ` }`, `});`, ); } output.push(`export default __sfc__;`);
const css = (await Promise.all( (style) => { const result = await compileStyleAsync({, filename: descriptor.filename, source: style.content, id, scoped: style.scoped, modules: false, inMap:, }); if (result.errors.length) { // postcss uses pathToFileURL which isn't polyfilled in the browser // ignore these errors for now const msg = result.errors[0].message; if (!msg.includes("pathToFileURL")) { log.warn(`VueSFCLoader: ${msg}`); } // proceed even if css compile errors return ""; } else { return result.code; } }))).join("\n");
return { code: output.join("\n"), lang: isTS ? "ts" : "js", inlineCSS: css || undefined, map:, }; }}