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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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// ESM Hot Module Replacement (ESM-HMR) Specification//
import util from "../../shared/util.ts";import events from "./events.ts";
class Module { private _specifier: string; private _isAccepted = false; private _isDeclined = false; private _isLocked = false; private _data: Record<string, unknown> = {}; private _acceptCallbacks: CallableFunction[] = []; private _disposeCallbacks: CallableFunction[] = [];
constructor(specifier: string) { this._specifier = specifier; }
get data(): Record<string, unknown> { return this._data; }
accept(callback?: CallableFunction): void { if (this._isLocked) { return; } if (!this._isAccepted) { sendMessage({ specifier: this._specifier, type: "hotAccept" }); this._isAccepted = true; } if (typeof callback === "function") { this._acceptCallbacks.push(callback); } }
decline(): void { this._isDeclined = true; this.accept(); }
dispose(callback: CallableFunction) { if (typeof callback === "function") { this._disposeCallbacks.push(callback); } }
invalidate(): void { location.reload(); }
watchFile(filename: string, callback: () => void) { const specifier = "." + util.cleanPath(filename); const handler = (data: Record<string, unknown>) => { if (data.specifier === specifier) { callback(); } }; events.on("hmr:modify", handler); sendMessage({ specifier, type: "hotAccept" }); return () =>"hmr:modify", handler); }
// don't accept updates if the module is locked lock(): void { this._isLocked = true; }
async applyUpdate() { if (this._isDeclined) { location.reload(); return; }
const disposeCallbacks = this._disposeCallbacks; const data = this._data; this._disposeCallbacks = []; this._data = {}; => callback(data));
try { const url = this._specifier.slice(1) + (this._specifier.endsWith(".css") ? "?module&" : "?") + "t=" +; const module = await import(url); this._acceptCallbacks.forEach((cb) => cb(module)); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }}
export default function createHotContext(specifier: string) { if (modules.has(specifier)) { const mod = modules.get(specifier)!; mod.lock(); return mod; } const mod = new Module(specifier); modules.set(specifier, mod); return mod;}
const modules: Map<string, Module> = new Map();const messageQueue: string[] = [];
let conn: WebSocket | null = null;function sendMessage(msg: Record<string, unknown>) { const json = JSON.stringify(msg); if (!conn || conn.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { messageQueue.push(json); } else { conn.send(json); }}
function connect() { const { location, __hmrWebSocketUrl } = window as { location: Location; __hmrWebSocketUrl?: string }; const { protocol, host } = location; const wsUrl = __hmrWebSocketUrl || `${protocol === "https:" ? "wss" : "ws"}://${host}/-/hmr`; const ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); const ping = (callback: () => void) => { setTimeout(() => { const ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl); ws.addEventListener("open", callback); ws.addEventListener("close", () => { ping(callback); // retry }); }, 500); }; const colors = { modify: "#056CF0", create: "#20B44B", remove: "#F00C08", };
ws.addEventListener("open", () => { conn = ws; messageQueue.splice(0, messageQueue.length).forEach((msg) => ws.send(msg)); console.log("%c[HMR]", "color:#999", "listening for file changes..."); });
ws.addEventListener("close", () => { if (conn !== null) { conn = null; console.log("[HMR] closed."); // try to re-connect connect(); } else { // ping to reload the page ping(() => location.reload()); } });
ws.addEventListener("message", ({ data }: { data?: string }) => { if (data) { try { const { type, specifier, } = JSON.parse(data); if (specifier) { for (const node of document.body.children) { if ( node.classList.contains("transform-error") && node.getAttribute("data-specifier") === specifier ) { node.remove(); break; } } } switch (type) { case "create": { events.emit("hmr:create", { specifier, }); break; } case "modify": { const mod = modules.get(specifier); if (mod) { mod.applyUpdate(); } events.emit("hmr:modify", { specifier }); break; } case "remove": { if (modules.has(specifier)) { modules.delete(specifier); } events.emit("hmr:remove", { specifier }); break; } case "reload": { location.reload(); } } console.log( `%c[HMR] %c${type}`, "color:#999", `color:${colors[type as keyof typeof colors]}`, `${JSON.stringify(specifier)}`, ); } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } } });}
addEventListener("load", connect);