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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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declare type Context = import("./server/types.ts").Context;declare type Middleware = import("./server/types.ts").Middleware;
declare type ResponseLike = | Response | ReadableStream | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array | string | Blob | File | Record<string, unknown> | Array<unknown> | null;
declare interface Data<DataType = ResponseLike, ActionDataType = ResponseLike> { defer?: boolean; cacheTtl?: number; any?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<Response | void> | Response | void; get?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<DataType> | DataType; post?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<ActionDataType> | ActionDataType; put?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<ActionDataType> | ActionDataType; patch?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<ActionDataType> | ActionDataType; delete?(request: Request, context: Context): Promise<ActionDataType> | ActionDataType;}
declare const __aleph: { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any importRouteModule(url: string): Promise<any>; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any getRouteModule(url: string): any;};
declare interface ImportMeta { /** Aleph.js HMR `hot` API. */ readonly hot?: { readonly data: Record<string, unknown>; accept<T = Record<string, unknown>>(callback?: (module: T) => void): void; decline(): void; dispose: (callback: (data: Record<string, unknown>) => void) => void; invalidate(): void; watchFile(filename: string, callback: () => void): () => void; };}