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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { Router } from "../framework/core/router.ts";import { isPlainObject } from "../shared/util.ts";import { createContext } from "./context.ts";import { path } from "./deps.ts";import { getAppDir } from "./helpers.ts";import { createHtmlResponse, loadIndexHtml } from "./html.ts";import renderer from "./renderer.ts";import { fetchRoute, initRouter } from "./router.ts";import type { Context, Middleware, RouterInit, SessionOptions, SSR } from "./types.ts";
type MockServerOptions = { appDir?: string; origin?: string; router?: RouterInit; middlewares?: Middleware[]; session?: SessionOptions; ssr?: SSR;};
/** The MockServer class to create a minimal server for integration testing. * * @example * ```ts * import { assertEquals } from "std/testing/asserts.ts"; * import { MockServer } from "aleph/server/mock.ts"; * * Deno.test(async () => { * const api = new MockServer({ * router: { * glob: "./routes/**\/*.ts", * }, * }); * const res = await api.fetch("/users?page=1&limit=10"); * assertEquals(res.status, 200); * assertEquals((await res.json()).length, 10); * }) * ``` */export class MockServer { #options: MockServerOptions; #indexHtml: Uint8Array | null; #router: Router | null;
constructor(options?: MockServerOptions) { this.#options = options || {}; this.#indexHtml = null; this.#router = null; }
fetch(input: string, init?: RequestInit) { const { middlewares, origin } = this.#options; const url = new URL(input, origin ?? "http://localhost/"); const req = new Request(url.href, init); const next = (i: number): Promise<Response> | Response => { if (Array.isArray(middlewares) && i < middlewares.length) { const mw = middlewares[i]; const ctx = createContext(req, next.bind(null, i + 1), { session: this.#options.session }); try { return mw.fetch(req, ctx); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Middleare${ ? `(${})` : ""}:`, err); } } const ctx = createContext(req, () => Promise.resolve(new Response(null)), { session: this.#options.session }); return this.#handler(req, ctx); }; return next(0); }
async #handler(req: Request, ctx: Context) { const { ssr, router, appDir } = this.#options;
if (!this.#indexHtml) { this.#indexHtml = await loadIndexHtml(path.join(appDir ?? "./", "index.html"), { ssr: ssr ? { root: isPlainObject(ssr) ? ssr.root : undefined } : undefined, }); }
if (!this.#router) { this.#router = await initRouter(appDir ?? getAppDir(), router); }
if (this.#router) { const res = await fetchRoute(req, ctx, this.#router); if (res) { return res; } }
if (!this.#indexHtml) { return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 }); }
if (!ssr) { return createHtmlResponse(req, path.join(appDir ?? ".", "./index.html"), this.#indexHtml); }
return renderer.fetch(req, ctx, { indexHtml: this.#indexHtml, router: this.#router, ssr, }); }}
/** mock a `FormData` object. */export function mockFormData(init?: Record<string, string | Blob | [filename: string, content: Blob]>): FormData { const data = new FormData(); if (init) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(init)) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { data.append(key, value[1], value[0]); } else { data.append(key, value); } } } return data;}