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import { cookieHeader } from "./helpers.ts";import type { Session, SessionOptions, SessionStorage } from "./types.ts";
export class MemorySessionStorage implements SessionStorage { #store: Map<string, [Record<string, unknown>, number]> = new Map();
get(sid: string): Promise<Record<string, unknown> | undefined> { const [data, expires] = this.#store.get(sid) ?? [undefined, 0]; if (expires > 0 && > expires) { this.#store.delete(sid); return Promise.resolve(undefined); } return Promise.resolve(data); }
set(sid: string, data: Record<string, unknown>, expires: number): Promise<void> { this.#store.set(sid, [data, expires]); return Promise.resolve(); }
delete(sid: string): Promise<void> { this.#store.delete(sid); return Promise.resolve(); }}
const defaultSessionStorage = new MemorySessionStorage();
export class SessionImpl<StoreType extends Record<string, unknown>> implements Session<StoreType> { #id: string; #options: SessionOptions; #store: StoreType | undefined; #storage: SessionStorage;
constructor(id: string, options: SessionOptions = {}) { this.#id = id; this.#options = options; this.#storage = ?? defaultSessionStorage; }
get id(): string { return this.#id; }
get store(): StoreType | undefined { return this.#store; }
async init(): Promise<void> { this.#store = (await this.#storage.get(this.#id)) as StoreType | undefined; }
async update( store: StoreType | ((prev: StoreType | undefined) => StoreType), ): Promise<void> { if (typeof store !== "object" && typeof store !== "function") { throw new Error("store must be a valid object or a function"); }
let nextStore: StoreType | undefined; if (typeof store === "function") { nextStore = store(this.#store); } else { nextStore = store; }
// save the new store await this.#storage.set(this.#id, nextStore, + 1000 * (this.#options.maxAge ?? 1800)); this.#store = nextStore; }
async end(): Promise<void> { if (!this.#store) { await this.#storage.delete(this.#id); } this.#store = undefined; }
redirect(url: string | URL): Response { const cookie = cookieHeader( this.#options.cookie?.name ?? "session", this.#id, { ...this.#options.cookie, expires: new Date(this.#store === undefined ? 0 : + 1000 * (this.#options.maxAge ?? 1800)), }, ); return new Response("", { status: 302, headers: { "Set-Cookie": cookie, "Location": url.toString() }, }); }}