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import { TransformError } from "../runtime/core/error.ts";import util from "../shared/util.ts";import type { TransformOptions, TransformResult } from "./deps.ts";import { btoa, parseDeps, transform } from "./deps.ts";import depGraph from "./graph.ts";import { builtinModuleExts, fetchCode, getAlephConfig, getAlephPkgUri, getDeploymentId, getUnoGenerator, MagicString, regFullVersion, regJsxFile, restoreUrl, toLocalPath,} from "./helpers.ts";import log from "./log.ts";import { getContentType } from "./media_type.ts";import { isRouteFile } from "./routing.ts";import { bundleCSS } from "./optimizer.ts";import type { ImportMap, JSXConfig, ModuleLoader, ModuleLoaderOutput } from "./types.ts";
const cache = new Map<string, [content: string, headers: Headers]>();
export type TransformerOptions = { importMap: ImportMap; jsxConfig: JSXConfig; loader?: ModuleLoader; isDev?: boolean;};
export default { test: (pathname: string) => { return ( pathname.startsWith("/-/") || (builtinModuleExts.find((ext) => pathname.endsWith(`.${ext}`)) && !pathname.endsWith(".d.ts")) || pathname.endsWith(".css") ); }, fetch: async (req: Request, options: TransformerOptions): Promise<Response> => { const { loader, jsxConfig, importMap, isDev } = options; const { pathname, searchParams, search } = new URL(req.url); const specifier = pathname.startsWith("/-/") ? restoreUrl(pathname + search) : `.${pathname}`; const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(specifier); const ssr = searchParams.has("ssr"); const target = isDev ? "es2022" : "es2018"; // todo: get target from user-agent header
const deployId = getDeploymentId(); const etag = deployId ? `W/${deployId}` : null; if (etag && req.headers.get("If-None-Match") === etag) { return new Response(null, { status: 304 }); }
const config = getAlephConfig(); const [sourceRaw, sourceContentType] = await fetchCode(specifier, target); let source = sourceRaw; let lang: ModuleLoaderOutput["lang"]; let inlineCSS: string | undefined; let isCSS = false; if (loader && !isRemote) { const loaded = await loader.load( specifier, sourceRaw, ssr ? { jsxConfig, importMap, ssr: true, sourceMap: true } : { jsxConfig, importMap, isDev, spaMode: !config?.ssr, sourceMap: isDev }, ); source = loaded.code; lang = loaded.lang; inlineCSS = loaded.inlineCSS; } else { isCSS = sourceContentType.startsWith("text/css"); }
// transform module for SSR if (ssr) { let contentType = sourceContentType; if (lang) { contentType = getContentType(`file.${lang}`); } const deps = await parseDeps(specifier, source, { importMap: JSON.stringify(importMap), lang, }); depGraph.mark(specifier, { deps, inlineCSS }); if (deps.length) { const s = new MagicString(source); deps.forEach((dep) => { const { specifier: depSpecifier, importUrl, loc } = dep; if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(depSpecifier) && loc) { const sep = importUrl.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; const version = depGraph.get(depSpecifier)?.version ?? depGraph.globalVersion; const url = `"${importUrl}${sep}ssr&v=${version.toString(36)}"`; s.overwrite(loc.start - 1, loc.end - 1, url); } }); return new Response(s.toBytes(), { headers: [["Content-Type", contentType]], }); } return new Response(source, { headers: [["Content-Type", contentType]] }); }
// check cache const cacheKey = pathname + search; if (!isDev && cache.has(cacheKey)) { const [content, cachedHeaders] = cache.get(cacheKey)!; const headers = new Headers(cachedHeaders); headers.set("Cache-Hit", "true"); return new Response(content, { headers }); }
let resBody = ""; let resType = "application/javascript";
try { if (isCSS) { const asJsModule = searchParams.has("module"); const { code, deps } = await bundleCSS(specifier, source, { // todo: use target from user-agent header targets: { android: 95, chrome: 95, edge: 95, firefox: 90, safari: 14, }, minify: !isDev, cssModules: asJsModule && pathname.endsWith(".module.css"), asJsModule, hmr: isDev, }); depGraph.mark(specifier, { deps: deps?.map((specifier) => ({ specifier })), }); resBody = code; if (!asJsModule) { resType = "text/css"; } } else { const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); let code: string; let map: string | undefined; let deps: TransformResult["deps"]; let hasInlineCSS = false; if ( (isRemote && !specifier.startsWith("https://aleph/")) && ( /^https?:\/\/(cdn\.)?esm\.sh\//i.test(specifier) || /^(text|application)\/javascript/i.test(sourceContentType) ) ) { // don't transform js modules imported from remote CDN deps = await parseDeps(specifier, source, { importMap: JSON.stringify(importMap), lang: "js", }); if (deps.length > 0) { const s = new MagicString(source); deps.forEach((dep) => { const { importUrl, loc } = dep; if (loc) { s.overwrite( loc.start - 1, loc.end - 1, `"${toLocalPath(importUrl)}"`, ); } }); code = s.toString(); } else { code = source; } } else { const graphVersions = Object.fromEntries( depGraph.modules.filter((mod) => ( !isRemote && !util.isLikelyHttpURL(mod.specifier) && mod.specifier !== specifier )).map(( { specifier, version }, ) => [specifier, version.toString(36)]), ); const reactRefresh = isDev && Boolean(Deno.env.get("REACT_REFRESH")); const ret = await transform(specifier, source, { ...jsxConfig, alephPkgUri, target, lang: lang as TransformOptions["lang"], importMap: JSON.stringify(importMap), graphVersions, globalVersion: getDeploymentId() ?? depGraph.globalVersion.toString(36), stripDataExport: isRouteFile(specifier), sourceMap: isDev, minify: isDev ? undefined : { compress: true }, isDev, reactRefresh, }); code = ret.code; map =; deps = ret.deps; } const styleTs = `${alephPkgUri}/runtime/core/style.ts`; // embed module unocss css in dev mode if (isDev && config?.unocss?.presets) { const reg = (typeof config.unocss !== "string" ? config.unocss.test : undefined) ?? regJsxFile; if (reg.test(pathname)) { try { const unoGenerator = getUnoGenerator(); if (unoGenerator) { const { css, matched } = await unoGenerator.generate(source, { id: specifier, preflights: false, minify: !isDev, }); if (matched.size > 0) { code += `\nimport { applyUnoCSS as __applyUnoCSS } from "${toLocalPath(styleTs)}";\n__applyUnoCSS(${ JSON.stringify(specifier) }, ${JSON.stringify(css)});\n`; hasInlineCSS = true; } } } catch (e) { log.warn("[UnoCSS]", e); } } } if (inlineCSS) { code += `\nimport { applyCSS as __applyCSS } from "${toLocalPath(styleTs)}";\n__applyCSS(${ JSON.stringify(specifier) }, ${JSON.stringify(inlineCSS)});\n`; hasInlineCSS = true; } if (hasInlineCSS) { deps = [...(deps || []), { specifier: styleTs }] as typeof deps; } depGraph.mark(specifier, { deps }); if (map) { try { const m = JSON.parse(map); if (!isRemote) { m.sources = [`file://source${util.trimPrefix(specifier, ".")}`]; } // todo: merge loader map m.sourcesContent = [source]; resBody = code + `\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,${btoa(JSON.stringify(m))}\n`; } catch (e) { log.debug(`[dev] Failed to add source map for '${specifier}'`, e); resBody = code; } } else { resBody = code; } } } catch (error) { if (error.message === "unreachable") { resBody = source; resType = sourceContentType; } else { throw new TransformError(specifier, source, error.message, error.stack); } }
const headers = new Headers([["Content-Type", `${resType}; charset=utf-8`]]); if (etag) { headers.set("ETag", etag); } if ( searchParams.get("v") || (pathname.startsWith("/-/") && regFullVersion.test(pathname)) ) { headers.append("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"); } if (!isDev) { cache.set(cacheKey, [resBody, headers]); } return new Response(resBody, { headers }); },};