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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { isFilledString } from "../shared/util.ts";import { colors, Emitter, ensureDir, mitt, parseDeps, path } from "./deps.ts";import depGraph from "./graph.ts";import { builtinModuleExts, findFile, getAlephConfig, getImportMap, watchFs } from "./helpers.ts";import log from "./log.ts";import { initRouter, toRouterRegExp } from "./router.ts";import type { AlephConfig } from "./types.ts";
type WatchFsEvents = { [key in "create" | "remove" | "modify" | `modify:${string}` | `hotUpdate:${string}`]: { specifier: string; };};
const watchFsEmitters = new Set<Emitter<WatchFsEvents>>();
/** Create a `watchFs` emitter. */export function createWatchFsEmitter() { const e = mitt<WatchFsEvents>(); watchFsEmitters.add(e); return e;}
/** Remove the emitter. */export function removeWatchFsEmitter(e: Emitter<WatchFsEvents>) { e.all.clear(); watchFsEmitters.delete(e);}
/** Watch for file changes. */export function watch(appDir: string, onRouterChange?: () => void) { const config = getAlephConfig(); const emitter = createWatchFsEmitter();
emitter.on("*", async (kind, { specifier }) => { if (kind === "create" || kind === "remove") { // reload router when fs changess const reg = toRouterRegExp(config?.router); if (reg.test(specifier)) { const router = await initRouter(appDir, config?.router); Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTER", router); onRouterChange?.(); } } });
if (onRouterChange) { initRouter(appDir, config?.router).then((router) => { Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTER", router); onRouterChange(); }); }
watchFs(appDir, (kind: "create" | "remove" | "modify", pathname: string) => { const specifier = "./" + path.relative(appDir, pathname).replaceAll("\\", "/"); // delete global cached index html if (specifier === "./index.html") { Reflect.deleteProperty(globalThis, "__ALEPH_INDEX_HTML"); } if (kind === "remove") { depGraph.unmark(specifier); } else { depGraph.update(specifier); } if (kind === "modify") { watchFsEmitters.forEach((e) => { e.emit("modify", { specifier }); e.emit(`modify:${specifier}`, { specifier }); if (e.all.has(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`)) { e.emit(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, { specifier }); } else if (specifier !== "./routes/_export.ts") { depGraph.lookup(specifier, (specifier) => { if (e.all.has(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`)) { e.emit(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, { specifier }); return false; } }); } }); } else { watchFsEmitters.forEach((e) => e.emit(kind, { specifier })); } });}
let devProcess: Deno.Process | null = null;let watched = false;
export default async function dev(serverEntry?: string) { serverEntry = serverEntry ? serverEntry.startsWith("file://") ? path.fromFileUrl(serverEntry) : path.resolve(serverEntry) : await findFile( => `server.${ext}`)); if (!serverEntry) { log.fatal("[dev] No server entry found."); return; }
const appDir = path.dirname(serverEntry); if (!watched) {"[dev]"), "Watching for file changes..."); watch(appDir); watched = true; }
const entry = `./${path.basename(serverEntry)}`; const code = await Deno.readTextFile(serverEntry); const importMap = await getImportMap(); const deps = await parseDeps(entry, code, { importMap: JSON.stringify(importMap), }); const exportTs = deps.find((dep) => dep.specifier.startsWith("./") && dep.specifier.endsWith("/_export.ts"));
// reset the `_export.ts` module if (exportTs) { const fp = path.join(appDir, exportTs.specifier); await ensureDir(path.dirname(fp)); await Deno.writeTextFile(fp, "export default {}"); }
// watch server entry and its deps to restart the dev server const emitter = createWatchFsEmitter(); emitter.on("*", (kind, { specifier }) => { if ( kind === "modify" && !specifier.endsWith("/_export.ts") && ( specifier === entry || deps.some((dep) => dep.specifier === specifier) ) ) { console.clear();"[dev] Restarting the server...")); devProcess?.kill("SIGTERM"); dev(serverEntry); } });
const cmd = [Deno.execPath(), "run", "-A", "--no-lock", serverEntry, "--dev"]; devProcess ={ cmd, stderr: "inherit", stdout: "inherit" }); await devProcess.status(); removeWatchFsEmitter(emitter);}
export function handleHMR(req: Request): Response { const { socket, response } = Deno.upgradeWebSocket(req); const emitter = createWatchFsEmitter(); const send = (message: Record<string, unknown>) => { try { socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); } catch (err) { log.warn("socket.send:", err.message); } }; socket.addEventListener("close", () => { removeWatchFsEmitter(emitter); }); socket.addEventListener("open", () => { emitter.on("create", ({ specifier }) => { const config: AlephConfig | undefined = Reflect.get( globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG", ); if (config?.router) { const reg = toRouterRegExp(config.router); const routePattern = reg.exec(specifier); if (routePattern) { send({ type: "create", specifier, routePattern }); return; } } send({ type: "create", specifier }); }); emitter.on("remove", ({ specifier }) => {`hotUpdate:${specifier}`); send({ type: "remove", specifier }); }); }); socket.addEventListener("message", (e) => { if (isFilledString( { try { const { type, specifier } = JSON.parse(; if (type === "hotAccept" && isFilledString(specifier)) { emitter.on(`hotUpdate:${specifier}`, () => { send({ type: "modify", specifier }); }); } } catch (_e) { log.error("invlid socket message:",; } } }); return response;}