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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { isFilledString } from "../../shared/util.ts";import events from "./events.ts";import { matchRoutes, type Router } from "./router.ts";
let router: Router | null = null;let preRedirect: URL | null = null;
const onrouter = (e: Record<string, unknown>) => {"router", onrouter); if (preRedirect) { events.emit("popstate", { type: "popstate", url: preRedirect }); preRedirect = null; } router = e.router as Router;};events.on("router", onrouter);
export function redirect(href: string, replace?: boolean) { const { history, location } = globalThis; if (!isFilledString(href) || !history || !location) { return; }
if (href.startsWith("file://") || href.startsWith("mailto:") || href.startsWith("data:")) { location.href = href; return; }
const url = new URL(href, location.href); if (url.href === location.href) { return; } if ( !== { location.href = href; return; }
if (replace) { history.replaceState(null, "", url); } else { history.pushState(null, "", url); }
if (router) { if (!Reflect.has(globalThis, "navigation")) { events.emit("popstate", { type: "popstate", url }); } } else { preRedirect = url; }}
const prefetched = new Set<string>();
/** prefetch module using `<link rel="modulepreload" href="...">` */export const prefetchModule = (url: URL) => { if (prefetched.has(url.href)) { return; } prefetched.add(url.href); if (!router) { throw new Error("router is not ready."); } const deploymentId = window.document.body.getAttribute("data-deployment-id"); const q = deploymentId ? `?v=${deploymentId}` : ""; const matches = matchRoutes(url, router);[_, meta]) => { if (!document.querySelector(`link[data-module-id="${meta.filename}"]`)) { const link = document.createElement("link"); link.setAttribute("rel", "modulepreload"); link.setAttribute("href", meta.filename.slice(1) + q); link.setAttribute("data-module-id", meta.filename); document.head.appendChild(link); } });};