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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { FC, ReactNode } from "react";import { Children, createElement, Fragment, isValidElement, useContext, useEffect, useMemo } from "react";import { isFilledArray, isFilledString } from "../../shared/util.ts";import { RouterContext } from "./context.ts";
export const Head: FC<{ children?: ReactNode }> = (props) => { const { ssrHeadCollection } = useContext(RouterContext); const [els, forwardNodes] = useMemo(() => parse(props.children), [ props.children, ]);
if (ssrHeadCollection) { els.forEach(({ type, props }) => { const { children, } = props; if (type === "title") { if (isFilledString(children)) { ssrHeadCollection.push(`<title ssr>${children}</title>`); } else if (isFilledArray(children)) { ssrHeadCollection.push(`<title ssr>${children.join("")}</title>`); } } else { const attrs = Object.entries(rest).map(([key, value]) => ` ${key}=${JSON.stringify(value)}`) .join(""); if (isFilledString(children)) { ssrHeadCollection.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>${children}</${type}>`); } else if (isFilledArray(children)) { ssrHeadCollection.push( `<${type}${attrs} ssr>${children.join("")}</${type}>`, ); } else { ssrHeadCollection.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>`); } } }); }
useEffect(() => { const { document } = window; const { head } = document; const insertedEls: Array<HTMLElement> = [];
if (els.length > 0) { els.forEach(({ type, props }) => { const el = document.createElement(type); Object.keys(props).forEach((key) => { const value = props[key]; if (key === "children") { if (isFilledString(value)) { el.innerText = value; } else if (isFilledArray(value)) { el.innerText = value.join(""); } } else { el.setAttribute(key, String(value || "")); } }); head.appendChild(el); insertedEls.push(el); }); }
// remove ssr head elements Array.from(head.children).forEach((el: Element) => { if (el.hasAttribute("ssr")) { head.removeChild(el); } });
return () => { insertedEls.forEach((el) => head.removeChild(el)); }; }, [els]);
return createElement(Fragment, null, ...forwardNodes);};
function parse( node: ReactNode,): [{ type: string; props: Record<string, unknown> }[], ReactNode[]] { const els: { type: string; props: Record<string, unknown> }[] = []; const forwardNodes: ReactNode[] = []; const walk = (node: ReactNode) => { Children.forEach(node, (child) => { if (!isValidElement(child)) { return; }
const { type, props } = child; switch (type) { case Fragment: walk(props.children); break;
// ingore `script` and `no-script` tag
case "base": case "title": case "meta": case "link": case "style": // remove the children prop of base/meta/link elements if (["base", "meta", "link"].includes(type) && "children" in props) { const { children: _, } = props; els.push({ type, props: rest }); } else { els.push({ type, props }); } break; } }); };
walk(node); return [els, forwardNodes];}