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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
Very Popular
import { colors, esbuild, path } from "../server/deps.ts";import type { Router } from "../framework/core/router.ts";import depGraph, { DependencyGraph } from "../server/graph.ts";import log from "../server/log.ts";import { fetchCode, getAlephConfig, getAlephPkgUri, getAppDir, getImportMap, getJSXConfig } from "../server/helpers.ts";import type { Plugin } from "../server/types.ts";import { isFilledArray, isLikelyHttpURL, prettyBytes, trimPrefix } from "../shared/util.ts";
type PluginOptions = { moduleMain?: string; modules: Record<string, Record<string, unknown>>;};
/** A plugin for Deno Deploy which doesn't support the dynamic import. */export default function DenoDeployPlugin({ moduleMain, modules }: PluginOptions): Plugin { return { name: "deploy", setup(aleph, env) { if (env.isDev) { aleph.router = { ...aleph.router, onChange: generateExportTs }; return; } if (moduleMain) { Reflect.set(globalThis, "__ALEPH_APP_DIR", path.dirname(path.fromFileUrl(moduleMain))); } if (isFilledArray(modules.depGraph?.modules)) { modules.depGraph.modules.forEach((module) => { depGraph.mark(module.specifier, module); }); } aleph.router = { ...aleph.router, modules }; log.debug(`[deno deploy] load ${Object.keys(modules).length} router modules`); }, };}
let esbuildCtx: esbuild.BuildContext | null = null;
/** generate the `_export.ts` module by given the routes config. */export async function generateExportTs() { const config = getAlephConfig(); const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); const router: Router | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_ROUTER"); if (!config || !router) { return; }
const { loaders } = config; const appDir = getAppDir(); const routesDir = path.join(appDir, router.prefix); const exportTsFile = path.join(routesDir, "_export.ts"); const withLoader = router.routes.some(([_, { filename }]) => loaders?.some((l) => l.test(filename)));
if (router.routes.length == 0) { try { await Deno.remove(exportTsFile); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw error; } } return; }
const comments = [ "// Exports router modules for serverless env that doesn't support the dynamic import.", "// This module will be updated automaticlly in develoment mode, do NOT edit it manually.", ]; const imports: string[] = []; const revives: string[] = [];
router.routes.forEach(([_, { filename, pattern }], idx) => { const importUrl = JSON.stringify( "." + trimPrefix(filename, router.prefix), ); imports.push(`import * as $${idx} from ${importUrl};`); revives.push(` ${JSON.stringify(pattern.pathname)}: $${idx},`); });
const moduleURL = config.router?.moduleURL; if (moduleURL && isLikelyHttpURL(moduleURL) && loaders?.some((l) => l.test(moduleURL))) { imports.push(`import * as $router from ${JSON.stringify(moduleURL)};`); revives.push(` __router__: $router,`); }
// stop running esbuild context if (esbuildCtx) { await esbuildCtx.dispose(); }
if (withLoader) { const depGraph = new DependencyGraph(); const input = [ ...imports, "export default {", ...revives, "__ALEPH_DEP_GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER__:null,", "}", ].join("\n"); const write = async (build: esbuild.BuildResult) => { await Promise.all(build.outputFiles!.map(async (file) => { if (file.path === exportTsFile) { await Deno.writeTextFile( exportTsFile, file.text.replace( "__ALEPH_DEP_GRAPH_PLACEHOLDER__:null", // deno-lint-ignore no-unused-vars `depGraph:${JSON.stringify({ modules:{ version, ...module }) => module) })}`, ), ); log.debug(`${"_export.ts")} updated ${colors.dim(prettyBytes(file.text.length))} by esbuld`); } })); }; esbuildCtx = await esbuild.context({ stdin: { contents: input, resolveDir: routesDir }, outfile: exportTsFile, platform: "browser", format: "esm", target: "esnext", bundle: true, minify: true, treeShaking: true, // todo: enable sourcemap sourcemap: false, write: false, banner: { js: [ ...comments, "// deno-fmt-ignore-file", "// deno-lint-ignore-file", "// @ts-nocheck", ].join("\n"), }, plugins: [{ name: "aleph-deploy-plugin", setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, (args) => { if (args.path === moduleURL) { return { path: args.path, namespace: "loader", pluginData: { specifier: args.path } }; } if (args.importer === moduleURL) { if (loaders?.some((l) => l.test(args.path))) { return { path: args.path, namespace: "loader", pluginData: { specifier: new URL(args.path, args.importer).href }, }; } else if (args.path.startsWith(".")) { let specifier = new URL(args.path, args.importer).href; if (specifier.startsWith(alephPkgUri + "/")) { specifier = "aleph/" + trimPrefix(specifier, alephPkgUri + "/"); } return { path: specifier, external: true }; } } if ( args.path.startsWith(".") && loaders?.some((l) => l.test(args.path)) ) { const specifier = "./" + path.relative(appDir, path.join(routesDir, path.join(path.dirname(args.importer), args.path))); depGraph.mark(specifier, {}); if (args.importer.startsWith(".")) { const importer = "./" + path.relative(appDir, path.join(routesDir, args.importer)); depGraph.mark(importer, { deps: [{ specifier }] }); } return { path: args.path, namespace: "loader", pluginData: { specifier } }; } return { path: args.path, external: true }; }); build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: "loader" }, async (args) => { const loader = loaders?.find((l) => l.test(args.path)); if (loader) { const specifier = args.pluginData.specifier; const isRemote = isLikelyHttpURL(specifier); const [importMap, jsxConfig, source] = await Promise.all([ getImportMap(appDir), getJSXConfig(appDir), isRemote ? fetchCode(specifier).then(([code]) => code) : Deno.readTextFile(path.join(appDir, specifier)), ]); try { const { code, lang, inlineCSS } = await loader.load(specifier, source, { importMap, jsxConfig, ssr: true, }); if (inlineCSS) { depGraph.mark(specifier, { inlineCSS }); } return { contents: code, loader: lang, watchFiles: !isRemote ? [path.join(appDir, specifier)] : undefined, }; } catch (error) { return { errors: [{ text: error.message }], }; } } return { errors: [{ text: `Loader not found for ${args.path}` }], }; }); build.onEnd((res) => { write(res); }); }, }], }); await; } else { const empty = ""; const code = [ ...comments, empty, ...imports, empty, "export default {", ...revives, "};", empty, ].join("\n"); await Deno.writeTextFile(exportTsFile, code); log.debug(`${"_export.ts")} updated`); }}
// close the esbuild context when the process is exitingglobalThis.addEventListener("unload", () => { esbuildCtx?.dispose();});