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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import util from "../shared/util.ts";import { isCanary, VERSION } from "../version.ts";import { cacheFetch } from "./cache.ts";import { type TransformOptions, type UnoGenerator } from "./deps.ts";import { basename, createGenerator, dirname, fromFileUrl, join, JSONC } from "./deps.ts";import log from "./log.ts";import { getContentType } from "./media_type.ts";import type { AlephConfig, CookieOptions, ImportMap, JSXConfig } from "./types.ts";
export const regJsxFile = /\.(jsx|tsx)$/;export const regFullVersion = /@\d+\.\d+\.\d+/;export const builtinModuleExts = ["tsx", "ts", "mts", "jsx", "js", "mjs"];
/** Stores and returns the `fn` output in the `globalThis` object. */export async function globalIt<T>(name: string, fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> { const v: T | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, name); if (v !== undefined) { if (v instanceof Promise) { const ret = await v; Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); return ret; } return v; } const ret = fn(); if (ret !== undefined) { Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); } return await ret;}
/** Stores and returns the `fn` output in the `globalThis` object synchronously. */export function globalItSync<T>(name: string, fn: () => T): T { const v: T | undefined = Reflect.get(globalThis, name); if (v !== undefined) { return v; } const ret = fn(); if (ret !== undefined) { Reflect.set(globalThis, name, ret); } return ret;}
/** Get the module URI of Aleph.js */export function getAlephPkgUri(): string { return globalItSync("__ALEPH_PKG_URI", () => { const uriEnv = Deno.env.get("ALEPH_PKG_URI"); if (uriEnv) { return uriEnv; } if (import.meta.url.startsWith("file://")) { return "https://aleph"; } return `${isCanary ? "aleph_canary" : "aleph"}@${VERSION}`; });}
/** Get Aleph.js package URI. */export function getAlephConfig(): AlephConfig | undefined { return Reflect.get(globalThis, "__ALEPH_CONFIG");}
/** Get the import maps. */export async function getImportMap(appDir?: string): Promise<ImportMap> { return await globalIt("__ALEPH_IMPORT_MAP", () => loadImportMap(appDir));}
/** Get the jsx config. */export async function getJSXConfig(appDir?: string): Promise<JSXConfig> { return await globalIt("__ALEPH_JSX_CONFIG", () => loadJSXConfig(appDir));}
/** Get the UnoCSS generator, return `null` if the presets are empty. */export function getUnoGenerator(): UnoGenerator | null { const config = getAlephConfig(); if (config === undefined) { return null; } return globalItSync("__UNO_GENERATOR", () => { if (config?.unocss) { return createGenerator(config.unocss); } return null; });}
/** Get the deployment ID. */export function getDeploymentId(): string | undefined { return Deno.env.get("DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID");}
export function cookieHeader(name: string, value: string, options?: CookieOptions): string { const cookie = [`${name}=${value}`]; if (options) { if (options.expires) { cookie.push(`Expires=${new Date(options.expires).toUTCString()}`); } if (options.maxAge) { cookie.push(`Max-Age=${options.maxAge}`); } if (options.domain) { cookie.push(`Domain=${options.domain}`); } if (options.path) { cookie.push(`Path=${options.path}`); } if (options.httpOnly) { cookie.push("HttpOnly"); } if ( { cookie.push("Secure"); } if (options.sameSite) { cookie.push(`SameSite=${options.sameSite}`); } } return cookie.join("; ");}
export function toResponse(v: unknown, headers: Headers): Response { if ( typeof v === "string" || v instanceof ArrayBuffer || v instanceof Uint8Array || v instanceof ReadableStream ) { return new Response(v, { headers: headers }); } if (v instanceof Blob || v instanceof File) { headers.set("Content-Type", v.type); headers.set("Content-Length", v.size.toString()); return new Response(v, { headers: headers }); } if (util.isPlainObject(v) || Array.isArray(v)) { return Response.json(v, { headers }); } if (v === null) { return new Response(null, { headers }); } throw new Error("Invalid response type: " + typeof v);}
export function fixResponse(res: Response, addtionHeaders: Headers, fixRedirect: boolean): Response { if (res.status >= 300 && res.status < 400 && fixRedirect) { return Response.json({ redirect: { location: res.headers.get("Location"), status: res.status } }, { status: 501, headers: addtionHeaders, }); } let headers: Headers | null = null; addtionHeaders.forEach((value, name) => { if (!headers) { headers = new Headers(res.headers); } headers.set(name, value); }); if (headers) { return new Response(res.body, { status: res.status, statusText: res.statusText, headers }); } return res;}
/** * Fix remote url to local path. * e.g. `` -> `/-/` */export function toLocalPath(url: string): string { if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { let { hostname, pathname, port, protocol, search } = new URL(url); const isHttp = protocol === "http:"; if ((isHttp && port === "80") || (protocol === "https:" && port === "443")) { port = ""; } return [ "/-/", isHttp && "http_", hostname, port && "_" + port, util.trimSuffix(pathname, "/"), search, ].filter(Boolean).join(""); } return url;}
/** * Restore the remote url from local path. * e.g. `/-/` -> `` */export function restoreUrl(pathname: string): string { let [h,] = pathname.substring(3).split("/"); let protocol = "https"; if (h.startsWith("http_")) { h = h.substring(5); protocol = "http"; } const [host, port] = h.split("_"); return `${protocol}://${host}${port ? ":" + port : ""}/${rest.join("/")}`;}
/** Check if the url is a npm package from */export function isNpmPkg(url: string) { return url.startsWith("") && !url.endsWith(".js") && !url.endsWith(".css");}
/** Check whether or not the given path exists as a directory. */export async function existsDir(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); return stat.isDirectory; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
/** Check whether or not the given path exists as regular file. */export async function existsFile(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); return stat.isFile; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
/** Find file in the `cwd` directory. */export async function findFile(filenames: string[], cwd = Deno.cwd()): Promise<string | undefined> { for (const filename of filenames) { const fullPath = join(cwd, filename); if (await existsFile(fullPath)) { return fullPath; } }}
/** Find config file in the `appDir` if exits, or find in current working directory. */async function findConfigFile(filenames: string[], appDir?: string): Promise<string | undefined> { let denoConfigFile: string | undefined; if (appDir) { denoConfigFile = await findFile(filenames, appDir); } // find config file in current working directory if (!denoConfigFile) { denoConfigFile = await findFile(filenames); } return denoConfigFile;}
/** Watch the directory and its subdirectories. */export async function watchFs(rootDir: string, listener: (kind: "create" | "remove" | "modify", path: string) => void) { const timers = new Map(); const debounce = (id: string, callback: () => void, delay: number) => { if (timers.has(id)) { clearTimeout(timers.get(id)!); } timers.set( id, setTimeout(() => { timers.delete(id); callback(); }, delay), ); }; const reIgnore = /[\/\\](\.git(hub)?|\.vscode|vendor|node_modules|dist|out(put)?|target)[\/\\]/; const ignore = (path: string) => reIgnore.test(path) || path.endsWith(".DS_Store"); const allFiles = new Set<string>( (await getFiles(rootDir)).map((name) => join(rootDir, name)).filter((path) => !ignore(path)), ); for await (const { kind, paths } of Deno.watchFs(rootDir, { recursive: true })) { if (kind !== "create" && kind !== "remove" && kind !== "modify") { continue; } for (const path of paths) { if (ignore(path)) { continue; } debounce(kind + path, async () => { try { await Deno.lstat(path); if (!allFiles.has(path)) { allFiles.add(path); listener("create", path); } else { listener("modify", path); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { allFiles.delete(path); listener("remove", path); } else { console.warn("watchFs:", error); } } }, 100); } }}
/** Get files in the directory. */export async function getFiles( dir: string, filter?: (filename: string) => boolean, __path: string[] = [],): Promise<string[]> { const list: string[] = []; if (await existsDir(dir)) { for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(dir)) { if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { list.push(...await getFiles(join(dir,, filter, [...__path,])); } else { const filename = [".", ...__path,].join("/"); if (!filter || filter(filename)) { list.push(filename); } } } } return list;}
/** Fetch source code from fs/cdn/cache. */export async function fetchCode( specifier: string, target?: TransformOptions["target"],): Promise<[code: string, contentType: string]> { const config = getAlephConfig(); if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(specifier)) { const url = new URL(specifier); if ( === "aleph") { return [ await Deno.readTextFile(fromFileUrl(new URL(".." + url.pathname, import.meta.url))), getContentType(url.pathname), ]; } if (url.hostname === "") { if (target && !url.pathname.includes(`/${target}/`) && !url.searchParams.has("target")) { url.searchParams.set("target", target); } } const res = await cacheFetch(url.href); if (res.status >= 400) { throw new Error(`fetch ${url.href}: ${res.status} - ${res.statusText}`); } return [await res.text(), res.headers.get("Content-Type") || getContentType(url.pathname)]; }
const root = config?.baseUrl ? fromFileUrl(new URL(".", config.baseUrl)) : Deno.cwd(); return [await Deno.readTextFile(join(root, specifier)), getContentType(specifier)];}
/** Load the JSX config base the given import maps and the existing deno config. */export async function loadJSXConfig(appDir?: string): Promise<JSXConfig> { const jsxConfig: JSXConfig = {}; const denoConfigFile = await findConfigFile(["deno.jsonc", "deno.json", "tsconfig.json"], appDir); if (denoConfigFile) { try { const { compilerOptions } = await parseJSONFile(denoConfigFile); const { jsx, jsxFactory, jsxFragmentFactory, jsxImportSource } = (compilerOptions || {}) as Record< string, unknown >; if ( (jsx === undefined || jsx === "react-jsx" || jsx === "react-jsxdev") && util.isFilledString(jsxImportSource) ) { jsxConfig.jsxImportSource = jsxImportSource; } else { if (typeof jsxFactory === "string") { jsxConfig.jsxPragma = jsxFactory; } if (typeof jsxFragmentFactory === "string") { jsxConfig.jsxPragmaFrag = jsxFragmentFactory; } } log.debug(`deno config ${basename(denoConfigFile)} loaded`); } catch (error) { log.error(`Failed to parse ${basename(denoConfigFile)}: ${error.message}`); } } return jsxConfig;}
/** Load the import maps from the json file. */export async function loadImportMap(appDir?: string): Promise<ImportMap> { const importMap: ImportMap = { __filename: "", imports: {}, scopes: {} }; let importMapFile: string | undefined; const denoConfigFile = await findConfigFile(["deno.jsonc", "deno.json"], appDir); if (denoConfigFile) { const { importMap } = await parseJSONFile(denoConfigFile); importMapFile = importMap ? join(dirname(denoConfigFile), importMap) : undefined; } if (!importMapFile) { importMapFile = await findConfigFile( ["import_map", "import-map", "importmap", "importMap"].map((v) => `${v}.json`), appDir, ); } if (importMapFile) { try { const { __filename, imports, scopes } = await parseImportMap(importMapFile); if (import.meta.url.startsWith("file://") && appDir) { const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); if (alephPkgUri === "https://aleph") { Object.assign(imports, { "aleph/": "https://aleph/", "aleph/react": "https://aleph/runtime/react/mod.ts", "aleph/react-client": "https://aleph/runtime/react/client.ts", "aleph/vue": "https://aleph/runtime/vue/mod.ts", }); } } Object.assign(importMap, { __filename }); Object.assign(importMap.imports, imports); Object.assign(importMap.scopes, scopes); log.debug(`import maps ${basename(importMapFile)} loaded`); } catch (e) { log.error("loadImportMap:", e.message); } }
return importMap;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport async function parseJSONFile(jsonFile: string): Promise<Record<string, any>> { const raw = await Deno.readTextFile(jsonFile); if (jsonFile.endsWith(".jsonc")) { return JSONC.parse(raw); } return JSON.parse(raw);}
export async function parseImportMap(importMapFile: string): Promise<ImportMap> { const importMap: ImportMap = { __filename: importMapFile, imports: {}, scopes: {} }; const data = await parseJSONFile(importMapFile); const imports: Record<string, string> = toStringMap(data.imports); const scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {}; if (util.isPlainObject(data.scopes)) { Object.entries(data.scopes).forEach(([scope, imports]) => { scopes[scope] = toStringMap(imports); }); } Object.assign(importMap, { imports, scopes }); return importMap;}
function toStringMap(v: unknown): Record<string, string> { const m: Record<string, string> = {}; if (util.isPlainObject(v)) { Object.entries(v).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (key === "") { return; } if (util.isFilledString(value)) { m[key] = value; return; } if (util.isFilledArray(value)) { for (const v of value) { if (util.isFilledString(v)) { m[key] = v; return; } } } }); } return m;}
/** A `MagicString` alternative using byte offsets */export class MagicString { enc: TextEncoder; dec: TextDecoder; chunks: [number, Uint8Array][];
constructor(source: string) { this.enc = new TextEncoder(); this.dec = new TextDecoder(); this.chunks = [[0, this.enc.encode(source)]]; }
overwrite(start: number, end: number, content: string) { for (let i = 0; i < this.chunks.length; i++) { const [offset, bytes] = this.chunks[i]; if (offset !== -1 && start >= offset && end <= offset + bytes.length) { const left = bytes.subarray(0, start - offset); const right = bytes.subarray(end - offset); const insert = this.enc.encode(content); this.chunks.splice(i, 1, [offset, left], [-1, insert], [end, right]); return; } } throw new Error(`overwrite: invalid range: ${start}-${end}`); }
toBytes(): Uint8Array { const length = this.chunks.reduce((sum, [, chunk]) => sum + chunk.length, 0); const bytes = new Uint8Array(length); let offset = 0; for (const [, chunk] of this.chunks) { bytes.set(chunk, offset); offset += chunk.length; } return bytes; }
toString() { return this.dec.decode(this.toBytes()); }}