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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import type { ServerRequest } from '../deps.ts'import type { APIRequest, APIResponse } from '../types.ts'
export class PostAPIRequest implements APIRequest { #req: ServerRequest
cookies: ReadonlyMap<string, string> params: ReadonlyMap<string, string> query: URLSearchParams
constructor(req: ServerRequest, params: Record<string, string>, query: URLSearchParams) { this.#req = req
const paramsMap = new Map<string, string>() for (const key in params) { paramsMap.set(key, params[key]) } this.params = paramsMap
this.cookies = new Map() // todo: parse cookies
this.query = query }
get url(): string { return this.#req.url }
get method(): string { return this.#req.method }
get proto(): string { return this.#req.proto }
get protoMinor(): number { return this.#req.protoMinor }
get protoMajor(): number { return this.#req.protoMajor }
get headers(): Headers { return this.#req.headers }}
export class PostAPIResponse implements APIResponse { #req: ServerRequest #headers: Headers #status: number
constructor(req: ServerRequest) { this.#req = req this.#headers = new Headers() this.#status = 200 }
status(code: number): this { this.#status = code return this }
addHeader(key: string, value: string): this { this.#headers.append(key, value) return this }
setHeader(key: string, value: string): this { this.#headers.set(key, value) return this }
removeHeader(key: string): this { this.#headers.delete(key) return this }
send(data: string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer) { let body: string | Uint8Array if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { body = new Uint8Array(data) } else { body = data } return this.#req.respond({ status: this.#status, headers: this.#headers, body }) }
json(data: any) { this.#headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json') return this.#req.respond({ status: this.#status, headers: this.#headers, body: JSON.stringify(data) }) }}