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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { ensureDir, ensureFile, fromStreamReader, gzipDecode, path, Untar } from '../deps.ts'import util from '../util.ts'
export const helpMessage = `Initiate a new aleph app.
Usage: aleph init <dir> [...options]
<dir> represents the directory of the aleph app,if the <dir> is empty, the current directory will be used.
Options: -h, --help Prints help message`
export default async function (appDir: string, options: Record<string, string | boolean>) { const rev = 'master' const resp = await fetch('' + rev) const gzData = await Deno.readAll(fromStreamReader(resp.body!.getReader())) const tarData = gzipDecode(gzData) const entryList = new Untar(new Deno.Buffer(tarData))
// todo: add template select ui let template = 'hello-world' for await (const entry of entryList) { if (entry.fileName.startsWith(`alephjs-templates-${rev}/${template}/`)) { const fp = path.join(appDir, util.trimPrefix(entry.fileName, `alephjs-templates-${rev}/${template}/`)) if (entry.type === 'directory') { await ensureDir(fp) continue } await ensureFile(fp) const file = await, { write: true }) await Deno.copy(entry, file) } } Deno.exit(0)}