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import React, { ComponentType, createContext, useContext } from ''import events from './events.ts'import type { RouterURL } from './types.ts'import util from './util.ts'
export const RouterContext = createContext<RouterURL>({ locale: 'en', pagePath: '/', pathname: '/', params: {}, query: new URLSearchParams(),})RouterContext.displayName = 'RouterContext'
export function withRouter(Component: ComponentType<{ url: RouterURL }>) { function WithRouter(props: any) { const url = useRouter() return React.createElement(Component, Object.assign({}, props, { url })) } return WithRouter}
export function useRouter() { return useContext(RouterContext)}
export async function redirect(url: string, replace: boolean) { const { location, document, history } = window as any
if (util.isHttpUrl(url)) { location.href = url return }
url = util.cleanPath(url) if (location.protocol === 'file:') { const dataEl = document.getElementById('ssr-data') if (dataEl) { const ssrData = JSON.parse(dataEl.innerHTML) if (ssrData && 'url' in ssrData) { const { url: { pagePath: initialPagePath } } = ssrData location.href = location.href.replace( `/${util.trimPrefix(initialPagePath, '/') || 'index'}.html`, `/${util.trimPrefix(url, '/') || 'index'}.html` ) } } return }
if (replace) { history.replaceState(null, '', url) } else { history.pushState(null, '', url) } events.emit('popstate', { type: 'popstate' })}