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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import React, { useEffect } from ''import util, { reStyleModuleExt } from './util.ts'
const serverImports: Set<string> = new Set()
// reset imports and returns themexport function resetImports() { const a = Array.from(serverImports) serverImports.clear() return a}
interface ImportProps { from: string rawPath: string resolveDir: string}
export function Import({ from, rawPath, resolveDir }: ImportProps) { if (reStyleModuleExt.test(rawPath)) { return React.createElement(StyleLoader, { path: from, rawPath, resolveDir }) } // todo: more loaders return null}
interface LoaderProps { path: string rawPath: string resolveDir: string}
export function StyleLoader({ path, rawPath, resolveDir }: LoaderProps) { if (typeof Deno !== 'undefined') { serverImports.add(util.cleanPath(`${resolveDir}/${path}`)) }
useEffect(() => { import(util.cleanPath(`/_aleph/${resolveDir}/${path}`)) return () => { } }, [])
return null}