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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { createHtml } from './html.ts'import log from './log.ts'import { getContentType } from './mime.ts'import { injectHmr, Project } from './project.ts'import { path, serve, ws } from './std.ts'import util, { existsFileSync, hashShort } from './util.ts'
export async function start(appDir: string, port: number, isDev = false, reload = false) { const project = new Project(appDir, isDev ? 'development' : 'production', reload) await project.ready
while (true) { try { const s = serve({ port })`Server ready on http://localhost:${port}`) for await (const req of s) { const url = new URL('http://localhost/' + req.url) const pathname = util.cleanPath(url.pathname)
try { // serve hmr ws if (pathname === '/_hmr') { const { conn, r: bufReader, w: bufWriter, headers } = req ws.acceptWebSocket({ conn, bufReader, bufWriter, headers }).then(async socket => { const watcher = project.createFSWatcher() watcher.on('add', (moduleId: string, hash: string) => socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'add', moduleId, hash }))) watcher.on('remove', (moduleId: string) => { watcher.removeAllListeners('modify-' + moduleId) socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'remove', moduleId })) }) for await (const e of socket) { if (util.isNEString(e)) { try { const data = JSON.parse(e) if (data.type === 'hotAccept' && util.isNEString( { const mod = project.getModule( if (mod) { watcher.on('modify-' +, (hash: string) => socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'update', moduleId:, hash, updateUrl: path.join('/', project.config.baseUrl, '/_aleph/',\.js$/, '') + `.${hash!.slice(0, hashShort)}.js`) }))) } } } catch (e) { } } else if (ws.isWebSocketCloseEvent(e)) { break } } project.removeFSWatcher(watcher) }) continue }
// serve apis if (pathname.startsWith('/api/')) { project.callAPI(req, { pathname, search: }) continue }
// serve dist files if (pathname.startsWith('/_aleph/')) { if (pathname.endsWith('.css')) { const filePath = path.join(project.buildDir, util.trimPrefix(pathname, '/_aleph/')) if (existsFileSync(filePath)) { const body = await Deno.readFile(filePath) req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/css; charset=utf-8' }), body }).catch(err => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message)) continue } } else { const reqSourceMap = pathname.endsWith('') const mod = project.getModuleByPath(reqSourceMap ? pathname.slice(0, -4) : pathname) if (mod) { const etag = req.headers.get('If-None-Match') if (etag && etag === mod.hash) { req.respond({ status: 304 }) continue }
let body = '' if ( === '/data.js') { const data = await project.getStaticData() if (project.isDev) { body = [ `import { createHotContext } from "./-/";`, `import events from "./-/";`, ` = createHotContext("/data.js");`, `export default ${JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4)};`, `{ default: data }) => events.emit("update-data", data));` ].join('\n') } else { body = `export default ${JSON.stringify(data)}` } } else if (reqSourceMap) { body = mod.jsSourceMap } else { body = mod.jsContent if (project.isHMRable( { body = injectHmr({ ...mod, jsContent: body }) } } req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': `application/${reqSourceMap ? 'json' : 'javascript'}; charset=utf-8`, 'ETag': mod.hash }), body }).catch(err => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message)) continue } } }
// serve public files const filePath = path.join(project.appRoot, 'public', pathname) if (existsFileSync(filePath)) { const body = await Deno.readFile(filePath) req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': getContentType(filePath) }), body }).catch(err => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message)) continue }
// ssr const [status, html] = await project.getPageHtml({ pathname, search: }) req.respond({ status, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }), body: html }).catch(err => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message)) } catch (err) { req.respond({ status: 500, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'text/html' }), body: createHtml({ lang: 'en', head: ['<title>500 - internal server error</title>'], body: `<p><strong><code>500</code></strong><small> - </small><span>${err.message}</span></p>` }) }).catch(err => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message)) } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.AddrInUse) { log.warn(`port ${port} already in use, try ${port + 1}`) port++ } else { log.fatal(err.message) } } }}