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import unescape from ''import React, { ComponentType, ReactElement } from ''import { renderToString } from ''import { RouterContext } from './context.ts'import { AsyncUseDenoError, E400MissingDefaultExportAsComponent, E404Page } from './error.ts'import events from './events.ts'import { serverHeadElements, serverScriptsElements, serverStyles } from './head.ts'import { createPageProps } from './routing.ts'import type { AlephEnv, RouterURL } from './types.ts'import util, { hashShort } from './util.ts'
export async function renderHead(styles?: { url: string, hash: string, async?: boolean }[]) { const { __buildMode, __buildTarget } = (window as any).ALEPH.ENV as AlephEnv const tags: string[] = [] serverHeadElements.forEach(({ type, props }) => { if (type === 'title') { if (util.isNEString(props.children)) { tags.push(`<title ssr>${props.children}</title>`) } else if (util.isNEArray(props.children)) { tags.push(`<title ssr>${props.children.join('')}</title>`) } } else { const attrs = Object.keys(props) .filter(key => key !== 'children') .map(key => ` ${key}=${JSON.stringify(props[key])}`) .join('') if (util.isNEString(props.children)) { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>${props.children}</${type}>`) } else if (util.isNEArray(props.children)) { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>${props.children.join('')}</${type}>`) } else { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr />`) } } }) await Promise.all(styles?.filter(({ async }) => !!async).map(({ url, hash }) => { return import('file://' + util.cleanPath(`${Deno.cwd()}/.aleph/${__buildMode}.${__buildTarget}/${url}.${hash.slice(0, hashShort)}.js`)) }) || []) styles?.forEach(({ url }) => { if (serverStyles.has(url)) { const { css, asLink } = serverStyles.get(url)! if (asLink) { tags.push(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${css}" data-module-id=${JSON.stringify(url)} />`) } else { tags.push(`<style type="text/css" data-module-id=${JSON.stringify(url)}>${css}</style>`) } } }) serverHeadElements.clear() return tags}
export function renderScripts() { const scripts: Record<string, any>[] = [] serverScriptsElements.forEach(({ props }) => { const { children, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, ...attrs } = props if (dangerouslySetInnerHTML && util.isNEString(dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html)) { scripts.push({ ...attrs, innerText: dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html }) } if (util.isNEString(children)) { scripts.push({ ...attrs, innerText: unescape(children) }) } else if (util.isNEArray(children)) { scripts.push({ ...attrs, innerText: unescape(children.join('')) }) } else { scripts.push(props) } }) serverScriptsElements.clear() return scripts}
export async function renderPage( url: RouterURL, App: ComponentType<any> | undefined, E404: ComponentType | undefined, pageComponentTree: { id: string, Component?: any }[]) { let el: ReactElement let html: string const pageProps = createPageProps(pageComponentTree) if (App) { if (util.isLikelyReactComponent(App)) { el = React.createElement(App, pageProps) } else { el = React.createElement( E400MissingDefaultExportAsComponent, { name: 'Custom App' } ) } } else { if (pageProps.Page == null) { if (E404) { if (util.isLikelyReactComponent(E404)) { el = React.createElement(E404) } else { el = React.createElement( E400MissingDefaultExportAsComponent, { name: 'Custom 404' } ) } } else { el = React.createElement(E404Page) } } else { el = React.createElement(pageProps.Page, pageProps.pageProps) } } const data: Record<string, any> = {} const useDenEvent = `useDeno://${url.pathname + '?' + url.query.toString()}` const useDenoAsyncCalls: Array<Promise<any>> = [] events.on(useDenEvent, (id: string, ret: any, async: boolean) => { if (async) { useDenoAsyncCalls.push(ret) } else { data[id] = ret } }) Object.assign(window, { [`__asyncData_${useDenEvent}`]: {} }) while (true) { try { if (useDenoAsyncCalls.length > 0) { const iter = [...useDenoAsyncCalls] useDenoAsyncCalls.splice(0, useDenoAsyncCalls.length) await Promise.all(iter) } html = renderToString( React.createElement( RouterContext.Provider, { value: url }, el ) ) break } catch (error) { if (error instanceof AsyncUseDenoError) { continue } console.log(error) Object.assign(window, { [`__asyncData_${useDenEvent}`]: null }) throw error } } Object.assign(window, { [`__asyncData_${useDenEvent}`]: null }) events.removeAllListeners(useDenEvent) return [html, Object.keys(data).length > 0 ? data : null]}