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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { DependencyList, useContext, useEffect, useState } from ''import { RouterContext } from './context.ts'import { AsyncUseDenoError } from './error.ts'import events from './events.ts'
export function useRouter() { return useContext(RouterContext)}
export function useDeno<T = any>(callback: () => (T | Promise<T>), browser?: boolean, deps?: DependencyList) { const id = arguments[3] // generated by compiler const { pathname, query } = useRouter() const [data, setDate] = useState<T>(() => { const global = window as any const { _useDenoAsyncData: asyncData } = global const useDenoUrl = `useDeno://${pathname}?${query.toString()}` const key = `${useDenoUrl}#${id}` if (asyncData && key in asyncData) { return asyncData[key] } else if (typeof Deno !== 'undefined' && Deno.version.deno) { const ret = callback() if (ret instanceof Promise) { events.emit(useDenoUrl, id, ret.then(data => { if (asyncData) { asyncData[key] = data } events.emit(useDenoUrl, id, data) }), true) throw new AsyncUseDenoError('async useDeno') } else { if (asyncData) { asyncData[key] = ret } events.emit(useDenoUrl, id, ret) return ret } } return global[key] || null })
useEffect(() => { if (browser) { const ret = callback() if (ret instanceof Promise) { ret.then(setDate) } else { setDate(ret) } } }, deps)
return data}