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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import util from '../../shared/util.ts'import type { RouterURL } from '../../types.ts'import events from './events.ts'
const ghostRoute: Route = { path: '', module: { url: '' } }
export type Route = { path: string module: RouteModule children?: Route[]}
export type RouteModule = { readonly url: string readonly useDeno?: boolean}
export type RoutingOptions = { baseURL?: string defaultLocale?: string locales?: string[] routes?: Route[] rewrites?: Record<string, string>}
export class Routing { private _baseURL: string private _defaultLocale: string private _locales: string[] private _routes: Route[] private _rewrites: Record<string, string>
constructor({ baseURL = '/', defaultLocale = 'en', locales = [], routes = [], rewrites = {} }: RoutingOptions) { this._baseURL = baseURL this._defaultLocale = defaultLocale this._locales = locales this._routes = routes this._rewrites = rewrites }
get baseURL() { return this._baseURL }
get paths() { const paths: string[] = [] this._lookup(path => { paths.push( => r.path).join('')) }, true) return paths }
// routes returns the routes as copy get routes(): Route[] { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._routes)) }
config(options: RoutingOptions) { Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => { Object.assign(this, { ['_' + key]: options[key as keyof typeof options] }) }) }
update(path: string, moduleUrl: string, options: { isIndex?: boolean, useDeno?: boolean } = {}) { const { isIndex, } = options const newRoute: Route = { path: path === '/' ? path : util.trimSuffix(path, '/') + (options.isIndex ? '/' : ''), module: { url: moduleUrl, } } const dirtyRoutes: Set<Route[]> = new Set() let exists = false let targetRoutes = this._routes this._lookup(routePath => { const path = => r.path).join('') const route = routePath[routePath.length - 1] const parentRoute = routePath[routePath.length - 2] if (route.module.url === newRoute.module.url) { Object.assign(route.module, newRoute.module) exists = true return false } if (!newRoute.path.endsWith('/') && path.startsWith(newRoute.path + '/')) { const routes = parentRoute ? parentRoute.children! : this._routes const index = routes.indexOf(route) if (index >= 0) { routes.splice(index, 1, ghostRoute) dirtyRoutes.add(routes) } (newRoute.children || (newRoute.children = [])).push({ ...route, path: util.trimPrefix(path, newRoute.path) }) } else if (!path.endsWith('/') && newRoute.path.startsWith(path + '/')) { newRoute.path = util.trimPrefix(newRoute.path, path) targetRoutes = route.children || (route.children = []) } }) if (exists) { return } dirtyRoutes.forEach(routes => { let index: number while (~(index = routes.indexOf(ghostRoute))) { routes.splice(index, 1) } }) dirtyRoutes.clear() targetRoutes.push(newRoute) }
removeRoute(url: string) { this._lookup(path => { const route = path[path.length - 1] if (route.module.url === url) { const parentRoute = path[path.length - 2] const routes = parentRoute ? parentRoute.children! : this._routes const index = routes.indexOf(route) if (index >= 0) { routes.splice(index, 1, ...(route.children || []).map(r => ({ ...r, path: route.path + r.path }))) } return false } }) }
createRouter(location?: { pathname: string, search?: string }): [RouterURL, RouteModule[]] { const loc = location || (window as any).location || { pathname: '/' } const url = rewriteURL(loc.pathname + ( || ''), this._baseURL, this._rewrites)
let locale = this._defaultLocale let pathname = decodeURI(url.pathname) let pagePath = '' let params: Record<string, string> = {} let nestedModules: RouteModule[] = []
if (pathname !== '/' && this._locales.length > 0) { const a = pathname.split('/') const a1 = a[1] if (a1 !== locale && this._locales.includes(a1)) { locale = a1 pathname = '/' + a.slice(2).join('/') } }
this._lookup(routePath => { const path = => r.path).join('') const [p, ok] = matchPath(path, pathname) if (ok) { nestedModules = => r.module) const c = routePath[routePath.length - 1].children?.find(c => c.path === '/') if (c) { nestedModules.push(c.module) } pagePath = path params = p return false } }, true)
return [ { baseURL: this._baseURL, locale, pathname, pagePath, params, query: url.searchParams, push: (url: string) => redirect(url), replace: (url: string) => redirect(url, true), }, nestedModules ] }
lookup(callback: (path: Route[]) => Boolean | void) { this._lookup(callback) }
private _lookup( callback: (path: Route[]) => Boolean | void, skipNestedIndex = false, __tracing: Route[] = [], __routes = this._routes ) { for (const route of __routes) { if (skipNestedIndex && __tracing.length > 0 && route.path === '/') { continue } if (callback([...__tracing, route]) === false) { return false } } for (const route of __routes) { if (route.path !== '/' && route.children?.length) { if (this._lookup(callback, skipNestedIndex, [...__tracing, route], route.children) === false) { return false } } } }}
function matchPath(routePath: string, locPath: string): [Record<string, string>, boolean] { const params: Record<string, string> = {} const routeSegments = util.splitPath(routePath) const locSegments = util.splitPath(locPath) const depth = Math.max(routeSegments.length, locSegments.length)
for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) { const routeSeg = routeSegments[i] const locSeg = locSegments[i]
if (locSeg === undefined || routeSeg === undefined) { return [{}, false] }
if (routeSeg.startsWith('[...') && routeSeg.endsWith(']') && routeSeg.length > 5 && i === routeSegments.length - 1) { params[routeSeg.slice(4, -1)] = locSegments.slice(i).map(decodeURIComponent).join('/') break }
if (routeSeg.startsWith('[') && routeSeg.endsWith(']') && routeSeg.length > 2) { params[routeSeg.slice(1, -1)] = decodeURIComponent(locSeg) } else if (routeSeg.startsWith('$') && routeSeg.length > 1) { params[routeSeg.slice(1)] = decodeURIComponent(locSeg) } else if (routeSeg !== locSeg) { return [{}, false] } }
return [params, true]}
export function createBlankRouterURL(baseURL = '/', locale = 'en'): RouterURL { return { baseURL, locale, pagePath: '', pathname: '/', params: {}, query: new URLSearchParams(), push: () => void 0, replace: () => void 0, }}
/** `rewriteURL` returns a rewrited URL */export function rewriteURL(reqUrl: string, baseURL: string, rewrites: Record<string, string>): URL { const url = new URL('http://localhost' + reqUrl) if (baseURL !== '/') { url.pathname = util.trimPrefix(decodeURI(url.pathname), baseURL) } for (const path in rewrites) { const to = rewrites[path] const [params, ok] = matchPath(path, decodeURI(url.pathname)) if (ok) { const { searchParams } = url url.href = 'http://localhost' + util.cleanPath(to.replace(/:(.+)(\/|&|$)/g, (s, k, e) => { if (k in params) { return params[k] + e } return s })) for (const [key, value] of url.searchParams.entries()) { searchParams.append(key, value) } = searchParams.toString() break } } return url}
export async function redirect(url: string, replace?: boolean) { const { location, history } = window as any
if (!util.isNEString(url)) { return }
if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url) || url.startsWith('file://') || url.startsWith('mailto:')) { location.href = url return }
url = util.cleanPath(url) if (replace) { history.replaceState(null, '', url) } else { history.pushState(null, '', url) } events.emit('popstate', { type: 'popstate', resetScroll: true })}