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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { compile, CompileOptions } from ''import { walk } from ''import { resolve } from ''import { green, red, yellow } from ''import { createHash } from ''import init, { transformSync } from './dist/wasm-pack.js'import getWasmData from './dist/wasm.js'
function tsc(source: string, opts: any) { const compileOptions: CompileOptions = { mode: opts.isDev ? 'development' : 'production', target: 'es2020', reactRefresh: opts.isDev, rewriteImportPath: (path: string) => path.replace('https://', '/-/'), signUseDeno: (id: string) => { const sig = 'useDeno.' + createHash('sha1').update(id).toString().slice(0, 9) return sig } } compile(opts.filename, source, compileOptions)}
/** * colored diff * - red: 0.0 - 1.0 slower * - yellow: 1.0 - 10.0 faster * - green: >= 10.0 faster as expected */function colorDiff(d: number) { let cf = green if (d < 1) { cf = red } else if (d < 10) { cf = yellow } return cf(d.toFixed(2) + 'x')}
async function benchmark() { const sourceFiles: Array<{ code: string, filename: string }> = [] const walkOptions = { includeDirs: false, exts: ['ts', '.tsx'], skip: [/[\._](test|d)\.tsx?$/i, /\/compiler\//] } for await (const { path: filename } of walk(resolve('..'), walkOptions)) { sourceFiles.push({ code: await Deno.readTextFile(filename), filename }) } console.log(`[benchmark] ${sourceFiles.length} files`)
const d1 = { d: 0, min: 0, max: 0 } const d2 = { d: 0, min: 0, max: 0 } const n = 5
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // v8 warm-up tsc('console.log("bla bla bla...")', { filename: '/app.ts', isDev: true }) } for (const { code, filename } of sourceFiles) { const t = for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { tsc(code, { filename, isDev: true }) } const d = (( - t) / n) if (d1.min === 0 || d < d1.min) { d1.min = d } if (d > d1.max) { d1.max = d } d1.d += d }
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { // v8 warm-up transformSync('/app.ts', 'console.log("bla bla bla...")', { isDev: true }) } for (const { code, filename } of sourceFiles) { const t = for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { transformSync(filename, code, { swcOptions: { target: 'es2020' }, isDev: true }) } const d = (( - t) / n) if (d2.min === 0 || d < d2.min) { d2.min = d } if (d > d2.max) { d2.max = d } d2.d += d }
console.log(`tsc done in ${(d1.d / 1000).toFixed(2)}s, min in ${d1.min.toFixed(2)}ms, max in ${d1.max.toFixed(2)}ms`) console.log(`swc done in ${(d2.d / 1000).toFixed(2)}s, min in ${d2.min.toFixed(2)}ms, max in ${d2.max.toFixed(2)}ms`) console.log(`swc is ${colorDiff(d1.d / d2.d)} ${d1.d > d2.d ? 'faster' : 'slower'} than tsc`)}
if (import.meta.main) { const wasmData = getWasmData() await init(wasmData) await benchmark()}