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import type { BufReader, BufWriter } from ''import type { MultipartFormData } from ''import { MultipartReader } from ''import { compress as brotli } from ''import { gzipEncode as gzip } from ''import log from '../shared/log.ts'import type { APIRequest, ServerRequest, ServerResponse } from '../types.ts'
export class Request implements APIRequest { #req: ServerRequest #params: URLSearchParams #cookies: ReadonlyMap<string, string> #resp = { status: 200, headers: new Headers({ Server: 'Aleph.js', }), done: false }
constructor(req: ServerRequest, params: URLSearchParams) { this.#req = req this.#params = params const cookies = new Map() this.headers.get('cookie')?.split(';').forEach(cookie => { const p = cookie.trim().split('=') if (p.length >= 2) { cookies.set(p.shift()!.trim(), decodeURI(p.join('='))) } }) this.#cookies = cookies }
get url(): string { return this.#req.url }
get method(): string { return this.#req.method }
get headers(): Headers { return this.#req.headers }
get conn(): Deno.Conn { return this.#req.conn }
get r(): BufReader { return this.#req.r }
get w(): BufWriter { return this.#req.w }
get body(): Deno.Reader { return this.#req.body }
async respond(r: ServerResponse): Promise<void> { return this.#req.respond(r) }
get params(): URLSearchParams { return this.#params }
get cookies(): ReadonlyMap<string, string> { return this.#cookies }
async readBody(type?: 'raw'): Promise<Uint8Array> async readBody(type: 'text'): Promise<string> async readBody(type: 'json'): Promise<any> async readBody(type: 'form'): Promise<MultipartFormData> async readBody(type?: string): Promise<any> { switch (type) { case 'text': { const buff: Uint8Array = await Deno.readAll(this.body) const encoded = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(buff) return encoded } case 'json': { const buff: Uint8Array = await Deno.readAll(this.body) const encoded = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(buff) const data = JSON.parse(encoded) return data } case 'form': { const contentType = this.headers.get('content-type') as string const reader = new MultipartReader(this.body, contentType) return reader.readForm() } default: { return await Deno.readAll(this.body) } } }
addHeader(key: string, value: string): this { this.#resp.headers.append(key, value) return this }
setHeader(key: string, value: string): this { this.#resp.headers.set(key, value) return this }
removeHeader(key: string): this { this.#resp.headers.delete(key) return this }
status(code: number): this { this.#resp.status = code return this }
async send(data?: string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer, contentType?: string): Promise<void> { if (this.#resp.done) { log.warn('ServerRequest: repeat respond calls') return Promise.resolve() }
let body = new Uint8Array() if (typeof data === 'string') { body = new TextEncoder().encode(data) } else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) { body = data } else if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { body = new Uint8Array(data) } if (contentType) { this.#resp.headers.set('Content-Type', contentType) } else if (this.#resp.headers.has('Content-Type')) { contentType = this.#resp.headers.get('Content-Type')! } else if (typeof data === 'string' && data.length > 0) { contentType = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' } let shouldCompress = false if (contentType) { if (contentType.startsWith('text/')) { shouldCompress = true } else if (/^application\/(javascript|typecript|wasm|json|xml)/i.test(contentType)) { shouldCompress = true } else if (/^image\/svg+xml/i.test(contentType)) { shouldCompress = true } } if (shouldCompress && body.length > 1024) { if (this.headers.get('accept-encoding')?.includes('br')) { this.#resp.headers.set('Vary', 'Origin') this.#resp.headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'br') body = brotli(body) } else if (this.headers.get('accept-encoding')?.includes('gzip')) { this.#resp.headers.set('Vary', 'Origin') this.#resp.headers.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') body = gzip(body) } } this.#resp.headers.set('Date', (new Date).toUTCString()) this.#resp.done = true try { await this.respond({ status: this.#resp.status, headers: this.#resp.headers, body }) } catch (err) { log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message) } }
json(data: any, replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any, space?: string | number): Promise<void> { return this.send(JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space), 'application/json; charset=utf-8') }}