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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { Plugin, PluginCreator } from ''import util from '../shared/util.ts'
const postcssVersion = '8.2.8'const productionOnlyPostcssPlugins = ['autoprefixer']
export type PostCSSPlugin = string | [string, any] | Plugin | PluginCreator<any>
export class CSSProcessor { #isProd: boolean #postcssPlugins: PostCSSPlugin[] #postcss: any #cleanCSS: any
constructor() { this.#isProd = false this.#postcssPlugins = [] this.#postcss = null this.#cleanCSS = null }
config(isProd: boolean, postcssPlugins: PostCSSPlugin[]) { this.#isProd = isProd this.#postcssPlugins = postcssPlugins }
async transform(url: string, content: string): Promise<{ code: string, map?: string }> { if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { return { code: [ `import { applyCSS } from ""`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(url)})` ].join('\n') } }
if (this.#postcss == null) { const [postcss, cleanCSS] = await Promise.all([ initPostCSS(this.#postcssPlugins), this.#isProd ? initCleanCSS() : Promise.resolve(null) ]) this.#postcss = postcss this.#cleanCSS = cleanCSS }
const { content: pcss } = await this.#postcss.process(content).async() const css = this.#isProd ? this.#cleanCSS.minify(pcss).styles : pcss
if (url.startsWith('#inline-style-')) { return { code: css, map: undefined } }
return { code: [ `import { applyCSS } from ""`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(url)}, ${JSON.stringify(css)})` ].join('\n'), // todo: generate map } }}
async function initCleanCSS() { const { default: CleanCSS } = await import('') return new CleanCSS({ compatibility: '*' /* Internet Explorer 10+ */ })}
async function initPostCSS(plugins: PostCSSPlugin[]) { const { default: PostCSS } = await import(`${postcssVersion}`) const isDev = Deno.env.get('BUILD_MODE') === 'development' return PostCSS(await Promise.all(plugins.filter(p => { if (isDev) { if (util.isNEString(p) && productionOnlyPostcssPlugins.includes(p)) { return false } else if (Array.isArray(p) && productionOnlyPostcssPlugins.includes(p[0])) { return false } } return true }).map(async p => { if (util.isNEString(p)) { return await importPostcssPluginByName(p) } else if (Array.isArray(p)) { const Plugin = await importPostcssPluginByName(p[0]) return [Plugin, p[1]] } else { return p } })))}
async function importPostcssPluginByName(name: string) { const url = `${name}?external=postcss@${postcssVersion}&no-check` const { default: Plugin } = await import(url) return Plugin}