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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { dim } from ''import * as path from ''import { ensureDir } from ''import { parseExportNames, transform } from '../compiler/mod.ts'import { trimModuleExt } from '../framework/core/module.ts'import { defaultReactVersion, defaultReactEsmShBuildVersion } from '../shared/constants.ts'import { ensureTextFile, existsFileSync, lazyRemove } from '../shared/fs.ts'import log from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import { VERSION } from '../version.ts'import type { Application, Module } from './app.ts'import { clearCompilation, computeHash, getAlephPkgUri, isLoaderPlugin} from './helper.ts'
export const bundlerRuntimeCode = (` window.__ALEPH = { baseURL: '/', pack: {}, bundledFiles: {}, import: function(u, F) { var b = this.baseURL, a = this.pack, l = this.bundledFiles; if (u in a) { return Promise.resolve(a[u]); } return new Promise(function(y, n) { var s = document.createElement('script'), f = l[u] || l[u.replace(/\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/, '')], p = (b + '/_aleph').replace('//', '/'); if (!f) { n(new Error('invalid url: ' + u)); return; } s.onload = function() { y(a[u]); }; s.onerror = n; p += f; if (F) { p += '?t=' + (new Date).getTime(); } s.src = p; document.body.appendChild(s); }) } }`).split('\n') .map(l => l.trim() .replaceAll(') {', '){') .replace(/\s*([,:=|+]{1,2})\s+/g, '$1') ) .join('')
/** The bundler class for aleph server. */export class Bundler { #app: Application #compiledModules: Set<string> #bundledFiles: Map<string, string>
constructor(app: Application) { this.#app = app this.#compiledModules = new Set() this.#bundledFiles = new Map() }
async bundle(entryMods: Array<{ url: string, shared: boolean }>) { const remoteEntries = new Set<string>() const sharedEntries = new Set<string>() const entries = new Set<string>()
entryMods.forEach(({ url, shared }) => { if (shared) { if (util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { remoteEntries.add(url) } else { sharedEntries.add(url) } } else { entries.add(url) } })
await this.createPolyfillBundle() await this.createBundleChunk( 'deps', Array.from(remoteEntries), [] ) if (sharedEntries.size > 0) { await this.createBundleChunk( 'shared', Array.from(sharedEntries), Array.from(remoteEntries) ) } for (const url of entries) { await this.createBundleChunk( trimModuleExt(url), [url], [ Array.from(remoteEntries), Array.from(sharedEntries) ].flat() ) } await this.createMainJS() }
getBundledFile(name: string): string | null { return this.#bundledFiles.get(name) || null }
async copyDist() { await Promise.all( Array.from(this.#bundledFiles.values()).map(jsFile => this.copyBundleFile(jsFile)) ) }
private async copyBundleFile(jsFilename: string) { const { buildDir, outputDir } = this.#app const bundleFile = path.join(buildDir, jsFilename) const saveAs = path.join(outputDir, '_aleph', jsFilename) await ensureDir(path.dirname(saveAs)) await Deno.copyFile(bundleFile, saveAs) }
private async compile(mod: Module, external: string[]): Promise<string> { const bundlingFile = util.trimSuffix(mod.jsFile, '.js') + '.bundling.js'
if (this.#compiledModules.has(mod.url)) { return bundlingFile }
const source = await this.#app.resolveModule(mod.url) if (source === null) { throw new Error(`Unsupported module '${mod.url}'`) }
let { code, starExports } = await transform( mod.url, source.code, { ...this.#app.sharedCompileOptions, swcOptions: { target: 'es2020', sourceType: source.type, }, bundleMode: true, bundleExternal: external, } )
if (starExports && starExports.length > 0) { for (let index = 0; index < starExports.length; index++) { const url = starExports[index] const source = await this.#app.resolveModule(url) const names = await parseExportNames(url, source.code, { sourceType: source.type }) code = code.replace(`export const $$star_${index}`, `export const {${names.filter(name => name !== 'default').join(',')}}`) } }
// compile deps for (const dep of mod.deps) { if (!dep.url.startsWith('#') && !external.includes(dep.url)) { const depMod = this.#app.getModule(dep.url) if (depMod !== null) { const s = `.bundling.js#${dep.url}@` await this.compile(depMod, external) code = code.split(s).map((p, i) => { if (i > 0 && p.charAt(6) === '"') { return dep.hash.slice(0, 6) + p.slice(6) } return p }).join(s) } } }
await ensureTextFile(bundlingFile, code) this.#compiledModules.add(mod.url)
return bundlingFile }
private async createMainJS() { const bundledFiles = Array.from(this.#bundledFiles.entries()) .filter(([name]) => !['polyfill', 'deps', 'shared'].includes(name)) .reduce((r, [name, filename]) => { r[name] = filename return r }, {} as Record<string, string>) const mainJS = `__ALEPH.bundledFiles=${JSON.stringify(bundledFiles)};` + this.#app.getMainJS(true) const hash = computeHash(mainJS) const bundleFilename = `main.bundle.${hash.slice(0, 8)}.js` const bundleFile = path.join(this.#app.buildDir, bundleFilename) await Deno.writeTextFile(bundleFile, mainJS) this.#bundledFiles.set('main', bundleFilename)` {} main.js ${dim('• ' + util.formatBytes(mainJS.length))}`) }
/** create polyfill bundle. */ private async createPolyfillBundle() { const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri() const { buildTarget } = this.#app.config const hash = computeHash(buildTarget + Deno.version.deno + VERSION) const bundleFilename = `polyfill.bundle.${hash.slice(0, 8)}.js` const bundleFile = path.join(this.#app.buildDir, bundleFilename) if (!existsFileSync(bundleFile)) { const rawPolyfillFile = `${alephPkgUri}/compiler/polyfills/${buildTarget}/mod.ts` await this._bundle(rawPolyfillFile, bundleFile) } this.#bundledFiles.set('polyfill', bundleFilename)` {} polyfill.js (${buildTarget.toUpperCase()}) ${dim('• ' + util.formatBytes(Deno.statSync(bundleFile).size))}`) }
/** create bundle chunk. */ private async createBundleChunk(name: string, entry: string[], external: string[]) { const entryCode = (await Promise.all( (url, i) => { let mod = this.#app.getModule(url) if (mod && mod.jsFile !== '') { if (external.length === 0) { return [ `import * as mod_${i} from ${JSON.stringify('file://' + mod.jsFile)}`, `__ALEPH.pack[${JSON.stringify(url)}] = mod_${i}` ] } else { const jsFile = await this.compile(mod, external) return [ `import * as mod_${i} from ${JSON.stringify('file://' + jsFile)}`, `__ALEPH.pack[${JSON.stringify(url)}] = mod_${i}` ] } } return [] }))).flat().join('\n') const hash = computeHash(entryCode + VERSION + Deno.version.deno) const bundleFilename = `${name}.bundle.${hash.slice(0, 8)}.js` const bundleEntryFile = path.join(this.#app.buildDir, `${name}.bundle.entry.js`) const bundleFile = path.join(this.#app.buildDir, bundleFilename) if (!existsFileSync(bundleFile)) { await Deno.writeTextFile(bundleEntryFile, entryCode) await this._bundle(bundleEntryFile, bundleFile) lazyRemove(bundleEntryFile) } this.#bundledFiles.set(name, bundleFilename)` {} ${name}.js ${dim('• ' + util.formatBytes(Deno.statSync(bundleFile).size))}`) }
/** run deno bundle and compress the output using terser. */ private async _bundle(bundleEntryFile: string, bundleFile: string) { // todo: use Deno.emit() const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), 'bundle', '--no-check', bundleEntryFile, bundleFile], stdout: 'null', stderr: 'piped' }) const data = await p.stderrOutput() p.close() if (!existsFileSync(bundleFile)) { const msg = (new TextDecoder).decode(data).replaceAll('file://', '').replaceAll(this.#app.buildDir, '/_aleph') await Deno.stderr.write((new TextEncoder).encode(msg)) Deno.exit(1) }
// transpile bundle code to `buildTarget` const { buildTarget } = this.#app.config
let { code } = await transform( '/bundle.js', await Deno.readTextFile(bundleFile), { transpileOnly: true, swcOptions: { target: buildTarget } } )
// IIFEify code = `(() => { ${code} })()`
// minify code // todo: use swc minify instead ( const mini = await minify(code, parseInt(util.trimPrefix(buildTarget, 'es'))) if (mini !== undefined) { code = mini }
await clearCompilation(bundleFile) await Deno.writeTextFile(bundleFile, code) }}
interface Minify { (code: string, options: any): Promise<{ code: string }>}
let terser: Minify | null = null
async function minify(code: string, ecma: number = 2015) { if (terser === null) { const { minify } = await import('') terser = minify as Minify } const ret = await terser(code, { compress: true, mangle: true, ecma, sourceMap: false }) return ret.code}