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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { createBlankRouterURL, RouteModule } from '../framework/core/routing.ts'import { dirname, basename } from ''import log from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { RouterURL } from '../types.ts'import type { Application } from './app.ts'
export type SSRData = { expires: number value: any}
export type SSROutput = { html: string data: Record<string, SSRData> | null}
/** The framework render result of SSR. */export type FrameworkRenderResult = { head: string[] body: string scripts: Record<string, any>[] data: Record<string, SSRData> | null}
/** The framework renderer for SSR. */export type FrameworkRenderer = { render( url: RouterURL, AppComponent: any, nestedPageComponents: { url: string, Component?: any }[] ): Promise<FrameworkRenderResult>}
/** The renderer class for aleph server. */export class Renderer { #app: Application #renderer: FrameworkRenderer #cache: Map<string, Map<string, SSROutput>>
constructor(app: Application) { this.#app = app this.#renderer = { render: async () => { throw new Error("framework renderer is undefined") } } this.#cache = new Map() }
setFrameworkRenderer(renderer: FrameworkRenderer) { this.#renderer = renderer }
async useCache( namespace: string, key: string, render: () => Promise<[string, Record<string, SSRData> | null]> ): Promise<[string, any]> { let cache = this.#cache.get(namespace) if (cache === undefined) { cache = new Map() this.#cache.set(namespace, cache) } if (cache.has(key)) { const { html, data } = cache.get(key)! let expires = 0 if (data !== null) { Object.values(data).forEach(({ expires: _expires }) => { if (expires === 0 || (_expires > 0 && _expires < expires)) { expires = _expires } }) } if (expires === 0 || < expires) { return [html, data] } cache.delete(key) } let [html, data] = await render() if (namespace !== '-') { this.#app.getCodeInjects('ssr')?.forEach(transform => { html = transform(key, html) }) } cache.set(key, { html, data }) return [html, data] }
clearCache(namespace?: string) { if (namespace) { this.#cache.delete(namespace) } else { this.#cache.clear() } }
/** render page base the given location. */ async renderPage(url: RouterURL, nestedModules: RouteModule[]): Promise<[string, Record<string, SSRData> | null]> { const start = const isDev = this.#app.isDev const appModule = this.#app.findModuleByName('app') const { default: App } = appModule ? await import(`file://${appModule.jsFile}#${appModule.hash.slice(0, 6)}`) : {} as any
let entryFile = '' const nestedPageComponents = await Promise.all(nestedModules .filter(({ url }) => this.#app.getModule(url) !== null) .map(async ({ url }) => { const { jsFile, hash } = this.#app.getModule(url)! const { default: Component } = await import(`file://${jsFile}#${hash.slice(0, 6)}`) entryFile = dirname(url) + '/' + basename(jsFile) return { url, Component } }) ) const { head, body, data, scripts } = await this.#renderer.render( url, App, nestedPageComponents )
if (isDev) {`render '${url.pathname}' in ${Math.round( - start)}ms`) }
return [ createHtml({ lang: url.locale, head: head, scripts: [ data ? { id: 'ssr-data', type: 'application/json', innerText: JSON.stringify(data, undefined, isDev ? 2 : 0), } : '', ...this.#app.getSSRHTMLScripts(entryFile), Record<string, any>) => { if (script.innerText && !isDev) { return { ...script, innerText: script.innerText } } return script }) ], body: `<div id="__aleph">${body}</div>`, minify: !isDev }), data ] }
/** render custom 404 page. */ async render404Page(url: RouterURL): Promise<string> { const appModule = this.#app.findModuleByName('app') const e404Module = this.#app.findModuleByName('404') const { default: App } = appModule ? await import(`file://${appModule.jsFile}#${appModule.hash.slice(0, 6)}`) : {} as any const { default: E404 } = e404Module ? await import(`file://${e404Module.jsFile}#${e404Module.hash.slice(0, 6)}`) : {} as any const { head, body, data, scripts } = await this.#renderer.render( url, App, e404Module ? [{ url: e404Module.url, Component: E404 }] : [] ) return createHtml({ lang: url.locale, head, scripts: [ data ? { id: 'ssr-data', type: 'application/json', innerText: JSON.stringify(data, undefined, this.#app.isDev ? 2 : 0), } : '', ...this.#app.getSSRHTMLScripts(), Record<string, any>) => { if (script.innerText && !this.#app.isDev) { return { ...script, innerText: script.innerText } } return script }) ], body: `<div id="__aleph">${body}</div>`, minify: !this.#app.isDev }) }
/** render custom loading page for SPA mode. */ async renderSPAIndexPage(): Promise<string> { const { baseUrl, defaultLocale } = this.#app.config const loadingModule = this.#app.findModuleByName('loading')
if (loadingModule) { const { default: Loading } = await import(`file://${loadingModule.jsFile}#${loadingModule.hash.slice(0, 6)}`) const { head, body, scripts } = await this.#renderer.render( createBlankRouterURL(baseUrl, defaultLocale), undefined, [{ url: loadingModule.url, Component: Loading }] ) return createHtml({ lang: defaultLocale, head, scripts: [ ...this.#app.getSSRHTMLScripts(), Record<string, any>) => { if (script.innerText && !this.#app.isDev) { return { ...script, innerText: script.innerText } } return script }) ], body: `<div id="__aleph">${body}</div>`, minify: !this.#app.isDev }) }
return createHtml({ lang: defaultLocale, head: [], scripts: this.#app.getSSRHTMLScripts(), body: '<div id="__aleph"></div>', minify: !this.#app.isDev }) }}
/** create html content by given arguments */function createHtml({ body, lang = 'en', head = [], className, scripts = [], minify = false}: { body: string, lang?: string, head?: string[], className?: string, scripts?: (string | { id?: string, type?: string, src?: string, innerText?: string, async?: boolean, preload?: boolean, nomodule?: boolean })[], minify?: boolean}) { const eol = minify ? '' : '\n' const indent = minify ? '' : ' '.repeat(2) const headTags = => tag.trim()).concat( => { if (!util.isString(v) && util.isNEString(v.src)) { if (v.type === 'module') { return `<link rel="modulepreload" href=${JSON.stringify(util.cleanPath(v.src))} />` } else if (!v.nomodule) { return `<link rel="preload" href=${JSON.stringify(util.cleanPath(v.src))} as="script" />` } } return '' })).filter(Boolean) const scriptTags = => { if (util.isString(v)) { return `<script>${v}</script>` } else if (util.isNEString(v.innerText)) { const { innerText, } = v return `<script${formatAttrs(rest)}>${eol}${innerText}${eol}${indent}</script>` } else if (util.isNEString(v.src) && !v.preload) { return `<script${formatAttrs({ ...v, src: util.cleanPath(v.src) })}></script>` } else { return '' } }).filter(Boolean)
if (!head.some(tag => tag.trimLeft().startsWith('<meta') && tag.includes('name="viewport"'))) { headTags.unshift('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />') }
return [ '<!DOCTYPE html>', `<html lang="${lang}">`, '<head>', indent + '<meta charSet="utf-8" />', => indent + tag), '</head>', className ? `<body class="${className}">` : '<body>', indent + body, => indent + tag), '</body>', '</html>' ].join(eol)}
function formatAttrs(v: any): string { return Object.keys(v).filter(k => !!v[k]).map(k => { if (v[k] === true) { return ` ${k}` } else { return ` ${k}=${JSON.stringify(String(v[k]))}` } }).join('')}