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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { encode } from ''import { ensureDir } from ''import { createHash } from ''import { compress } from ''
async function run(cmd: string[]) { const p ={ cmd, stdout: 'inherit', stderr: 'inherit' }) const status = await p.status() p.close() return status.success}
if (import.meta.main) { if (await run(['wasm-pack', 'build', '--target', 'web'])) { const wasmData = await Deno.readFile('./pkg/aleph_compiler_bg.wasm') const wasmPackJS = await Deno.readTextFile('./pkg/aleph_compiler.js') const data = compress(wasmData) const dataBase64 = encode(data) const hash = createHash('sha1').update(data).toString() await ensureDir('./dist') await Deno.writeTextFile( './dist/wasm.js', [ `import { decode } from "";`, `import { decompress } from "";`, `const dataRaw = "${dataBase64}";`, `export default () => decompress(decode(dataRaw));` ].join('\n') ) await Deno.writeTextFile( './dist/wasm-checksum.js', `export const checksum = ${JSON.stringify(hash)};` ) await Deno.writeTextFile( './dist/wasm-pack.js', `import { red } from '';` + wasmPackJS.replace('console.error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));', ` const msg = getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1); if (msg.includes('DiagnosticBuffer(["')) { const diagnostic = msg.split('DiagnosticBuffer(["')[1].split('"])')[0] console.error(red("ERROR"), "swc:", diagnostic) } else { console.error(red("ERROR"), msg) } `) ) await run(['deno', 'fmt', '-q', './dist/wasm-pack.js']) }}