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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from ''import { trimModuleExt, toPagePath, importModule } from './module.ts'
// Augment the window objectinterface MockWindow extends Window { __ALEPH: { import: (src: string, refetch?: boolean) => Promise<string> }}declare let window: MockWindow
Deno.test('module toPagePath', () => { assertEquals(toPagePath('/pages/bar.ts'), '/bar') assertEquals(toPagePath('/foobar/index.ts'), '/foobar')
assertEquals(toPagePath(''), '/')
assertThrows(() => toPagePath({} as string))})
Deno.test('module trimModuleExt', () => { assertEquals(trimModuleExt('foobar.ts'), 'foobar')
assertEquals(trimModuleExt(''), '')
assertEquals(trimModuleExt('barbaz.jsx.ts'), 'barbaz.jsx')
assertEquals(trimModuleExt('/index.ts'), '/index')
assertThrows(() => trimModuleExt({} as string))
assertEquals(trimModuleExt('😀'), '😀')
Deno.test('module importModule', async () => { // mock __ALEPH.import function foo(str: string, refetch: boolean = false) { if (refetch) { return Promise.resolve('refetching...') } return Promise.resolve(str) } window.__ALEPH = { import: foo }
const return1 = await importModule('/foo/bar', 'baz.ts') assertEquals(return1, 'baz.ts')
const return2 = await importModule('/foo/bar', 'baz.ts', true) assertEquals(return2, 'refetching...')})