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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { bold, dim } from ''import { ensureDir } from ''import { walk } from ''import { basename, dirname, extname, join, resolve} from ''import { Bundler, bundlerRuntimeCode, simpleJSMinify } from '../bundler/mod.ts'import { buildChecksum, ImportMap, parseExportNames, SourceType, transform, TransformOptions} from '../compiler/mod.ts'import { EventEmitter } from '../framework/core/events.ts'import { moduleExts, toPagePath, trimModuleExt } from '../framework/core/module.ts'import { RouteModule, Routing } from '../framework/core/routing.ts'import { minDenoVersion } from '../shared/constants.ts'import { ensureTextFile, existsDirSync, existsFileSync, lazyRemove} from '../shared/fs.ts'import log, { Measure } from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { RouterURL, ServerApplication,} from '../types.ts'import { VERSION } from '../version.ts'import { defaultConfig, loadConfig, loadAndUpgradeImportMap, RequiredConfig} from './config.ts'import { cache } from './cache.ts'import { CSSProcessor } from './css.ts'import { checkAlephDev, computeHash, formatBytesWithColor, getAlephPkgUri, getRelativePath, isLoaderPlugin, moduleWalkOptions, reFullVersion, toLocalUrl} from './helper.ts'import { Renderer } from './ssr.ts'
/** A module includes the compilation details. */export type Module = { url: string deps: DependencyDescriptor[] isStyle: boolean sourceHash: string hash: string jsFile: string ready: Promise<void>}
/** The dependency descriptor. */export type DependencyDescriptor = { url: string hash: string isDynamic?: boolean}
type TransformFn = (url: string, code: string) => string
/** The application class for aleph server. */export class Application implements ServerApplication { readonly workingDir: string readonly mode: 'development' | 'production' readonly config: RequiredConfig readonly importMap: ImportMap readonly ready: Promise<void>
#modules: Map<string, Module> = new Map() #pageRouting: Routing = new Routing({}) #apiRouting: Routing = new Routing({}) #fsWatchListeners: Array<EventEmitter> = [] #cssProcesser: CSSProcessor = new CSSProcessor() #bundler: Bundler = new Bundler(this) #renderer: Renderer = new Renderer(this) #injects: Map<'compilation' | 'hmr' | 'ssr', TransformFn[]> = new Map() #reloading = false
constructor( workingDir = '.', mode: 'development' | 'production' = 'production', reload = false ) { if (Deno.version.deno < minDenoVersion) { log.error(`Aleph.js needs Deno ${minDenoVersion}+, please upgrade Deno.`) Deno.exit(1) } checkAlephDev() this.workingDir = resolve(workingDir) this.mode = mode this.config = { ...defaultConfig } this.importMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {} } this.ready = this.init(reload) }
/** initiate application */ private async init(reload: boolean) { const ms = new Measure() const [config, importMap] = await Promise.all([ loadConfig(this.workingDir), loadAndUpgradeImportMap(this.workingDir), ])
Object.assign(this.config, config) Object.assign(this.importMap, importMap) this.#pageRouting.config(this.config) this.#cssProcesser.config(!this.isDev, this.config.css)
// load .env files for await (const { path: p, } of walk(this.workingDir, { match: [/(^|\/|\\)\.env(\.|$)/i], maxDepth: 1 })) { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(p) text.split('\n').forEach(line => { let [key, value] = util.splitBy(line, '=') key = key.trim() if (key) { Deno.env.set(key, value.trim()) } })'load env from', basename(p)) }
ms.stop('load config')
Deno.env.set('ALEPH_VERSION', VERSION) Deno.env.set('ALEPH_BUILD_MODE', this.mode) Deno.env.set('ALEPH_FRAMEWORK', this.framework)
const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri() const compileTasks: Array<Promise<Module>> = [] const buildManifestFile = join(this.buildDir, 'build.manifest.json') const plugins = computeHash(JSON.stringify({ plugins:{ name }) => name), css: { modules: this.config.css.modules, postcssPlugins: this.config.css.postcss? => { if (util.isString(p)) { return p } else if (util.isArray(p)) { return p[0] } else { return 'Plugin' } }) }, react: this.config.react, }, (key: string, value: any) => { if (key === 'inlineStylePreprocess') { return void 0 } return value })) let shouldRebuild = !existsFileSync(buildManifestFile) if (!shouldRebuild) { try { const v = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(buildManifestFile)) shouldRebuild = ( typeof v !== 'object' || v === null || v.compiler !== buildChecksum || v.plugins !== plugins ) } catch (e) { } }
this.#reloading = reload if (reload || shouldRebuild) { if (existsDirSync(this.buildDir)) { await Deno.remove(this.buildDir, { recursive: true }) } await ensureDir(this.buildDir) }
if (shouldRebuild) { log.debug('rebuild...') ensureTextFile(buildManifestFile, JSON.stringify({ aleph: VERSION, deno: Deno.version.deno, compiler: buildChecksum, plugins, }, undefined, 2)) }
// init framework const { init } = await import(`../framework/${this.framework}/init.ts`) await init(this)
ms.stop('init framework')
// apply server plugins await Promise.all( plugin => { if (plugin.type === 'server') { await plugin.onInit(this) } }) )
ms.stop('apply plugins')
// compile & import framework renderer if (this.config.ssr) { compileTasks.push((async () => { const mod = await this.compile(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/${this.framework}/renderer.ts`) const { render } = await import(`file://${mod.jsFile}`) if (util.isFunction(render)) { this.#renderer.setFrameworkRenderer({ render }) } return mod })()) }
// pre-compile framework modules compileTasks.push(this.compile(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/${this.framework}/bootstrap.ts`)) if (this.isDev) { compileTasks.push(this.compile(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/hmr.ts`)) compileTasks.push(this.compile(`${alephPkgUri}/framework/core/nomodule.ts`)) }
// compile custom components for (const name of ['app', '404', 'loading']) { for (const ext of moduleExts) { if (existsFileSync(join(this.srcDir, `${name}.${ext}`))) { compileTasks.push(this.compile(`/${name}.${ext}`)) break } } }
const apiModules: string[] = [] const pageModules: string[] = [] const apiDir = join(this.srcDir, 'api') const pagesDir = join(this.srcDir, 'pages')
if (existsDirSync(apiDir)) { for await (const { path: p } of walk(apiDir, { ...moduleWalkOptions, exts: moduleExts })) { const url = util.cleanPath('/api/' + util.trimPrefix(p, apiDir)) apiModules.push(url) compileTasks.push(this.compile(url)) } }
if (existsDirSync(pagesDir)) { for await (const { path: p } of walk(pagesDir, moduleWalkOptions)) { const url = util.cleanPath('/pages/' + util.trimPrefix(p, pagesDir)) let validated = moduleExts.some(ext => p.endsWith('.' + ext)) if (!validated) { validated = this.loaders.some(p => p.type === 'loader' && p.test.test(url) && p.allowPage) } if (validated) { pageModules.push(url) compileTasks.push(this.compile(url)) } } }'Compiling...')
// wait all compilation tasks are done await Promise.all(compileTasks)
// update routing apiModules.forEach(url => { this.#apiRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) }) pageModules.forEach(url => { this.#pageRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) })
// pre-bundle if (!this.isDev) { await this.bundle() }
// end reload if (reload) { this.#reloading = false }
ms.stop('init project')
if (this.isDev) { } }
/** watch file changes, re-compile modules and send HMR signal. */ private async watch() { const w = Deno.watchFs(this.srcDir, { recursive: true })'Start watching code changes...') for await (const event of w) { for (const p of event.paths) { const url = util.cleanPath(util.trimPrefix(p, this.srcDir)) if (this.isScopedModule(url)) { util.debounceX(url, () => { if (existsFileSync(p)) { let type = 'modify' if (!this.#modules.has(url)) { type = 'add' }, url) this.compile(url, { forceCompile: true }).then(mod => { const hmrable = this.isHMRable(mod.url) const applyEffect = (url: string) => { if (trimModuleExt(url) === '/app') { this.#renderer.clearCache() } else if (url.startsWith('/pages/')) { const [routePath] = this.createRouteUpdate(url) this.#renderer.clearCache(routePath) this.#pageRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) } else if (url.startsWith('/api/')) { this.#apiRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) } } if (hmrable) { let routePath: string | undefined = undefined let useDeno: boolean | undefined = undefined let isIndex: boolean | undefined = undefined if (mod.url.startsWith('/pages/')) { const [path, _, options] = this.createRouteUpdate(mod.url) routePath = path useDeno = options.useDeno isIndex = options.isIndex } else { if (['/app', '/404'].includes(trimModuleExt(mod.url))) { this.lookupDeps(mod.url, dep => { if (dep.url.startsWith('#useDeno-')) { useDeno = true return false } }) } } if (type === 'add') { this.#fsWatchListeners.forEach(e => { e.emit('add', { url: mod.url, routePath, isIndex, useDeno }) }) } else { this.#fsWatchListeners.forEach(e => { e.emit('modify-' + mod.url, { useDeno }) }) } } applyEffect(mod.url) this.applyCompilationSideEffect(url, (mod) => { applyEffect(mod.url) if (!hmrable && this.isHMRable(mod.url)) { this.#fsWatchListeners.forEach(w => w.emit('modify-' + mod.url)) } }) }).catch(err => { log.error(`compile(${url}):`, err.message) }) } else if (this.#modules.has(url)) { if (trimModuleExt(url) === '/app') { this.#renderer.clearCache() } else if (url.startsWith('/pages/')) { const [routePath] = this.createRouteUpdate(url) this.#renderer.clearCache(routePath) this.#pageRouting.removeRoute(routePath) } else if (url.startsWith('/api/')) { const [routePath] = this.createRouteUpdate(url) this.#apiRouting.removeRoute(routePath) } this.#modules.delete(url) if (this.isHMRable(url)) { this.#fsWatchListeners.forEach(e => e.emit('remove', url)) }'remove', url) } }, 150) } } } }
/** check the changed file whether it is a scoped module */ private isScopedModule(url: string) { for (const ext of moduleExts) { if (url.endsWith('.' + ext)) { if (url.startsWith('/pages/') || url.startsWith('/api/')) { return true } switch (trimModuleExt(url)) { case '/404': case '/app': return true } } }
// is page module by plugin if (this.loaders.some(p => p.test.test(url) && p.allowPage)) { return true }
// is dep for (const { deps } of this.#modules.values()) { if (deps.some(dep => dep.url === url)) { return true } }
return false }
get isDev() { return this.mode === 'development' }
get framework() { return this.config.framework }
get srcDir() { return join(this.workingDir, this.config.srcDir) }
get outputDir() { return join(this.workingDir, this.config.outputDir) }
get buildDir() { return join(this.workingDir, '.aleph', this.mode) }
get loaders() { return this.config.plugins.filter(isLoaderPlugin) }
/** get the module by given url. */ getModule(url: string): Module | null { if (this.#modules.has(url)) { return this.#modules.get(url)! } return null }
/** find the module by given name. */ findModuleByName(name: string): Module | null { for (const ext of moduleExts) { const url = `/${util.trimPrefix(name, '/')}.${ext}` if (this.#modules.has(url)) { return this.#modules.get(url)! } } return null }
/** lookup style deps of given modules. */ lookupStyleModules(...urls: string[]): Module[] { const mods: Module[] = [] urls.forEach(url => { this.lookupDeps(url, ({ url }) => { const mod = this.#modules.get(url) if (mod && mod.isStyle) { mods.push({ ...mod, deps: [...mod.deps] }) } }) }) return mods }
/** get page route by given location. */ getPageRoute(location: { pathname: string, search?: string }): [RouterURL, RouteModule[]] { return this.#pageRouting.createRouter(location) }
/** get api route by given location. */ getAPIRoute(location: { pathname: string, search?: string }): [RouterURL, Module] | null { const router = this.#apiRouting.createRouter(location) if (router !== null) { const [url, nestedModules] = router if (url.routePath !== '') { const { url: moduleUrl } = nestedModules.pop()! if (this.#modules.has(moduleUrl)) { return [url, this.#modules.get(moduleUrl)!] } } } return null }
/** add a new page module by given path and source code. */ async addModule(url: string, options: { code?: string } = {}): Promise<void> { await this.compile(url, { sourceCode: options.code }) if (url.startsWith('/pages/')) { this.#pageRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) } else if (url.startsWith('/api/')) { this.#apiRouting.update(...this.createRouteUpdate(url)) } return }
/** inject code */ injectCode(stage: 'compilation' | 'hmr' | 'ssr', transform: TransformFn): void { if (this.#injects.has(stage)) { this.#injects.get(stage)!.push(transform) } else { this.#injects.set(stage, [transform]) } }
/** get ssr data */ async getSSRData(loc: { pathname: string, search?: string }): Promise<any> { if (!this.isSSRable(loc.pathname)) { return null }
const [router, nestedModules] = this.#pageRouting.createRouter(loc) const { routePath } = router if (routePath === '') { return null }
const path = loc.pathname + ( || '') const [_, data] = await this.#renderer.useCache(routePath, path, async () => { return await this.#renderer.renderPage(router, nestedModules) }) return data }
/** get ssr page */ async getPageHTML(loc: { pathname: string, search?: string }): Promise<[number, string]> { const [router, nestedModules] = this.#pageRouting.createRouter(loc) const { routePath } = router const status = routePath !== '' ? 200 : 404 const path = loc.pathname + ( || '')
if (!this.isSSRable(loc.pathname)) { const [html] = await this.#renderer.useCache('-', 'spa-index', async () => { return [await this.#renderer.renderSPAIndexPage(), null] }) return [status, html] }
if (routePath === '') { const [html] = await this.#renderer.useCache('404', path, async () => { return [await this.#renderer.render404Page(router), null] }) return [status, html] }
const [html] = await this.#renderer.useCache(routePath, path, async () => { let [html, data] = await this.#renderer.renderPage(router, nestedModules) return [html, data] }) return [status, html] }
/** get code injects */ getCodeInjects(phase: 'compilation' | 'hmr' | 'ssr') { return this.#injects.get(phase) }
/** create a fs watcher. */ createFSWatcher(): EventEmitter { const e = new EventEmitter() this.#fsWatchListeners.push(e) return e }
/** remove the fs watcher. */ removeFSWatcher(e: EventEmitter) { e.removeAllListeners() const index = this.#fsWatchListeners.indexOf(e) if (index > -1) { this.#fsWatchListeners.splice(index, 1) } }
/** check the module whether it is hmrable. */ isHMRable(url: string) { if (!this.isDev || util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { return false }
for (const ext of moduleExts) { if (url.endsWith('.' + ext)) { return ( url.startsWith('/pages/') || url.startsWith('/components/') || ['/app', '/404'].includes(util.trimSuffix(url, '.' + ext)) ) } }
const mod = this.#modules.get(url) if (mod && mod.isStyle) { return true }
return this.loaders.some(p => ( p.test.test(url) && (p.acceptHMR || p.allowPage) )) }
/** inject HMR code */ injectHMRCode({ url }: Module, content: string): string { const hmrModuleImportUrl = getRelativePath( dirname(toLocalUrl(url)), toLocalUrl(`${getAlephPkgUri()}/framework/core/hmr.js`) ) const lines = [ `import { createHotContext } from ${JSON.stringify(hmrModuleImportUrl)};`, ` = createHotContext(${JSON.stringify(url)});`, '', content, '', ';' ]
let code = lines.join('\n') this.#injects.get('hmr')?.forEach(transform => { code = transform(url, code) }) return code }
/** get main code in javascript. */ getMainJS(bundleMode = false): string { const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri() const alephPkgPath = alephPkgUri.replace('https://', '').replace('http://localhost:', 'http_localhost_') const { basePath: basePath, defaultLocale, framework } = this.config const config: Record<string, any> = { basePath, defaultLocale, locales: [], routes: this.#pageRouting.routes, rewrites: this.config.rewrites, sharedModules: Array.from(this.#modules.values()).filter(({ url }) => { return ['/app', '/404'].includes(trimModuleExt(url)) }).map(({ url }) => { let useDeno: boolean | undefined = undefined if (this.config.ssr !== false) { this.lookupDeps(url, dep => { if (dep.url.startsWith('#useDeno-')) { useDeno = true return false } }) } return { url, useDeno } }), renderMode: this.config.ssr ? 'ssr' : 'spa' }
if (bundleMode) { return [ `__ALEPH.basePath = ${JSON.stringify(basePath)};`, `__ALEPH.pack["${alephPkgUri}/framework/${framework}/bootstrap.ts"].default(${JSON.stringify(config)});` ].join('') }
let code = [ this.isDev && `import { connect } from "./-/${alephPkgPath}/framework/core/hmr.js";`, `import bootstrap from "./-/${alephPkgPath}/framework/${framework}/bootstrap.js";`, this.isDev && `connect(${JSON.stringify(basePath)});`, `bootstrap(${JSON.stringify(config, undefined, this.isDev ? 2 : undefined)});` ].filter(Boolean).join('\n') this.#injects.get('compilation')?.forEach(transform => { code = transform('/main.js', code) }) return code }
/** get ssr html scripts */ getSSRHTMLScripts(entryFile?: string) { const { framework } = this.config const basePath = util.trimSuffix(this.config.basePath, '/') const alephPkgPath = getAlephPkgUri().replace('https://', '').replace('http://localhost:', 'http_localhost_') const fullAlephPkgPath = `${basePath}/_aleph/-/${alephPkgPath}`
if (this.isDev) { const preload: string[] = [ `${fullAlephPkgPath}/framework/core/module.js`, `${fullAlephPkgPath}/framework/core/events.js`, `${fullAlephPkgPath}/framework/core/routing.js`, `${fullAlephPkgPath}/framework/core/hmr.js`, `${fullAlephPkgPath}/framework/${framework}/bootstrap.js`, `${fullAlephPkgPath}/shared/util.js`, ]
Array.from(this.#modules.keys()).forEach(url => { switch (trimModuleExt(url)) { case '/app': preload.push(`${basePath}/_aleph/app.js`) break case '/404': preload.push(`${basePath}/_aleph/404.js`) break } })
if (entryFile) { preload.push(`${basePath}/_aleph${entryFile}`) }
return [ => ({ src, type: 'module', preload: true })), { src: `${basePath}/_aleph/main.js`, type: 'module' }, { src: `${fullAlephPkgPath}/nomodule.js`, nomodule: true }, ] }
return [ simpleJSMinify(bundlerRuntimeCode), ...['polyfills', 'deps', 'shared', 'main', entryFile ? util.trimSuffix(entryFile, '.js') : ''] .filter(name => name !== "" && this.#bundler.getBundledFile(name) !== null) .map(name => ({ src: `${basePath}/_aleph/${this.#bundler.getBundledFile(name)}` })) ] }
/** read the module contents. */ async readModule(url: string) { const { content, contentType } = await this.fetchModule(url) const source = await this.precompile(url, content, contentType) if (source === null) { throw new Error(`Unsupported module '${url}'`) } return source }
/** parse the export names of the module. */ async parseModuleExportNames(url: string): Promise<string[]> { const source = await this.readModule(url) const names = await parseExportNames(url, source.code, { sourceType: source.type }) return (await Promise.all( name => { if (name.startsWith('{') && name.startsWith('}')) { return await this.parseModuleExportNames(name.slice(1, -1)) } return name }))).flat() }
/** default compiler options */ get sharedCompileOptions(): TransformOptions { return { importMap: this.importMap, alephPkgUri: getAlephPkgUri(), react: this.config.react, isDev: this.isDev, inlineStylePreprocess: async (key: string, type: string, tpl: string) => { if (type !== 'css') { for (const loader of this.loaders) { if (loader.test.test(`.${type}`) && loader.transform) { const { code, type } = await loader.transform({ url: key, content: (new TextEncoder).encode(tpl) }) if (type === 'css') { tpl = code } } } } return (await this.#cssProcesser.transform(key, tpl)).code } } }
/** build the application to a static site(SSG) */ async build() { const start =
// wait for app ready await this.ready
const outputDir = this.outputDir const distDir = join(outputDir, '_aleph')
// clear previous build if (existsDirSync(outputDir)) { for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(outputDir)) { await Deno.remove(join(outputDir,, { recursive: entry.isDirectory }) } } await ensureDir(distDir)
// copy bundle dist await this.#bundler.copyDist()
// ssg await this.ssg()
// copy public assets const publicDir = join(this.workingDir, 'public') if (existsDirSync(publicDir)) { let n = 0 for await (const { path: p } of walk(publicDir, { includeDirs: false, skip: [/(^|\/|\\)\./] })) { const rp = util.trimPrefix(p, publicDir) const fp = join(outputDir, rp) const fi = await Deno.lstat(p) await ensureDir(dirname(fp)) await Deno.copyFile(p, fp) if (n === 0) {'- Public Assets')) }' ∆', rp.split('\\').join('/'), dim('•'), formatBytesWithColor(fi.size)) n++ } }`Done in ${Math.round( - start)}ms`) }
private createRouteUpdate(url: string): [string, string, { isIndex?: boolean, useDeno?: boolean }] { const isBuiltinModule = moduleExts.some(ext => url.endsWith('.' + ext)) let routePath = isBuiltinModule ? toPagePath(url) : util.trimSuffix(url, '/pages') let useDeno: boolean | undefined = undefined let isIndex: boolean | undefined = undefined
if (this.config.ssr !== false) { this.lookupDeps(url, dep => { if (dep.url.startsWith('#useDeno-')) { useDeno = true return false } }) }
if (!isBuiltinModule) { for (const loader of this.loaders) { if (loader.test.test(url) && loader.pagePathResolve) { const { path, isIndex: _isIndex } = loader.pagePathResolve(url) if (!util.isNEString(path)) { throw new Error(`bad pagePathResolve result of '${}' plugin`) } routePath = path if (!!_isIndex) { isIndex = true } break } } } else if (routePath !== '/') { for (const ext of moduleExts) { if (url.endsWith('/index.' + ext)) { isIndex = true break } } }
return [routePath, url, { isIndex, useDeno }] }
/** fetch module content */ private async fetchModule(url: string): Promise<{ content: Uint8Array, contentType: string | null }> { for (const loader of this.loaders) { if (loader.test.test(url) && loader.resolve !== undefined) { const v = loader.resolve(url) let content: Uint8Array if (v instanceof Promise) { content = await v } else { content = v } if (content instanceof Uint8Array) { return { content, contentType: null } } } }
if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(url)) { const filepath = join(this.srcDir, util.trimPrefix(url, 'file://')) if (existsFileSync(filepath)) { const content = await Deno.readFile(filepath) return { content, contentType: null } } else { return Promise.reject(new Error(`No such file`)) } }
// todo: add options to download the remote css if (url.endsWith('.css') || url.endsWith('.pcss')) { return { content: new Uint8Array(), contentType: 'text/css' } }
if (url.startsWith('')) { const u = new URL(url) if (this.isDev && !u.searchParams.has('dev')) { u.searchParams.set('dev', '') ='dev=', 'dev') url = u.toString() } }
return await cache(url, { forceRefresh: this.#reloading, retryTimes: 10 }) }
private async precompile( url: string, sourceContent: Uint8Array, contentType: string | null ): Promise<{ code: string type: SourceType isStyle: boolean map?: string } | null> { const encoder = new TextEncoder() const decoder = new TextDecoder()
let sourceType: SourceType | null = null let sourceMap: Uint8Array | null = null let isStyle = false
if (contentType !== null) { switch (contentType.split(';')[0].trim()) { case 'application/javascript': case 'text/javascript': sourceType = SourceType.JS break case 'text/typescript': sourceType = SourceType.TS break case 'text/jsx': sourceType = SourceType.JSX break case 'text/tsx': sourceType = SourceType.TSX case 'text/css': sourceType = SourceType.CSS break } }
for (const loader of this.loaders) { if (loader.test.test(url) && loader.transform) { const { code, type = 'js', map } = await loader.transform({ url, content: sourceContent, map: sourceMap ?? undefined }) sourceContent = encoder.encode(code) if (map) { sourceMap = encoder.encode(map) } switch (type) { case 'js': sourceType = SourceType.JS break case 'jsx': sourceType = SourceType.JSX break case 'ts': sourceType = SourceType.TS break case 'tsx': sourceType = SourceType.TSX break case 'css': sourceType = SourceType.CSS break } } }
if (sourceType === null) { switch (extname(url).slice(1).toLowerCase()) { case 'mjs': case 'js': sourceType = SourceType.JS break case 'jsx': sourceType = SourceType.JSX break case 'ts': sourceType = SourceType.TS break case 'tsx': sourceType = SourceType.TSX break case 'postcss': case 'pcss': case 'css': sourceType = SourceType.CSS break default: return null } }
if (sourceType === SourceType.CSS) { const { code, map } = await this.#cssProcesser.transform(url, (new TextDecoder).decode(sourceContent)) sourceContent = encoder.encode(code) sourceType = SourceType.JS isStyle = true if (map) { sourceMap = encoder.encode(map) } }
return { code: decoder.decode(sourceContent), type: sourceType, isStyle, map: sourceMap ? decoder.decode(sourceMap) : undefined } }
/** * compile a moudle by given url, then cache on the disk. * each moudle only be compiled once unless you set the * `forceCompile` option to true. */ private async compile( url: string, options: { /* use source code string instead of source from IO */ sourceCode?: string, /* drop pervious complation */ forceCompile?: boolean, /* don't record the complation */ once?: boolean, } = {} ): Promise<Module> { const { sourceCode, forceCompile, once } = options const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(url) const localUrl = toLocalUrl(url) const saveDir = join(this.buildDir, dirname(localUrl)) const name = trimModuleExt(basename(localUrl)) const metaFile = join(saveDir, `${name}.meta.json`) const jsFile = join(saveDir, `${name}.js`)
let mod: Module let defer = (err?: Error) => { }
if (this.#modules.has(url)) { mod = this.#modules.get(url)! if (!forceCompile && !sourceCode) { await mod.ready return mod } mod.ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { defer = (err?: Error) => err ? reject(err) : resolve() }) } else { mod = { url, deps: [], isStyle: false, sourceHash: '', hash: '', jsFile, ready: new Promise((resolve, reject) => { defer = (err?: Error) => { if (err) { this.#modules.delete(url) reject(err) } else { resolve() } } }) } if (!once) { this.#modules.set(url, mod) } if (existsFileSync(metaFile)) { try { const { url: _url, deps, isStyle, sourceHash } = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(metaFile)) if (_url === url && util.isNEString(sourceHash) && util.isArray(deps)) { mod.sourceHash = sourceHash mod.deps = deps mod.isStyle = !!isStyle } else { log.warn(`removing invalid metadata '${name}.meta.json'`) Deno.remove(metaFile) } } catch (e) { } } }
let sourceContent = new Uint8Array() let contentType: null | string = null let jsContent = '' let jsSourceMap: null | string = null let shouldTransform = false let fsync = false
if (sourceCode) { sourceContent = (new TextEncoder).encode(sourceCode) const sourceHash = computeHash(sourceContent) if (mod.sourceHash === '' || mod.sourceHash !== sourceHash) { mod.sourceHash = sourceHash shouldTransform = true } } else { let shouldFetch = true if ( !this.#reloading && (isRemote && !url.startsWith('http://localhost:')) && reFullVersion.test(url) && mod.sourceHash !== '' ) { if (existsFileSync(jsFile)) { shouldFetch = false } } if (shouldFetch) { try { const { content, contentType: ctype } = await this.fetchModule(url) const sourceHash = computeHash(content) sourceContent = content contentType = ctype if (mod.sourceHash === '' || mod.sourceHash !== sourceHash) { mod.sourceHash = sourceHash shouldTransform = true } } catch (err) { log.error(`Fetch module '${url}':`, err.message) defer(err) return mod } } }
mod.hash = mod.sourceHash
// compile source code if (shouldTransform) { const ms = new Measure() const source = await this.precompile(url, sourceContent, contentType) if (source === null) { log.error(`Unsupported module '${url}'`) defer(new Error('Unsupported module')) return mod }
const { code, deps, starExports, map } = await transform(url, source.code, { ...this.sharedCompileOptions, sourceMap: this.isDev, swcOptions: { sourceType: source.type }, })
jsContent = code if (map) { jsSourceMap = map }
// in production/bundle mode we need to replace the star export with names if (starExports && starExports.length > 0) { for (let index = 0; index < starExports.length; index++) { const url = starExports[index] const names = await this.parseModuleExportNames(url) jsContent = jsContent.replace(`export * from "[${url}]:`, `export {${names.filter(name => name !== 'default').join(',')}} from "`) } }
mod.isStyle = source.isStyle mod.deps ={ specifier, isDynamic }) => { const dep: DependencyDescriptor = { url: specifier, hash: '' } if (isDynamic) { dep.isDynamic = true } if (dep.url.startsWith('#useDeno-') && !this.config.ssr) { log.warn(`use 'useDeno' hook in SPA mode: ${url}`) } return dep })
fsync = true ms.stop(`compile '${url}'`) }
// compile deps try { await Promise.all( dep => { if (!dep.url.startsWith('#')) { const depMod = await this.compile(dep.url, { once }) if (dep.hash === '' || dep.hash !== depMod.hash) { dep.hash = depMod.hash if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(dep.url)) { if (jsContent === '') { jsContent = await Deno.readTextFile(jsFile) } jsContent = this.updateImportUrls(jsContent, dep) if (!fsync) { fsync = true } } } } })) } catch (err) { log.error(`Write module '${url}' to JS:`, err.message) defer(err) return mod }
// update hash using deps status if (mod.deps.length > 0) { mod.hash = computeHash(mod.sourceHash +{ hash }) => hash).join('')) }
if (fsync) { if (jsSourceMap) { jsContent += `//# sourceMappingURL=${basename(jsFile)}.map` } try { await Promise.all([ ensureTextFile(metaFile, JSON.stringify({ url, deps: mod.deps, sourceHash: mod.sourceHash, isStyle: mod.isStyle ? true : undefined }, undefined, 2)), ensureTextFile(jsFile, jsContent), jsSourceMap ? ensureTextFile(jsFile + '.map', jsSourceMap) : Promise.resolve(), ]) await lazyRemove(util.trimSuffix(jsFile, '.js') + '.bundling.js') } catch (err) { log.error(`Write module '${url}' to JS:`, err.message) defer(err) return mod } }
defer() return mod }
/** apply compilation side-effect caused by dependency graph breaking. */ private async applyCompilationSideEffect(url: string, callback: (mod: Module) => void) { const { hash } = this.#modules.get(url)! for (const mod of this.#modules.values()) { for (const dep of mod.deps) { if (dep.url === url) { const jsContent = this.updateImportUrls( await Deno.readTextFile(mod.jsFile), { url, hash } ) await Deno.writeTextFile(mod.jsFile, jsContent) dep.hash = hash mod.hash = computeHash(mod.sourceHash +{ hash }) => hash).join('')) callback(mod) log.debug('compilation side-effect:', mod.url, dim('<-'), url) this.applyCompilationSideEffect(mod.url, callback) } } } }
/** create bundle chunks for production. */ private async bundle() { const sharedEntryMods = new Set<string>() const entryMods = new Map<string[], boolean>() const refCounter = new Set<string>() const concatAllEntries = () => [ Array.from(entryMods.entries()).map(([urls, shared]) => => ({ url, shared }))), Array.from(sharedEntryMods).map(url => ({ url, shared: true })), ].flat(2)
// add framwork bootstrap module as shared entry entryMods.set( [`${getAlephPkgUri()}/framework/${this.framework}/bootstrap.ts`], true )
// add app/404 modules as shared entry entryMods.set(Array.from(this.#modules.keys()).filter(url => ['/app', '/404'].includes(trimModuleExt(url))), true)
// add page module entries this.#pageRouting.lookup(routes => { routes.forEach(({ module: { url } }) => entryMods.set([url], false)) })
// add dynamic imported module as entry this.#modules.forEach(mod => { mod.deps.forEach(({ url, isDynamic }) => { if (isDynamic) { entryMods.set([url], false) } return url }) })
for (const mods of entryMods.keys()) { const deps = new Set<string>() mods.forEach(url => { this.lookupDeps(url, dep => { if (!dep.isDynamic) { deps.add(dep.url) } }) }) deps.forEach(url => { if (refCounter.has(url)) { sharedEntryMods.add(url) } else { refCounter.add(url) } }) }
await this.#bundler.bundle(concatAllEntries()) }
/** render all pages in routing. */ private async ssg() { const { ssr } = this.config const outputDir = this.outputDir
if (ssr === false) { const html = await this.#renderer.renderSPAIndexPage() await ensureTextFile(join(outputDir, 'index.html'), html) await ensureTextFile(join(outputDir, '404.html'), html) return }'- Pages (SSG)'))
// render pages const paths = new Set(this.#pageRouting.paths) // todo: check getStaticPaths await Promise.all(Array.from(paths).map(async pathname => { if (this.isSSRable(pathname)) { const [router, nestedModules] = this.#pageRouting.createRouter({ pathname }) if (router.routePath !== '') { let [html, data] = await this.#renderer.renderPage(router, nestedModules) this.#injects.get('ssr')?.forEach(transform => { html = transform(pathname, html) }) await ensureTextFile(join(outputDir, pathname, 'index.html'), html) if (data) { const dataFile = join( outputDir, '_aleph/data', (pathname === '/' ? 'index' : pathname) + '.json' ) await ensureTextFile(dataFile, JSON.stringify(data)) }' ○', pathname, dim('• ' + util.formatBytes(html.length))) } else { log.error('Page not found:', pathname) } } }))
// render 404 page { const [router] = this.#pageRouting.createRouter({ pathname: '/404' }) let html = await this.#renderer.render404Page(router) this.#injects.get('ssr')?.forEach(transform => { html = transform('/404', html) }) await ensureTextFile(join(outputDir, '404.html'), html) } }
/** check a page whether is able to SSR. */ private isSSRable(pathname: string): boolean { const { ssr } = this.config if (util.isPlainObject(ssr)) { if (ssr.include) { for (let r of ssr.include) { if (!r.test(pathname)) { return false } } } if (ssr.exclude) { for (let r of ssr.exclude) { if (r.test(pathname)) { return false } } } return true } return ssr }
/** update the hash in import url of deps. */ private updateImportUrls(jsContent: string, dep: DependencyDescriptor) { const s = `.js#${dep.url}@` return jsContent.split(s).map((p, i) => { if (i > 0 && p.charAt(6) === '"') { return dep.hash.slice(0, 6) + p.slice(6) } return p }).join(s) }
/** lookup deps recurively. */ private lookupDeps( url: string, callback: (dep: DependencyDescriptor) => false | void, __tracing: Set<string> = new Set() ) { const mod = this.getModule(url) if (mod === null) { return } if (__tracing.has(url)) { return } __tracing.add(url) for (const dep of mod.deps) { if (callback(dep) === false) { return false } } for (const { url } of mod.deps) { if ((this.lookupDeps(url, callback, __tracing)) === false) { return } } }}