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import type { ServerRequest, ServerResponse } from '../types.ts'
const brotliMod = ''const flateMod = ''
class Compression { #brotli: ((data: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array) | null = null #gzip: ((data: Uint8Array) => Uint8Array) | null = null #ready: boolean = false
async init() { if (this.#brotli === null) { const { compress } = await import(brotliMod) this.#brotli = compress } if (this.#gzip === null) { const denoflate = await import(flateMod) this.#gzip = (data: Uint8Array) => denoflate.gzip(data, undefined) } this.#ready = true }
apply(req: ServerRequest, resp: ServerResponse, contentType: string, content: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { if (!this.#ready) { return content }
let shouldCompress = false if (contentType) { if (contentType.startsWith('text/')) { shouldCompress = true } else if (/^application\/(javascript|json|xml|wasm)/i.test(contentType)) { shouldCompress = true } else if (/^image\/svg\+xml/i.test(contentType)) { shouldCompress = true } }
if (shouldCompress && content.length > 1024) { const ae = req.headers.get('accept-encoding') || '' if (ae.includes('br') && this.#brotli !== null) { resp.headers?.set('Vary', 'Origin') resp.headers?.set('Content-Encoding', 'br') return this.#brotli(content) } else if (ae.includes('gzip') && this.#gzip !== null) { resp.headers?.set('Vary', 'Origin') resp.headers?.set('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') return this.#gzip(content) } }
return content }}
export default new Compression()