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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { colors, path, Sha1 } from '../deps.ts'import { existsDirSync } from '../shared/fs.ts'import log from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { ServerRequest } from '../types.ts'import { VERSION } from '../version.ts'
export const reLocaleID = /^[a-z]{2}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/export const reFullVersion = /@v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+/iexport const reHashJs = /\.[0-9a-fx]{9}\.js$/iexport const reHashResolve = /(import|import\s*\(|from|href\s*:)(\s*)("|')([^'"]+\.[0-9a-fx]{9}\.js)("|')/g
export const AlephRuntimeCode = ` var __ALEPH = window.__ALEPH || (window.__ALEPH = { pack: {}, exportFrom: function(specifier, url, exports) { if (url in this.pack) { var mod = this.pack[url] if (!(specifier in this.pack)) { this.pack[specifier] = {} } if (exports === '*') { for (var k in mod) { this.pack[specifier][k] = mod[k] } } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && exports !== null) { for (var k in exports) { this.pack[specifier][exports[k]] = mod[k] } } } }, require: function(name) { switch (name) { case 'regenerator-runtime': return regeneratorRuntime default: throw new Error('module "' + name + '" is undefined') } }, });`
/** get aleph pkg url. */export function getAlephPkgUrl() { let url = `${VERSION}` const { __ALEPH_DEV_PORT: devPort } = globalThis as any if (devPort) { url = `http://localhost:${devPort}` } return url}
/** get relative the path of `to` to `from`. */export function getRelativePath(from: string, to: string): string { let r = path.relative(from, to).split('\\').join('/') if (!r.startsWith('.') && !r.startsWith('/')) { r = './' + r } return r}
/** compute hash of the content */export function computeHash(content: string | Uint8Array): string { return (new Sha1).update(content).hex()}
/** cleanup the previous compilation cache */export async function cleanupCompilation(jsFile: string) { const dir = path.dirname(jsFile) const jsFileName = path.basename(jsFile) if (!reHashJs.test(jsFile) || !existsDirSync(dir)) { return } const jsName = jsFileName.split('.').slice(0, -2).join('.') + '.js' for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(dir)) { if (entry.isFile && ('.js') ||''))) { const _jsName = util.trimSuffix(, '.map').split('.').slice(0, -2).join('.') + '.js' if (_jsName === jsName && jsFileName !== { await Deno.remove(path.join(dir, } } }}
/** fix import map */export function fixImportMap(v: any) { const imports: Record<string, string> = {} if (util.isPlainObject(v)) { Object.entries(v).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (key == '' || key == '/') { return } const isPrefix = key.endsWith('/') const y = (v: string) => util.isNEString(v) && (!isPrefix || v.endsWith('/')) if (y(value)) { imports[key] = value return } else if (util.isNEArray(value)) { for (const v of value) { if (y(v)) { imports[key] = v return } } } }) } return imports}
/** parse port number */export function parsePortNumber(v: string): number { const num = parseInt(v) if (isNaN(num) || !Number.isInteger(num) || num <= 0 || num >= 1 << 16) { log.fatal(`invalid port '${v}'`) } return num}
/** get option value */export function getOptionValue(options: Record<string, string | boolean>, keys: string[], defaultValue?: string): string { let value = defaultValue || '' for (const key of keys) { if (key in options && util.isNEString(options[key])) { value = String(options[key]) break } } return value}
/** * colorful the bytes string * - dim: 0 - 1MB * - yellow: 1MB - 10MB * - red: > 10MB */export function formatBytesWithColor(bytes: number) { let cf = colors.dim if (bytes > 10 << 20) { // 10MB cf = } else if (bytes > 1 << 20) { // 1MB cf = colors.yellow } return cf(util.formatBytes(bytes))}
/** Reponse an error jons to the request */export function respondErrorJSON(req: ServerRequest, status: number, message: string) { req.respond({ status, headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }), body: JSON.stringify({ error: { status, message } }) }).catch((err: Error) => log.warn('ServerRequest.respond:', err.message))}
/** create html content by given arguments */export function createHtml({ lang = 'en', head = [], scripts = [], body, minify = false}: { lang?: string, head?: string[], scripts?: (string | { id?: string, type?: string, src?: string, innerText?: string, nomodule?: boolean, async?: boolean, preload?: boolean })[], body: string, minify?: boolean}) { const eol = minify ? '' : '\n' const indent = minify ? '' : ' '.repeat(4) const headTags = => tag.trim()).concat( => { if (!util.isString(v) && util.isNEString(v.src)) { if (v.type === 'module') { return `<link rel="modulepreload" href=${JSON.stringify(util.cleanPath(v.src))} />` } else if (!v.nomodule) { return `<link rel="preload" href=${JSON.stringify(util.cleanPath(v.src))} as="script" />` } } return '' })).filter(Boolean) const scriptTags = => { if (util.isString(v)) { return `<script>${v}</script>` } else if (util.isNEString(v.innerText)) { const { innerText, } = v return `<script${formatAttrs(rest)}>${eol}${innerText}${eol}${indent}</script>` } else if (util.isNEString(v.src) && !v.preload) { return `<script${formatAttrs({ ...v, src: util.cleanPath(v.src) })}></script>` } else { return '' } }).filter(Boolean)
return [ '<!DOCTYPE html>', `<html lang="${lang}">`, '<head>', indent + '<meta charSet="utf-8" />', => indent + tag), '</head>', '<body>', indent + body, => indent + tag), '</body>', '</html>' ].join(eol)}
function formatAttrs(v: any): string { return Object.keys(v).filter(k => !!v[k]).map(k => { if (v[k] === true) { return ` ${k}` } else { return ` ${k}=${JSON.stringify(String(v[k]))}` } }).join('')}