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import { parse } from ''import { red } from ''import { existsSync } from ''import { dirname, join } from ''
export async function checkVersion(version: string): Promise<string> { console.log('Looking up latest version...')
const versionMetaUrl = '' const { latest, versions } = await (await fetch(versionMetaUrl)).json()
if (version === 'latest') { version = latest } else if (!versions.includes(version)) { version = 'v' + version if (!versions.includes(version)) { console.log(`${red('error')}: version(${version}) not found!`) Deno.exit(1) } }
return version}
export async function install(version: string, forceUpgrade = false) { const denoExecPath = Deno.execPath() const cmdExists = existsSync(join(dirname(denoExecPath), 'aleph')) const p ={ cmd: [ denoExecPath, 'install', '-A', '--unstable', '--no-check', '--location', 'http://localhost/', '-n', 'aleph', '-f', `${version}/cli.ts` ], stdout: 'null', stderr: 'inherit' }) const status = await p.status() if (status.success) { if (cmdExists && !forceUpgrade) { console.log(`Aleph.js is up to ${version}`) } else { console.log('Aleph.js was installed successfully') console.log(`Run 'aleph -h' to get started`) } } Deno.exit(status.code)}
if (import.meta.main) { const { _: args, ...options } = parse(Deno.args) const version = await checkVersion(options.v || options.version || args[0] || 'latest') await install(version, true)}