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/** * An interface that aligns to the parts of the `Aleph` class. */export interface Aleph { readonly mode: 'development' | 'production' readonly workingDir: string readonly config: RequiredConfig addDist(path: string, content: Uint8Array): Promise<void> addModule(specifier: string, sourceCode: string, forceRefresh?: boolean): Promise<Module> fetchModule(specifier: string): Promise<{ content: Uint8Array, contentType: string | null }> resolveImport(module: Module, importer: string, bundleMode?: boolean, timeStamp?: boolean): string onResolve(test: RegExp, resolve: (specifier: string) => ResolveResult): void onLoad(test: RegExp, load: (input: LoadInput) => LoadOutput | Promise<LoadOutput>): void onTransform(test: 'hmr' | 'main' | RegExp, transform: (input: TransformInput) => TransformOutput | void | Promise<TransformOutput | void>): void onRender(callback: (input: RenderOutput) => Promise<void> | void): void}
/** * The configuration for aleph application. */export type Config = { /** `framework` specifies the framework (default is 'react'). */ framework?: 'react' /** `basePath` specifies the path prefix (default is '/'). */ basePath?: string /** `i18n` specifies the options for **Internationalization**. */ i18n?: I18nOptions /** `css` specifies the css processing options. */ css?: CSSOptions /** `build` specifies the options for **ES Build**. */ build?: BuildOptions /** `ssr` specifies the options for **SSR**. */ ssr?: boolean | GlobalSSROptions /** `plugins` specifies some plugins to extend Aleph runtime. */ plugins?: Plugin[] /** `server` specifies the options for **Server**. */ server?: ServerOptions}
/* The Requred configuration for aleph application. */export type RequiredConfig = Required<Config> & { i18n: Required<I18nOptions> build: Required<BuildOptions> server: Required<ServerOptions> css: Required<CSSOptions>}
/** * The plugin to enhance Aleph server runtime. */export type Plugin = { /** `name` gives the plugin a name. */ name: string /** `setup` inits the plugin. */ setup(aleph: Aleph): Promise<void> | void}
/** * The result from the `onResolve` hook. */export type ResolveResult = { specifier?: string asPage?: { path: string, isIndex?: boolean } acceptHMR?: boolean external?: boolean data?: any}
/** * The input to the `onLoad` hook. */export type LoadInput = { specifier: string data?: any}
/** * The output of the `onLoad` hook. */export type LoadOutput = { /** The transformed code type (default is 'js'). */ type?: 'css' | 'js' | 'jsx' | 'ts' | 'tsx' /** The transformed code. */ code: string /** The source map if available. */ map?: string}
/** * The input of the `onTransform` hook. */export type TransformInput = { module: Omit<Module, 'jsBuffer' | 'ready'> code: string bundleMode?: boolean map?: string}
/** * The output of the `onTransform` hook. */export type TransformOutput = { code: string extraDeps?: DependencyDescriptor[] map?: string}
/** A module includes the compilation details. */export type Module = { readonly specifier: string deps: DependencyDescriptor[] external?: boolean isStyle?: boolean httpExternal?: boolean ssrPropsFn?: string ssgPathsFn?: boolean denoHooks?: string[] jsxStaticClassNames?: string[] sourceHash: string jsFile: string jsBuffer?: Uint8Array ready: Promise<void>}
/** The Dependency Descriptor. */type DependencyDescriptor = { readonly specifier: string virtual?: boolean isDynamic?: boolean hashLoc?: number}
/** The HTML Descriptor. */type HtmlDescriptor = { lang: string, headElements: string[], scripts: (string | { id?: string, type?: string, src?: string, innerText?: string, async?: boolean, preload?: boolean, nomodule?: boolean })[], body: string, bodyAttrs: Record<string, string>,}
/** SSR data with expires. */export type SSRData = { value: any expires: number}
/** render output includes html and data. */export type RenderOutput = { path: string html: HtmlDescriptor data: Record<string, SSRData> | null}
/** * The options for **Internationalization**. */export type I18nOptions = { /** `defaultLocale` specifies the default locale (default is the first locale). */ defaultLocale?: string /** `locales` specifies all the available locales. */ locales: string[]}
/** * The built target of esbuild. */export type BuildTarget = 'es2015' | 'es2016' | 'es2017' | 'es2018' | 'es2019' | 'es2020' | 'es2021' | 'esnext'
/** * The supported borwser name of esbuild. */export type BrowserName = 'chrome' | 'edge' | 'firefox' | 'ios' | 'safari'
/** * The config for ES Build. */export type BuildOptions = { /** `target` specifies the build target in production mode (default is [**es2015**]). */ target?: BuildTarget /** `browsers` specifies the target browsers for esbuild. */ browsers?: Record<BrowserName, number> /** `outputDir` specifies the output directory for `build` command (default is '**dist**'). */ outputDir?: string}
/** * The import maps. */export type ImportMap = { imports: Record<string, string> scopes: Record<string, Record<string, string>>}
/** * The config for builtin CSS loader. */export type CSSOptions = { /** `cache` caches remote css to local if it is true. */ cache?: boolean | RegExp | RegExp[] /** `postcss` specifies the postcss plugins. */ postcss?: { plugins: PostCSSPlugin[] } /** `modules` specifies CSS modules behavior. */ modules?: CSSModulesOptions}
/** * The plugin type of postcss. */export type PostCSSPlugin = string | [string, any] | Record<string, any> | CallableFunction
/** * The options are passed on to postcss-modules. */export type CSSModulesOptions = { exportGlobals?: boolean generateScopedName?: string | ((name: string, filename: string, css: string) => string) globalModulePaths?: string[] hashPrefix?: string localsConvention?: 'camelCase' | 'camelCaseOnly' | 'dashes' | 'dashesOnly' scopeBehaviour?: 'global' | 'local'}
/** * Global **SSR** options. */export type GlobalSSROptions = { /** A list of RegExp for paths to use **SSR**. */ include?: RegExp[] /** A list of RegExp for paths to skip **SSR**. */ exclude?: RegExp[]}
/** * The **SSR** props. */export type SSRProps = { [key: string]: any $revalidate?: number}
/** * The **SSR** options for pages. */export type SSROptions = { props?(router: RouterURL): (SSRProps | Promise<SSRProps>) paths?(): (string[] | Promise<string[]>)}
/** * The options for Server. */export type ServerOptions = { /** A list of `APIMiddleware` for api requests. */ middlewares?: APIMiddleware[] /** `headers` appends custom headers for server requests. */ headers?: Record<string, string> /** `rewrites` specifies the server rewrite map. */ rewrites?: Record<string, string> /** `compress` enbles compression(gzip/brotli) for static files and SSR content (default is **true**). */ compress?: boolean}
/** * The handler for API requests. */export type APIHandler = { (context: APIContext): Promise<void> | void}
/** * The middleware for API requests. */export type APIMiddleware = { (context: APIContext, next: () => void): Promise<void> | void}
/** * An interface that aligns to the `Deno.RequestEvent` */export interface APIContext extends Deno.RequestEvent { /** The data handled by middlewares. */ readonly data: Map<string, any> /** An interface that aligns to the parts of the `Response` with helper methods */ readonly response: APIResponse /** The router by the api routing. */ readonly router: RouterURL}
/** * An interface that aligns to the parts of the `Response` with helpers. */export interface APIResponse { status: number headers: Headers body?: string | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer | ReadableStream<Uint8Array> /** * `addHeader` adds a new value onto an existing response header of the request, or * adds the header if it does not already exist. */ addHeader(key: string, value: string): this /** * `setHeader` sets a new value for an existing response header of the request, or adds * the header if it does not already exist. */ setHeader(key: string, value: string): this /** `removeHeader` removes the value for an existing response header of the request. */ removeHeader(key: string): this /** `redirect` replies to redirect the client to another URL with optional response `status` defaulting to 302. */ redirect(url: string, status?: number): this /** `json` replies to the request with a json content. */ json(data: any, space?: string | number): this}
/** * The router URL object of the routing. */export type RouterURL = { readonly basePath: string readonly routePath: string readonly locale: string readonly defaultLocale: string readonly locales: string[] readonly pathname: string readonly params: Record<string, string> readonly query: URLSearchParams toString(): string push(url: string): void replace(url: string): void}