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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join } from 'std/path/mod.ts'import { assertEquals } from 'std/testing/asserts.ts'import { Aleph } from '../server/aleph.ts'import { ensureTextFile } from '../shared/fs.ts'import { cssLoader } from './css.ts'
Deno.test('plugin: css loader', async () => { Deno.env.set('DENO_TESTING', 'true') const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'aleph_plugin_testing' }) const aleph = new Aleph(dir, 'development') await ensureTextFile( join(dir, '/style/index.css'), 'h1 { font-size: 18px; }' ) const { code } = await cssLoader({ specifier: '/style/index.css', }, aleph) assertEquals(code, [ 'import { applyCSS } from ""', 'export const css = "h1 { font-size: 18px; }"', 'export default {}', 'applyCSS("/style/index.css", { css })', ].join('\n'))})
Deno.test('plugin: css loader for remote external', async () => { Deno.env.set('DENO_TESTING', 'true') const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'aleph_plugin_testing' }) const aleph = new Aleph(dir, 'development') aleph.config.css.cache = false const { code } = await cssLoader({ specifier: '', }, aleph) assertEquals(code, [ 'import { applyCSS } from ""', 'export const href = ""', 'export default {}', 'applyCSS("", { href })', ].join('\n'))})
Deno.test('plugin: css loader for inline styles', async () => { Deno.env.set('DENO_TESTING', 'true') const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'aleph_plugin_testing' }) const aleph = new Aleph(dir, 'development') const { code, type } = await cssLoader({ specifier: '#inline-style-{}', data: 'h1 { font-size: 18px; }' }, aleph) assertEquals(code, 'h1 { font-size: 18px; }') assertEquals(type, 'css')})
Deno.test({ name: 'plugin: css loader css modules feature', fn: async () => { Deno.env.set('DENO_TESTING', 'true') const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'aleph_plugin_testing' }) const aleph = new Aleph(dir, 'development') aleph.config.css.modules = { scopeBehaviour: 'local', generateScopedName: '[name]_[local]' } await ensureTextFile( join(dir, '/style/index.module.css'), '.name { font-size: 18px; }' ) const { code } = await cssLoader({ specifier: '/style/index.module.css', }, aleph) assertEquals(code, [ 'import { applyCSS } from ""', 'export const css = ".index-module_name { font-size: 18px; }"', 'export default {"name":"index-module_name"}', 'applyCSS("/style/index.module.css", { css })', ].join('\n')) }, sanitizeResources: false})
Deno.test('plugin: css loader with postcss plugins', async () => { Deno.env.set('DENO_TESTING', 'true') const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir({ prefix: 'aleph_plugin_testing' }) const aleph = new Aleph(dir, 'development') aleph.config.css.postcss = { plugins: ['postcss-nested'] } await ensureTextFile( join(dir, '/style/index.css'), '.foo { .bar { font-size: 100%; } }' ) const { code } = await cssLoader({ specifier: '/style/index.css' }, aleph) assertEquals(code, [ 'import { applyCSS } from ""', 'export const css = ".foo .bar { font-size: 100%; }"', 'export default {}', 'applyCSS("/style/index.css", { css })', ].join('\n'))})