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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { bold } from ''import { basename, resolve } from ''import { parse } from ''import { loadImportMap } from './server/config.ts'import { checkAlephDevEnv } from './server/helper.ts'import { existsDir, findFile } from './shared/fs.ts'import log from './shared/log.ts'import util from './shared/util.ts'import { VERSION } from './version.ts'
const commands = { 'init': 'Create a new app', 'dev': 'Start the app in development mode', 'start': 'Start the app in production mode', 'build': 'Build the app to a static site (SSG)', 'upgrade': 'Upgrade Aleph.js command'}
const helpMessage = `Aleph.js v${VERSION}The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
Usage: aleph <command> [...options]
Commands: ${Object.entries(commands).map(([name, desc]) => `${name.padEnd(15)}${desc}`) .join('\n ') }
Options: -v, --version Prints version number -h, --help Prints help message`
async function main() { const { _: args, ...options } = parse(Deno.args)
// prints aleph.js version if (options.v) { console.log(`aleph.js v${VERSION}`) Deno.exit(0) }
// prints aleph.js and deno version if (options.version) { const { deno, v8, typescript } = Deno.version console.log([ `aleph.js ${VERSION}`, `deno ${deno}`, `v8 ${v8}`, `typescript ${typescript}`, ].join('\n')) Deno.exit(0) }
// prints help message when the command not found if (!(args.length > 0 && args[0] in commands)) { console.log(helpMessage) Deno.exit(0) }
const command = String(args.shift()) as keyof typeof commands
// prints command help message if (options.h || { const { helpMessage: cmdHelpMessage } = await import(`./commands/${command}.ts`) console.log(commands[command]) console.log(cmdHelpMessage) Deno.exit(0) }
// execute `init` command if (command === 'init') { const { default: init } = await import(`./commands/init.ts`) await init(options?.template, args[0]) return }
// execute `upgrade` command if (command === 'upgrade') { const { default: upgrade } = await import(`./commands/upgrade.ts`) await upgrade(options.v || options.version || args[0] || 'latest') return }
// check working dir const workingDir = resolve(String(args[0] || '.')) if (!await existsDir(workingDir)) { log.fatal('No such directory:', workingDir) }
// run the command if import maps exists const importMapFile = await findFile(workingDir, ['import_map', 'import-map', 'importmap', 'importMap'].map(name => `${name}.json`)) if (importMapFile) { const importMap = await loadImportMap(importMapFile) let updateImportMaps: boolean | null = null let verison = VERSION if (command === 'dev') { for (const key in importMap.imports) { const url = importMap.imports[key] if (/\/\/deno\.land\/x\/aleph@v?\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[a-z0-9\.]+)?\//.test(url)) { const [prefix, rest] = util.splitBy(url, '@') const [ver, suffix] = util.splitBy(rest, '/') if (ver !== 'v' + VERSION && updateImportMaps === null) { updateImportMaps = confirm(`You are using a different version of Aleph.js, expect ${ver} -> v${bold(VERSION)}, update '${basename(importMapFile)}'?`) if (!updateImportMaps) { verison = ver.slice(1) } } if (updateImportMaps) { importMap.imports[key] = `${prefix}@v${VERSION}/${suffix}` } } } } if (updateImportMaps) { await Deno.writeTextFile(importMapFile, JSON.stringify(importMap, undefined, 2)) } await run(command, verison, importMapFile) return }
// run the command without import maps await run(command, VERSION)}
async function run(name: string, version: string, importMap?: string) { const cmd: string[] = [ Deno.execPath(), 'run', '-A', '--unstable', '--no-check', '--location', 'http://localhost/' ] if (importMap) { cmd.push('--import-map', importMap) } if (Deno.env.get('ALEPH_DEV') && version === VERSION) { cmd.push(`./commands/${name}.ts`) } else { cmd.push(`${version}/commands/${name}.ts`) } cmd.push(...Deno.args.slice(1)) const p ={ cmd, stdout: 'inherit', stderr: 'inherit' }) await p.status() p.close() if (name === 'build') { Deno.exit(0) }}
if (import.meta.main) { main()}