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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { resolve } from ''import { Aleph } from '../server/aleph.ts'import { parse } from './helper/flags.ts'import log from '../shared/log.ts'import { existsDir } from '../shared/fs.ts'
export const helpMessage = `Usage: aleph build <dir> [...options]
<dir> represents the directory of Aleph.js app,if the <dir> is empty, the current directory will be used.
Options: -L, --log-level <log-level> Set log level [possible values: debug, info] -r, --reload Reload source code cache -h, --help Prints help message`
if (import.meta.main) { const { args, options } = parse()
// check working dir const workingDir = resolve(String(args[0] || '.')) if (!await existsDir(workingDir)) { log.fatal('No such directory:', workingDir) }
const aleph = new Aleph(workingDir, 'production', Boolean(options.r || options.reload)) await}