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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { Module } from '../types.d.ts'import type { Aleph } from './aleph.ts'import { getAlephPkgUri } from './helper.ts'
export type DependencyGraph = { specifier: string external?: boolean isPreload?: boolean isDynamic?: boolean isLoop?: boolean isShared?: boolean size?: number sourceSize?: number deps: DependencyGraph[]}
export class Analyzer { #aleph: Aleph #entries: DependencyGraph[]
constructor(app: Aleph) { this.#aleph = app this.#entries = [ Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph('virtual:/vendor.js', true), Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph('virtual:/common.js', true), ] }
get entries() { return [...this.#entries] }
reset() { const { framework } = this.#aleph.config const bootstrapModuleUrl = `${getAlephPkgUri()}/framework/${framework}/bootstrap.ts`
this.#entries = [ Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph('virtual:/vendor.js', true), Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph('virtual:/common.js', true), ]
// main.js this.#entries.push(this.createDependencyGraph({ specifier: 'virtual:/main.js', deps: [ { specifier: bootstrapModuleUrl } ], }, true))
// app.js const appMoudle = this.#aleph.getModule('app') if (appMoudle) { this.#entries.push(this.createDependencyGraph(appMoudle, true)) } }
addEntry(module: Module) { if (this.#entries.findIndex(c => module.specifier === c.specifier) === -1) { let isShared = false for (const eg of this.#entries) { Analyzer.walkDependencyGraph(eg, graph => { const eq = graph.specifier === module.specifier if (eq && !graph.external && !graph.isDynamic && !graph.isLoop && !graph.isShared) { this.#entries.push({ ...graph, isPreload: true }) graph.isShared = true graph.deps = [] isShared = true return false // break walking } }) if (isShared) { return } } this.#entries.push(this.createDependencyGraph(module, false)) } }
private createDependencyGraph( module: Pick<Module, 'specifier' | 'deps' | 'external'>, isPreload?: boolean, __tracing = new Set<string>() ): DependencyGraph { const { specifier, external } = module const deps: Module["deps"] = [] const graph: DependencyGraph = { specifier, external, deps: [] }
if (__tracing.size === 0 && isPreload) { graph.isPreload = true }
if (external) { return graph }
if (__tracing.has(specifier)) { graph.isLoop = true return graph } __tracing.add(specifier)
module.deps.forEach(dep => { if ( this.#aleph.getModule(dep.specifier) !== null && deps.findIndex(({ specifier, isDynamic }) => dep.specifier === specifier && dep.isDynamic === isDynamic) === -1 ) { deps.push(dep) } }) graph.deps = deps.filter(({ specifier }) => this.#aleph.getModule(specifier) !== null) .map(dep => { const depMod = this.#aleph.getModule(dep.specifier)! const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(dep.specifier) const sharedGraph = this.#entries[isRemote ? 0 : 1]
// external dependency if (depMod.external) { return { ...Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph(dep.specifier), external: true, isDynamic: dep.isDynamic, } }
// check the dep whether it is global shared let isShared = false if (!isRemote) { for (const sg of this.entries) { if (sg.isPreload && sg.specifier === dep.specifier) { isShared = true break } } } if (!isShared) { for (const graph of sharedGraph.deps) { isShared = graph.specifier === dep.specifier if (isShared) { break } } } if (!isShared) { Analyzer.walkDependencyGraph(sharedGraph, graph => { const eq = graph.specifier === dep.specifier if (eq && !graph.external && !graph.isDynamic && !graph.isLoop && !graph.isShared) { sharedGraph.deps.push({ ...graph }) graph.isShared = true graph.isLoop = true graph.deps = [] isShared = true return false // break walking } }) } if (!isShared && !dep.isDynamic) { if (isPreload) { const g = this.createDependencyGraph(depMod, isPreload, __tracing) sharedGraph.deps.push(g) isShared = true } else { for (const eg of this.#entries) { if (!eg.isPreload) { if (eg.specifier === dep.specifier) { eg.isPreload = true isShared = true } else { Analyzer.walkDependencyGraph(eg, graph => { const eq = graph.specifier === dep.specifier if (eq && !graph.external && !graph.isDynamic && !graph.isLoop && !graph.isShared) { sharedGraph.deps.push({ ...graph }) graph.isShared = true graph.deps = [] isShared = true return false // break walking } }) } if (isShared) { break } } } } } if (isShared) { return { ...Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph(dep.specifier), isShared, isDynamic: dep.isDynamic, } }
// dynamic dep if (dep.isDynamic) { if (this.#entries.findIndex(c => dep.specifier === c.specifier) === -1) { this.#entries.push(this.createDependencyGraph(depMod)) } return { ...Analyzer.blankDependencyGraph(dep.specifier), isDynamic: true, } }
return this.createDependencyGraph(depMod, isPreload, __tracing) })
return graph }
static blankDependencyGraph(specifier: string, isPreload?: boolean): DependencyGraph { return { specifier, isPreload, deps: [] } }
static walkDependencyGraph( graph: DependencyGraph, callback: (graph: DependencyGraph) => void | false, __tracing: Set<string> = new Set() ): void | false { if (__tracing.has(graph.specifier)) { return } __tracing.add(graph.specifier) for (const dg of graph.deps) { if (callback(dg) === false) { return false } if ((Analyzer.walkDependencyGraph(dg, callback, __tracing)) === false) { return false } } }}