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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { ensureDir } from ''import { createHash } from ''import { join } from ''import { existsFile } from '../shared/fs.ts'import log from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import { getDenoDir } from './helper.ts'
/** download and cache remote contents */export async function cache(url: string, options?: { forceRefresh?: boolean, retryTimes?: number }): Promise<{ content: Uint8Array, contentType: string | null }> { const { protocol, hostname, port, pathname, search } = new URL(url) const isLocalhost = ['localhost', '', ''].includes(hostname) const cacheDir = join( await getDenoDir(), 'deps', util.trimSuffix(protocol, ':'), hostname + (port ? '_PORT' + port : '') ) const hashname = createHash('sha256').update(pathname + search).toString() const contentFilepath = join(cacheDir, hashname) const metaFilepath = join(cacheDir, hashname + '.metadata.json')
if (!options?.forceRefresh && !isLocalhost && await existsFile(contentFilepath) && await existsFile(metaFilepath)) { const [content, meta] = await Promise.all([ Deno.readFile(contentFilepath), Deno.readTextFile(metaFilepath), ]) try { const { headers = {} } = JSON.parse(meta) return { content, contentType: headers['content-type'] || null } } catch (e) { } }
const retryTimes = options?.retryTimes || 3 let err = new Error('Unknown') for (let i = 0; i < retryTimes; i++) { if (i === 0) { if (!isLocalhost) {'Download', url) } } else { log.debug(err) log.warn(`Download ${url} failed, retrying...`) } try { const resp = await fetch(url) if (resp.status >= 400) { err = new Error(resp.statusText) continue } const buffer = await resp.arrayBuffer() const content = new Uint8Array(buffer) if (!isLocalhost) { const headers: Record<string, string> = {} resp.headers.forEach((val, key) => { headers[key] = val }) await ensureDir(cacheDir) Deno.writeFile(contentFilepath, content) Deno.writeTextFile(metaFilepath, JSON.stringify({ headers, url }, undefined, 2)) } return { content, contentType: resp.headers.get('content-type') } } catch (e) { err = e } }
return Promise.reject(err)}