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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join } from ''import { ensureDir } from ''import { existsFile } from '../shared/fs.ts'import { Measure } from '../shared/log.ts'import type { ImportMap } from '../types.d.ts'import { getDenoDir } from '../server/helper.ts'import { checksum } from './dist/checksum.js'import init, { parseExportNamesSync, stripSsrCodeSync, transformSync } from './dist/compiler.js'
export enum SourceType { JS = 'js', JSX = 'jsx', TS = 'ts', TSX = 'tsx', CSS = 'css', Unknown = '??',}
export type SWCOptions = { sourceType?: SourceType jsxFactory?: string jsxFragmentFactory?: string}
export type ReactOptions = { version: string, esmShBuildVersion: number}
export type TransformOptions = { swcOptions?: SWCOptions workingDir?: string alephPkgUri?: string importMap?: ImportMap react?: ReactOptions sourceMap?: boolean isDev?: boolean httpExternal?: boolean bundleMode?: boolean bundleExternals?: string[] inlineStylePreprocess?(key: string, type: string, tpl: string): Promise<string>}
export type TransformResult = { code: string deps?: DependencyDescriptor[] ssrPropsFn?: string ssgPathsFn?: boolean denoHooks?: string[] starExports?: string[] jsxStaticClassNames?: string[] map?: string}
type DependencyDescriptor = { specifier: string resolved: string isDynamic: boolean}
type InlineStyle = { type: string, quasis: string[], exprs: string[]}
type InlineStyles = Record<string, InlineStyle>
let wasmReady: Promise<void> | boolean = false
async function initWasm() { const cacheDir = join(await getDenoDir(), `deps/https/`) const cachePath = `${cacheDir}/compiler.${checksum}.wasm` if (await existsFile(cachePath)) { const wasmData = await Deno.readFile(cachePath) await init(wasmData) } else { const { default: getWasmData } = await import('./dist/wasm.js') const wasmData = getWasmData() await init(wasmData) await ensureDir(cacheDir) await Deno.writeFile(cachePath, wasmData) }}
async function checkWasmReady() { let ms: Measure | null = null if (wasmReady === false) { ms = new Measure() wasmReady = initWasm() } if (wasmReady instanceof Promise) { await wasmReady wasmReady = true } if (ms !== null) { ms.stop('init compiler wasm') }}
/** * transform module by swc. * * ```tsx * transform( * '/app.tsx', * ` * export default App() { * return <h1>Hello World</h1> * } * ` * ) * ``` */export async function transform(specifier: string, code: string, options: TransformOptions = {}): Promise<TransformResult> { await checkWasmReady()
const { inlineStylePreprocess, ...transformOptions } = options let { code: jsContent, deps, ssrPropsFn, ssgPathsFn, inlineStyles, denoHooks, starExports, jsxStaticClassNames, map, } = transformSync(specifier, code, transformOptions)
// resolve inline-style if (inlineStyles) { await Promise.all(Object.entries(inlineStyles as InlineStyles).map(async ([key, style]) => { let tpl = style.quasis.reduce((tpl, quais, i, a) => { tpl += quais if (i < a.length - 1) { tpl += `%%aleph-inline-style-expr-${i}%%` } return tpl }, '') .replace(/\:\s*%%aleph-inline-style-expr-(\d+)%%/g, (_, id) => `: var(--aleph-inline-style-expr-${id})`) .replace(/%%aleph-inline-style-expr-(\d+)%%/g, (_, id) => `/*%%aleph-inline-style-expr-${id}%%*/`) if (inlineStylePreprocess !== undefined) { tpl = await inlineStylePreprocess('#' + key, style.type, tpl) } tpl = tpl.replace( /\:\s*var\(--aleph-inline-style-expr-(\d+)\)/g, (_, id) => ': ${' + style.exprs[parseInt(id)] + '}' ).replace( /\/\*%%aleph-inline-style-expr-(\d+)%%\*\//g, (_, id) => '${' + style.exprs[parseInt(id)] + '}' ) jsContent = jsContent.replace(`"%%${key}-placeholder%%"`, '`' + tpl + '`') })) }
return { code: jsContent, deps, ssrPropsFn, ssgPathsFn, denoHooks, starExports, jsxStaticClassNames, map }}
/* strip SSR code. */export async function stripSsrCode(specifier: string, code: string, options: TransformOptions = {}): Promise<TransformResult> { await checkWasmReady() return stripSsrCodeSync(specifier, code, options)}
/* parse export names of the module. */export async function parseExportNames(specifier: string, code: string, options: SWCOptions = {}): Promise<string[]> { await checkWasmReady() return parseExportNamesSync(specifier, code, options)}
/** * The wasm checksum. */export const wasmChecksum = checksum