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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { extname, join } from ''import { esbuild, esmLoader } from '../bundler/esbuild.ts'import { toLocalPath, computeHash } from '../server/helper.ts'import { existsFile } from '../shared/fs.ts'import log, { Measure } from '../shared/log.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import type { Aleph, LoadInput, LoadOutput, Plugin, PostCSSPlugin } from '../types.d.ts'
const test = /\.(css|pcss|postcss)$/iconst postcssVersion = '8.3.6'const postcssModulesVersion = '4.1.3'const productionOnlyPostcssPlugins = ['autoprefixer']const isModulesPluginName = (v: any): v is string => (typeof v === 'string' && /^postcss\-modules(@|$)/i.test(v.trim()))
/** builtin css loader */export const cssLoader = async ({ specifier, data }: LoadInput, aleph: Aleph): Promise<LoadOutput> => { const ms = new Measure() const { css: cssConfig } = aleph.config const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(specifier)
// Don't process remote .css files if the cache is disabled if ( (isRemote && specifier.endsWith('.css')) && ( cssConfig.cache === false || (cssConfig.cache instanceof RegExp && !cssConfig.cache.test(specifier)) || (Array.isArray(cssConfig.cache) && !cssConfig.cache.some(r => r.test(specifier))) ) ) { return { code: [ `import { applyCSS } from ""`, `export const href = ${JSON.stringify(specifier)}`, `export default {}`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(specifier)}, { href })`, ].join('\n') } }
// Don't process .css files in ./public folder if ( !isRemote && specifier.endsWith('.css') && !(await existsFile(join(aleph.workingDir, specifier))) && await existsFile(join(aleph.workingDir, 'public', specifier)) ) { return { code: [ `import { applyCSS } from ""`, `export const href = ${JSON.stringify(specifier)}`, `export default {}`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(specifier)}, { href })`, ].join('\n') } }
let sourceCode = '' let css = ''
if (data instanceof Uint8Array) { sourceCode = (new TextDecoder).decode(data) } else if (util.isFilledString(data)) { sourceCode = data } else { const { content } = await aleph.fetchModule(specifier) sourceCode = (new TextDecoder).decode(content) }
let postPlugins = cssConfig.postcss.plugins || [] let modulesJSON: Record<string, string> = {} if (/\.module\.[a-z]+$/.test(specifier)) { const options = { ...(util.isPlainObject(cssConfig.modules) ? cssConfig.modules : {}), getJSON: (_specifier: string, json: Record<string, string>) => { modulesJSON = json }, } let hasModulesPlugin = false postPlugins = => { if (isModulesPluginName(plugin)) { hasModulesPlugin = true return [plugin.trim().toLowerCase(), options] } if (Array.isArray(plugin) && isModulesPluginName(plugin[0])) { hasModulesPlugin = true return [plugin[0].trim().toLowerCase(), { ...options, ...plugin[1] }] } return plugin }) if (!hasModulesPlugin) { postPlugins.push([`postcss-modules@${postcssModulesVersion}`, options]) } }
// init postcss with plugins const postcss = await initPostCSS(postPlugins, aleph.mode === 'development')
// postcss: don't process large(>64k) remote css files if (isRemote && specifier.endsWith('.css') && !specifier.endsWith('.module.css') && sourceCode.length > 64 * 1024) { css = sourceCode } else if (postcss !== null) { try { const ret = await postcss.process(sourceCode, { from: specifier }).async() css = ret.css } catch (err) { css = sourceCode log.warn('postcss:', err.message || err) } } else { css = sourceCode }
if (!Deno.env.get('DENO_TESTING')) { try { const ret = await esbuild({ stdin: { loader: 'css', sourcefile: specifier, contents: css }, write: false, bundle: true, minify: aleph.mode === 'production', plugins: [esmLoader], }) css = util.trimSuffix(ret.outputFiles[0].text, '\n') } catch (e) { } }
ms.stop(`process ${specifier}`)
if (specifier.startsWith('#inline-style-')) { return { type: 'css', code: css } }
return { code: [ `import { applyCSS } from ""`, `export const css = ${JSON.stringify(css)}`, `export default ${JSON.stringify(modulesJSON)}`, `applyCSS(${JSON.stringify(specifier)}, { css })`, ].join('\n'), // todo: generate map }}
export const isCSS = (specifier: string): boolean => test.test(specifier)
async function initPostCSS(plugins: PostCSSPlugin[], isDev: boolean) { const postPlugins = await Promise.all(plugins.filter(p => { if (isDev) { if (util.isFilledString(p) && productionOnlyPostcssPlugins.includes(p)) { return false } else if (Array.isArray(p) && productionOnlyPostcssPlugins.includes(p[0])) { return false } } return true }).map(async p => { if (util.isFilledString(p)) { return await importPostcssPluginByName(p) } else if (Array.isArray(p)) { const Plugin = await importPostcssPluginByName(p[0]) if (util.isFunction(Plugin)) { return Plugin(p[1]) } return null } else { return p } }))
if (postPlugins.length === 0) { return null }
const { default: PostCSS } = await import(`${postcssVersion}?no-check`) return PostCSS(postPlugins)}
async function importPostcssPluginByName(name: string) { const url = `${name}?deps=postcss@${postcssVersion}&no-check` const { default: Plugin } = await import(url) return Plugin}
export default (): Plugin => { return { name: 'css-loader', setup: aleph => { aleph.onResolve(test, () => ({ acceptHMR: true })) } }}