import { Aleph } from "";
The class for Aleph server runtime.
common compiler options
apply compilation side-effect caused by updating dependency graph.
create bundled chunks for production.
create the index html for SPA mode.
initiate runtime
init the module by given specifier, don't transpile the code when the returned source
is equal to null
check the module whether it is hmrable.
check the module whether it is page.
check the file whether it is a scoped module.
check the page whether it supports SSR.
replace dep hash in the jsBuffer
and remove csrCode
cache if it exits
render all pages in routing.
watch file changes, re-compile modules, and send HMR signal to client.
add a dist.
add a module by given path and optional source code.
build the application to a static site(SSG)
compile the module by given specifier
create a fs watcher.
create main bootstrap script in javascript.
fetch module source by the specifier.
get the first module in the modules map where predicate is true, and null otherwise.
get api route by the given location.
get scripts for html output
get ssr data by the given location(page), return null
if no data defined
lookup app deps recurively.
parse the export names of the module.
remove the fs watcher.
render page to HTML by the given location