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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { Untar } from ''import { Buffer } from ''import { readAll } from ''import { green, blue, dim, red, cyan } from ''import { ensureDir } from ''import { join } from ''import { gunzip } from ''import { ensureTextFile, existsDir } from '../shared/fs.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'import { defaultReactVersion } from '../shared/constants.ts'import { VERSION } from '../version.ts'import { deno_x_brotli, deno_x_flate } from '../server/compress.ts'
export const helpMessage = `Usage: aleph init <name> [...options]
<name> represents the name of new app.
Options: -t, --template <path-to-template> Specify a template for the created project -h, --help Prints help message`
export default async function ( template: string = 'hello-world', nameArg?: string,) { const cwd = Deno.cwd() const rev = 'master'
const name = nameArg || (await ask('Name:')).trim() if (name === '') { return }
if (!/^(@[a-z0-9-~][a-z0-9-._~]*\/)?[a-z0-9-~][a-z0-9-._~]*$/.test(name)) { console.error(`Invalid project name: ${red(name)}`) return }
const hasTemplate = await util.isUrlOk('' + template)
if (!hasTemplate) { console.error( `Could not use a template named ${red(template)}. Please check your spelling and try again.`, ) Deno.exit(1) }
// check dir is clean if (!await isFolderEmpty(cwd, name)) { if (!await confirm('Continue?')) { Deno.exit(1) } }
// ask to create vscode files const vscode = await confirm('Using VS Code?') const vercel = await confirm('Deploy to Vercel?')
// download template console.log('Downloading template. This might take a moment...') const resp = await fetch( '' + rev, ) const gzData = await readAll(new Buffer(await resp.arrayBuffer()))
console.log('Apply template...') const tarData = gunzip(gzData) const entryList = new Untar(new Buffer(tarData))
for await (const entry of entryList) { if (entry.fileName.startsWith(`alephjs-templates-${rev}/${template}/`)) { const fp = join( cwd, name, util.trimPrefix( entry.fileName, `alephjs-templates-${rev}/${template}/`, ), ) if (entry.type === 'directory') { await ensureDir(fp) continue } await ensureTextFile(fp, '') const file = await, { write: true }) await Deno.copy(entry, file) } }
const gitignore = [ '.DS_Store', 'Thumbs.db', '.aleph/', 'dist/', ] const importMap = { imports: { '~/': './', 'aleph/': `${VERSION}/`, 'aleph/types': `${VERSION}/types.d.ts`, 'aleph/web': `${VERSION}/framework/core/mod.ts`, 'aleph/react': `${VERSION}/framework/react/mod.ts`, 'react': `${defaultReactVersion}`, 'react-dom': `${defaultReactVersion}`, }, scopes: {}, } await Promise.all([ Deno.writeTextFile(join(cwd, name, '.gitignore'), gitignore.join('\n')), Deno.writeTextFile( join(cwd, name, 'import_map.json'), JSON.stringify(importMap, undefined, 2), ), ])
if (vscode) { const extensions = { 'recommendations': [ 'denoland.vscode-deno', ], } const settigns = { 'deno.enable': true, 'deno.unstable': true, 'deno.importMap': './import_map.json', } await ensureDir(join(name, '.vscode')) await Promise.all([ Deno.writeTextFile( join(name, '.vscode', 'extensions.json'), JSON.stringify(extensions, undefined, 2), ), Deno.writeTextFile( join(name, '.vscode', 'settings.json'), JSON.stringify(settigns, undefined, 2), ), ]) }
if (vercel) { Deno.writeTextFile( join(name, 'vercel.json'), JSON.stringify({ functions: { 'api/**/*.{j,t}s': { runtime: 'vercel-aleph@0.6.0' } } }, undefined, 2), ) }
// cache deps in import maps console.log('Cache deps...') const urls = Object.values(importMap.imports).filter((v) => !v.endsWith('/')) const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), 'cache', ...urls, deno_x_brotli, deno_x_flate], stderr: 'inherit', stdout: 'inherit', }) await p.status() p.close()
console.log('Done') console.log(`${green('Aleph.js is ready to go!')}${dim('▲')} cd ${name}${dim('▲')} aleph dev ${dim('# start the app in `development` mode')}${dim('▲')} aleph start ${dim('# start the app in `production` mode')}${dim('▲')} aleph build ${dim('# build the app to a static site (SSG)')}
Docs: ${cyan('')}Bugs: ${cyan('')}` )
async function ask( question: string = ':', stdin = Deno.stdin, stdout = Deno.stdout,) { await stdout.write(new TextEncoder().encode(question + ' ')) const buf = new Uint8Array(1024) const n = <number>await const answer = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.subarray(0, n)) return answer.trim()}
async function confirm(question: string = 'are you sure?') { let a: string while (!/^(y(es)?|no?)$/i.test(a = (await ask(question + ' ' + dim('[y/n]'))).trim())) { } return a.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === 'y'}
async function isFolderEmpty(root: string, name: string): Promise<boolean> { const validFiles = [ '.DS_Store', '.git', '.gitattributes', '.gitignore', '.gitlab-ci.yml', '.hg', '.hgcheck', '.hgignore', '.idea', '.travis.yml', 'LICENSE', 'Thumbs.db', 'docs', 'public', 'api', 'pages', 'src', 'app.tsx', 'aleph.config.ts', 'import_map.json', 'mkdocs.yml', ]
const conflicts = []
if (await existsDir(join(root, name))) { for await (const { name: file, isDirectory } of Deno.readDir(join(root, name))) { // Support IntelliJ IDEA-based editors if (validFiles.includes(file) || /\.iml$/.test(file)) { if (isDirectory) { conflicts.push(blue(file) + '/') } else { conflicts.push(file) } } } }
if (conflicts.length > 0) { console.log( [ `The directory ${green(name)} contains files that could conflict:`, '', ...conflicts.filter(name => name.endsWith('/')).sort().map(name => dim('- ') + name), ...conflicts.filter(name => !name.endsWith('/')).sort().map(name => dim('- ') + name), '' ].join('\n') ) return false }
return true}