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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { join } from ''import { cache } from '../server/cache.ts'import util from '../shared/util.ts'// @deno-types=""import { build, stop, Plugin } from ''
export { build as esbuild, stop as stopEsbuild}
export const esmLoader: Plugin = { name: 'esm-loader', setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/ }, args => { const isRemote = util.isLikelyHttpURL(args.path) const path = isRemote ? args.path : util.trimPrefix(args.path, 'file://')
if ( args.kind === 'url-token' || (args.kind === 'import-rule' && (isRemote || path.startsWith('/'))) ) { return { path: path, external: true } } if (isRemote) { return { path, namespace: 'http-module', } } if (args.namespace === 'http-module') { return { path: (new URL(path, args.importer)).toString(), namespace: 'http-module', } } if (path.startsWith('.')) { return { path: join(args.resolveDir, path) } } return { path } }) build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: 'http-module' }, async args => { const { content } = await cache(args.path) return { contents: content } }) }}