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import type { Aleph, LoadInput, LoadOutput, ResolveResult, Plugin } from '../types.d.ts'import marked from ''import { safeLoadFront } from ''import util from '../shared/util.ts'
export const test = /\.(md|markdown)$/i
export const markdownResovler = (specifier: string): ResolveResult => { let pagePath = util.trimPrefix(specifier.replace(/\.(md|markdown)$/i, ''), '/pages') let isIndex = pagePath.endsWith('/index') if (isIndex) { pagePath = util.trimSuffix(pagePath, '/index') if (pagePath === '') { pagePath = '/' } } return { asPage: { path: pagePath, isIndex } }}
export const markdownLoader = async ({ specifier }: LoadInput, aleph: Aleph): Promise<LoadOutput> => { const { framework } = aleph.config const { content } = await aleph.fetchModule(specifier) const { __content, ...meta } = safeLoadFront((new TextDecoder).decode(content)) const html = marked.parse(__content) const props = { id: util.isString( ? : undefined, className: util.isString(meta.className) ? meta.className : undefined, style: util.isPlainObject( ? : undefined, }
if (framework === 'react') { return { code: [ `import { createElement } from ''`, `import HTMLPage from ''`, `export default function MarkdownPage(props) {`, ` return createElement(HTMLPage, {`, ` ...${JSON.stringify(props)},`, ` ...props,`, ` html: ${JSON.stringify(html)}`, ` })`, `}`, `MarkdownPage.meta = ${JSON.stringify(meta)}`, ].join('\n') } }
throw new Error(`markdown-loader: don't support framework '${framework}'`)}
export default (): Plugin => { return { name: 'markdown-loader', setup: aleph => { aleph.onResolve(test, markdownResovler) aleph.onLoad(test, input => markdownLoader(input, aleph)) } }}